The Helianx Proposition/page 35
Those who have studied the morphology of biological life on the many inhabited planets of the seven superuniverses have commented on the unexpected uniformity of the physical bodies of most intelligent life forms. There were exceptions, of course. Aquatic species might come in many different shapes and sizes, but on most habitable worlds the indigenous intelligent species were recognizably and surprisingly similar. Sentient life in most cases has appeared to favor a bilateral, symmetrical, humanoid, physical form, regardless of size and evolutionary origin. And perhaps more significantly, this similarity has become progressively more common in the recent eras of the Multiverse.
The wisdom of this arrangement can be observed in the interest and excitement with which a planet's inhabitants will greet the universe broadcast news from other worlds, and in the ease of identifying that all created beings are part of one universal family. It also allowed for a sense of familiarity amongst the various species that attain interstellar travel when, they encountered one another in their explorations. The vastness of the Multiverse ensured that these encounters were relatively rare occurrences, which only served to heighten the mutual delight when their paths did eventually cross. As different tribes of aboriginal nomads might move across the continents of their home planet, meeting other nomadic groups in their wanderings and gathering in their corroborrees, these interstellar extraterrestrials enjoyed celebrating their encounters with dance and song and the telling of the stories that defined them.
There were a very few amongst the most ancient of these intergalactic travelers who had mastered the high science necessary to manipulate wormholes as a technique for moving rapidly through the space/time continuum. This had resulted in most of the travel between planets being relatively localized, almost always restricted to those solar systems within the travelers' galaxy of origin.
Space travel has tended to follow much the same arc of development on all technologically advanced worlds. After an initial burst of enthusiasm and some investigations of nearby planets, the inhospitable conditions and the harsh reality of interstellar distances gradually ends up discouraging further exploration. In most cases, a race's ability to move into space is paralleled by an era of rapid spiritual development on its home planet. All planetary cultures, space-faring or not, ultimately evolve from their animal natures to their race's highest spiritual and intellectual potential. At a certain point in this evolution, when each individual has reached a point of inner realization, the entire planetary culture enters the period of psychic synchronization known as being "Settled in Light and Life" by the Multiverse Administration (MA). As the race shifts to a higher frequency it meets new and different challenges. And so it goes, climbing ever-upward on the grand ladder of Creation, a seemingly endless process of self-perfection, both individual and communal, until the entire living Multiverse becomes one harmonious, dynamic, Whole.