The Helianx Proposition/page 62
Many thousands of years passed as the original mission of the Prince's Staff, in spite of the courageous attempts of the loyalists,
descended into internecine struggles, and ultimately, into chaos.
The rebel factions discovered that by posing as gods and goddesses,
they were able to more effectively manipulate human actions and intentions.
The revelation, originally delivered by the Prince and his Staff,
of a single Creative Spirit whose Hand lay behind all of Creation,
became lost in the more immediate claims and demands of those posing as divinities.
Fear of the unknown, coupled with what appeared to Noe to be a hard-wired instinct
to worship what was powerful and what they did not understand,
left the humans particularly exposed to the machinations of the rebels.
As the situation amongst the Prince's Staff had spun further out of control, it was obvious to Noe that the humans themselves were changing. The challenges posed by the web of constantly shifting rivalries between these renegade factions had driven the humans, through a perverse sort of natural selection, to higher levels of functional intelligence. This appeared to Noe to accompany an increase in individuation which, over time, gradually closed them off to the telepathic demands of these quasi-divinities.
Other calamities had also befallen the Prince's Staff as a result of the Prince's decision to throw in his lot with the celestial rebellion. Since the central issue was one of freedom, the local Multiverse Authorities responded by simply giving the rebels what they wanted, and had subsequently isolated from the larger Multiverse context all the 37 worlds aligning themselves with the rebellion. Extraterrestrial visitors were to be much more carefully monitored; celestial intervention was to be minimized to the absolutely essential; and the offending worlds were left to work out matters on their own.
More unfortunate, however, for the original 100 Prince's Staff--the ones with the humanoid bodies was MA's decision to selectively filter out some of the incoming cosmic rays. The staff's extreme personal longevity was dependent on a complex electrochemical interaction in their bodies that was promoted by just these cosmic energies. It was a bitter realization of failure. Unable to sustain themselves, one by one, loyalist and rebel alike, whatever had been each ones' expressed belief, had fallen ill over time, and had died. Their offspring, the Midwayers, not reliant on the energies that sustained their parents, lived on over the generations of humanity to enter history as the divine pantheons of the ancients.
Cultures rose and fell, as different gods and goddesses gained ascendence, then overreached, only to be replaced by another set of power-hungry and ambitious self-proclaimed divinities. Great civilizations blossomed briefly and then dissolved in a series of planetary disasters. Massive earthquakes swept entire islands into the ocean; volcanic eruptions buried ill-placed cities in rivers of molten rock; famine and disease, in spite of all the prayers to the various deities, continued to sweep unabated through the human races. These were dark times for the planet so carefully chosen by the Helianx as the one, hopefully, that would ensure their eventual survival.