The Helianx Proposition/page 63
When the Multiverse Authorities discem that a planet has reached a stage of development
at which the civilizing effects of the Prince's mission were intended to have taken root,
and the indigenous natives would have lost some of their animal belligerence,
then MA decides to send down a second mission.
Whereas the first intervention was designed to upgrade humanity through a long period
of skillful social engineering, the purpose of the second, almost half-a-million years later,
was primarily intended to tweak the genetics of the human races.
This was achieved by placing on the planet a pair, a male and a female,
of extraordinarily fertile intraterrestrials, with bodies fashioned to cope
with the physical conditions of the world in question.
Their countless offspring were then planned to interbreed with the indigenous natives,
thus introducing into the human genome what MA colloquially called, Violet Blood.
Although this was a well-established custom, practiced on all planets harboring intelligent life, Noe was aware from hir intergalactic adventures that under normal conditions the actions of the local Prince's Staff would have carefully prepared the way for the arrival of the intraterrestrial pair. But this was clearly not a normal planet and despite the efforts of the few who had remained loyal to the dictates of MA to welcome the arrival of the couple. it was a sorry place that greeted them. Tribes of fearful natives, their lives dominated and controlled by thoroughly questionable entities, fought endless wars for the satisfaction of their counterfeit divinities. Many of the innovations introduced by the Prince's Staff, so many thousands of years earlier, had fallen into disuse, and then had been forgotten. As their time was running out some of the Staff had ignored their superiors, mating illicitly with natives and producing generations of unintended genetic mutations. The city that the Prince's Staff had so lovingly constructed in the early years of their mission had long since sunk under the encroaching waters of the Red Sea, dispersing the survivors to make their own way in the world.
So, instead of finding a neat, well-organized world on their arrival, the two intraterrestrial botanists were met with chaos and all the challenges posed by the evident failure of the previous mission. Noe was probably the only being on the planet who was wholeheartedly delighted to register their presence. Making sure to stay well outside the pair's telepathic reach, sHe was able to sense them trying to settle into their new home on a fertile peninsular jutting into one of the central seas. Thus, Noe was able to drift close to the shore, while still remaining undetected.
Silently sHe watched these two beautiful individuals-and for such large, ungainly creatures, all Helianx possessed a surprisingly fine aesthetic sense--as the couple attempted to encourage their small band of dispirited companions. Each of the pair was almost twice as tall as the largest of the natives and yet to Noe's eyes, both were elegantly proportioned with long, slim, limbs and open, innocent faces. To Noe, they appeared to glow with health and were surrounded by a shimmering violet aura.