The Helianx Proposition/page 71
Noe gathered hir ancient wits about hir and gently propelled hirself forward, sending waves of telepathic reassurance rippling ahead of hir as sHe started hir song.
First quietly, like the wind in the trees and the calls of small animals and birds;
then, as sHe approached the fascinated intraterrestrial botanists,
hir song grew fuller and more complex, as sHe superimposed deeper and deeper
layers of meaning on the subtle rhythms, painting psychic pictures with sound in their minds.
SHe sung of hir ancient connections, of the Helianx and the demise of their planet; of hir race's endless galactic wanderings and its many discoveries; of the Great Ship and hir beloved kin, fast asleep in a state of suspended animation; of the terrible waste of all that knowledge, should sHe fail in hir mission and the Helianx were to die out as a result. SHe sung of hir long exile on this planet and all the massive changes sHe had witnessed: the comings and goings of the ice sheets; the tragic die-offs and the sudden mutations; massive volcanic eruptions that darkened the sky for years; earthquakes and asteroids that helped shape the continents; the extraterrestrial colonies that arrived and then departed---or, had disappeared under the waves; the rise of the mammals and the ultimate emergence of human intelligence.
Empathically feeling the couple's interest deepen, Noe modulated hir song to paint more recent events; the chaotic failure of the previous mission and the inexorable descent into madness of so many of its survivors; of how they were masquerading as gods and goddesses and of their bullying, manipulative ways and how they have held their human followers in a thrall of fear ...
Noe paused momentarily when sHe realized how minimally the scientists had been briefed on the true conditions on the planet. Growing more confident and sensing that the pair had become completely absorbed in hir story, sHe resumed hir song with a crescendo of harmonics as sHe eased hirself closer. Now sHe could see them sitting close and hugging each other in a forest glade, a single beam of sunlight turning their fair hair into a golden tangle. They were beautiful creatures--the very apogee of bipedal development. Sitting tall and straight, with muscular, bronzed bodies and a nobility of bearing that even Noe, of a very different species, found unexpectedly moving. Having kept the pair under telepathic observation since their arrival, Noe was quite aware of the difficulties the scientists were facing. In the light of this, and what must be the high strangeness of hir own unusual presence, sHe could only admire their serenity. Now the three of them were in the clearing together bathed in soothing golden sunlight. Noe's sinuous body sparkled with iridescence as sHe slowly circled the beautiful pair, drawing them closer into hir ecstatic embrace, while hir winnowing song hung in the air weaving a sequence of hallucinatory visions in the minds of the entranced couple.
Noe rejoiced in their complete lack of fear, reveling in their delicious, welcoming sexuality. SHe loved their obvious intelligence and their open, honest hearts. In those moments sHe knew sHe had made the right decision and that whatever lay in the future, hir race's destiny would be inextricably and intimately involved with the fate of these two beings. And, of course, their children, and their progeny, even until this world is settled in Light and Life.