The Helianx Propostion/page 6
The space glider, an immense biomorphic structure, was first created as an astral hologram in the collective, creative imagination of the Helianx.
Over the aeons, this race had excelled at co-creating tremendous theatrical productions, entirely in their collective imagination. Each individual Helianx was able to visualize the elaborate performance projected on their eidetic screens, adding their own idiosyncratic touches as the show developed. Not only were these performances endlessly entertaining, but they were the main way by which the Helianx kept the long history of their race as a living tradition, with each individual participating in shaping the overall vision.
So important were these psychic extravaganzas to the Helianx that considerable effort was put into training their young in the art of manipulating and transforming astral energies into the grosser frequency of consensus reality. They were helped in this by being able to work with liquid light, a technique they had adopted after hearing about it on the broadcast circuits from another advanced species.
In this manner all Helianx eventually became skilled at playfully molding, and then downstepping, small packets of astral energy, using sonic holography to further crystallize the higher frequencies into material reality. However, creating, and then manifesting, something as large as the space glider had never been attempted before.
As the design grew in size and complexity, each individuai Helianx held the image as an astral hologram, floating freely in the group mind. When they had completed the modifications and incorporated all the ideas of the best thinkers of their race, they placed the Great Ship in orbit around their planet on the lower astral frequencies. Then, with the gentle help and encouragement of an invisible agency that the Helianx had long acknowledged as the Supreme Being, and by dint of what they could only imagine as celestial collaboration, the Helianx found themselves able collectively to lower the vibrational frequency of their enormous imagined craft so as to allow it to exist within their physical reality.
Having spent so much of their long lives as an underwater species, the Helianx were particularly aware of the multilayered structure of the Multiverse. Also, throughout their extensive history of out-of-the-body travel they had come to appreciate the vast abundance of life on virtually every frequency available. It was this knowledge that had encouraged the Helianx to take on the frantic final effort to extract themselves from a seemingly impossible situation.
Time was getting short and the twin suns of Womb Planet burnt down relentlessly on a world that was rapidly dying--through no fault of its unfortunate inhabitants. Not surprisingly, this created a deep and lasting psychic scar on this ancient race, mitigated somewhat by the wisdom of the Elders, who pointed out that they might well have needed this sharp jolt to get them off Womb Planet and out and into the vast physical Universe, to meet an entirely new destiny.