The Shanti Christo Foundation
At first glance, the Shanti Christo Foundation can be seen as a non–profit organization solely dedicated to disseminating the transformational teachings of Jeshua ben Joseph (Jesus) by making available the great body of work you’ll find within this website.
But it is much more than that.
Shanti Christo is one expression of a vibration of the process whereby Heaven is brought to Earth. Shanti Christo means “the Peace of the Anointed One”. It is a vision from Jeshua of a “way” to truly remember we remain all we are created to be: The perfect thought of Love in form.
As more of us come together in perfect safety, in perfect vulnerability, to celebrate and to heal anything unlike Love - that is, all of our mis-perceptions that lead to suffering and lack, fear and loss - we can have the experience of realizing there is a power in us that far transcends anything life can hand us.
The result of a collective of many minds awakened as Christ and choosing to teach only Love, is the transcendence of time and space and limitation and fear. Peace then returns and the “atonement” or the uplifting of the Sonship is completed. Awareness of God is revealed.
We extend the invitation to you to join us in this grand experiment. You have the power to manifest this vibration which is Shanti Christo, the Peace of Christ, with us.
Throughout this site you’ll find references to Jeshua and His remarkable teachings and you’ll have the opportunity to purchase His formal lessons called The Way of Mastery. Many other recordings from the years 1994-1999 are also available.
Shanti Christo Foundation can be reached through their website, by mail at P.O. Box 3132, Ashland, OR 97520 or by phone at 505-216-7541.