47:5 The Third Mansion World

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47:5.1 Mansonia the third is the headquarters of the Mansion World Teachers. Though they function on all seven of the mansion spheres, they maintain their group headquarters at the center of the school circles of world number three. There are millions of these instructors on the mansion and higher morontia worlds. These advanced and glorified cherubim serve as morontia teachers all the way up from the mansion worlds to the last sphere of local universe ascendant training. They will be among the last to bid you an affectionate adieu when the farewell time draws near, the time when you bid good-bye—at least for a few ages—to the universe of your origin, when you enseraphim for transit to the receiving worlds of the minor sector of the superuniverse.

47:5.2 When sojourning on the first mansion world, you have permission to visit the first of the transition worlds, the headquarters of the finaliters and the system probationary nursery for the nurture of undeveloped evolutionary children. When you arrive on mansonia number two, you receive permission periodically to visit transition world number two, where are located the morontia supervisor headquarters for all Satania and the training schools for the various morontia orders. When you reach mansion world number three, you are immediately granted a permit to visit the third transition sphere, the headquarters of the angelic orders and the home of their various system training schools. Visits to Jerusem from this world are increasingly profitable and are of ever-heightening interest to the advancing mortals.

47:5.3 Mansonia the third is a world of great personal and social achievement for all who have not made the equivalent of these circles of culture prior to release from the flesh on the mortal nativity worlds. On this sphere more positive educational work is begun. The training of the first two mansion worlds is mostly of a deficiency naturenegative—in that it has to do with supplementing the experience of the life in the flesh. On this third mansion world the survivors really begin their progressive morontia culture. The chief purpose of this training is to enhance the understanding of the correlation of morontia mota and mortal logic, the co-ordination of morontia mota and human philosophy. Surviving mortals now gain practical insight into true metaphysics. This is the real introduction to the intelligent comprehension of cosmic meanings and universe interrelationships. The culture of the third mansion world partakes of the nature of the postbestowal Son age of a normal inhabited planet.

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