Category:Ascension Career
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Pages in category "Ascension Career"
The following 165 pages are in this category, out of 165 total.
- 109:0 Relation of Adjusters to Universe Creatures
- 112:0 Personality Survival
- 112:6 The Morontia Self
- 113:7 Seraphim and the Ascendant Career
- 119:5 The Fifth Bestowal
- 119:6 The Sixth Bestowal
- 1987-03-11-The Departing Soul
- 1987-04-16-UFO's Communication
- 1987-05-28-Calmness, Power of Positive Thinking
- 1991-12-02-Thought Adjuster Communication Is Unmistakable
- 1991-Ham, Complete Archives, Part 2
- 1992-07-19-Three Areas of Evil
- 1992-09-30-I Am Going to Salvington
- 1992-12-00-Will
- 1993-02-23-Gabriel Relays Michael's Message
- 1993-02-28-Understanding God's Love
- 1993-09-05-Patience
- 1993-10-10-Greed
- 1993-11-05-Our Own Self Enemy
- 1993-11-12-Ascension Plan
- 1993-12-01-Elyon
- 1993-12-23-Tallahassee, FL, Early Transcripts, Part 4
- 1994-02-02-Elyon
- 1994-04-06-Elyon
- 1994-06-03-Trust and Have Faith
- 1994-07-03-Do Something, Become Something
- 1995-07-28-Worry
- 1995-12-30-The Supreme Being, Planetary Fusion
- 1996-05-02-Stamina
- 1997-02-01-Pope Paul & Mother Theresa
- 1997-08-24-Snow Mountain Conference
- 1998-04-05-Qualities For Mighty Messenger Status
- 1998-10-18-Teacher Contact
- 1998-12-06-Conversion
- 1998-12-14-Spiritual Growth, Part 1
- 1998-12-14-Spiritual Growth, Part 2
- 1999-09-14-Head Hunting
- 2000-06-09-Learning to Hear
- 2001-01-07-The Ascension Career
- 2001-01-14-Various Aspects of Deity, Part 2
- 2001-03-30-Male & Female
- 2001-07-15-Teaching Mission Phase 2
- 2001-10-28-Love Missions
- 2001-12-20-Thought Adjusters
- 2002-03-10-Discernment, Healing & Wholeness
- 2002-03-24-God & Gender
- 2002-07-14-Description of Work of Most Highs
- 2003-10-19-Ambassadorship Freedom
- 2004-03-14-Progress, Miracles
- 2004-07-29-What You Prepare Now
- 2004-10-04-The Universe Career & Difficulties
- 2005-01-30-Surviving the Oncoming Spiritual Flood
- 2005-12-29-Amazing Array of Talents
- 2006-01-08-Your Arduous Journey
- 2007-09-20-Ascension Partnership
- 2008-02-04-Catch-Twenty-Two Situation
- 2008-02-15-Those Now In Higher Spheres
- 2008-02-21-Magisterial Mission Coordinated With Other Worlds
- 2008-03-24-Abraham & Mary
- 2008-05-26-The Brevity of Your Stay on Urantia
- 2008-07-03-Role of Thought in Ascension
- 2008-08-28-The Spiritual Veil Grows Thin
- 2009-09-21-What Cannot Be Predicted
- 2009-11-14-Grief and Ascension
- 2010-02-02-The Journey to Paradise
- 2010-03-12-Monjoronson Special Session 6
- 2010-08-29-Form of Employment
- 2010-10-13-Monmacion
- 2011-01-06-A Pearl of Great Value
- 2011-01-17-Virtual Reality
- 2011-02-04-The Value of Mortal Creatures
- 2011-05-01-Love Is Made Perfect in Weakness
- 2011-05-16-Coming Events
- 2011-07-10-Gift of Being Alive
- 2011-07-12-A Journey Into the Unknown
- 2011-09-22-Angels and Default
- 2011-11-13-Right-Mindedness, Ascension Mindedness
- 2011-12-02-Ascension and Manifestation
- 2012-04-22-The Vital Ingredients
- 2012-06-17-The Final Agreement
- 2012-08-05-Message for the Heart
- 2012-11-13-God's Promise
- 2012-12-04-Conversaciones con Monjoronson 66
- 2012-12-04-Conversations Avec Monjoronson 66
- 2012-12-04-Conversations with Monjoronson 66
- 2013-01-06-The Viewpoint of Eternity
- 2013-01-27-N. Idaho TeaM
- 2013-03-23-Guilt and Self-flagellation
- 2013-07-01-Immortality
- 2013-09-26-Transition to Ascension
- 2014-02-14-Path of Excellence on High
- 2014-05-31-The Great Plan, Life and Purpose
- 22:2 The Mighty Messengers
- 22:3 Those High in Authority
- 22:4 Those Without Name and Number
- 22:5 The Trinitized Custodians
- 22:6 The Trinitized Ambassadors
- 22:8 The Creature-Trinitized Sons
- 22:9 The Celestial Guardians
- 24:6 The Graduate Guides
- 24:7 Origin of the Graduate Guides
- 26:5 The Pilgrim Helpers
- 26:6 The Supremacy Guides
- 26:7 The Trinity Guides
- 26:8 The Son Finders
- 26:9 The Father Guides
- 40:0 The Ascending Sons of God
- 40:1 Evolutionary Seraphim
- 40:10 Ascendant Destinies
- 40:2 Ascending Material Sons
- 40:3 Translated Midwayers
- 40:4 Personalized Adjusters
- 40:5 Mortals of Time and Space
- 40:6 The Faith Sons of God
- 40:7 Father-Fused Mortals
- 40:8 Son-Fused Mortals
- 40:9 Spirit-Fused Mortals
- 43:1 The Constellation Headquarters
- 43:7 The Univitatia
- 43:8 The Edentia Training Worlds
- 43:9 Citizenship on Edentia
- 44:0 The Celestial Artisans
- 44:1 The Celestial Musicians
- 44:2 The Heavenly Reproducers
- 44:3 The Divine Builders
- 44:4 The Thought Recorders
- 44:5 The Energy Manipulators
- 44:6 The Designers and Embellishers
- 44:7 The Harmony Workers
- 44:8 Mortal Aspirations and Morontia Achievements
- 45:1 Transition Culture Worlds
- 45:6 Adamic Training of Ascenders
- 46:0 The Local System Headquarters
- 46:1 Physical Aspects of Jerusem
- 46:2 Physical Features of Jerusem
- 46:5 The Jerusem Circles
- 47:0 The Seven Mansion Worlds
- 47:1 The Finaliters' World
- 47:10 Jerusem Citizenship
- 47:2 The Probationary Nursery
- 47:3 The First Mansion World
- 47:4 The Second Mansion World
- 47:5 The Third Mansion World
- 47:6 The Fourth Mansion World
- 47:7 The Fifth Mansion World
- 47:8 The Sixth Mansion World
- 47:9 The Seventh Mansion World
- 48:0 The Morontia Life
- 48:1 Morontia Materials
- 48:2 Morontia Power Supervisors
- 48:3 Morontia Companions
- 48:4 The Reversion Directors
- 48:5 Mansion World Teachers
- 48:6 Morontia World Seraphim—Transition Ministers
- 48:7 Morontia Mota
- 48:8 The Morontia Progressors
- 49:0 The Inhabited Worlds
- 49:1 The Planetary Life
- 49:6 Terrestrial Escape