2011-05-01-Love Is Made Perfect in Weakness
Topic: Love is Made Perfect in Weakness
Group: At Large
Teacher: Siraya
TR: Paul Conklin
My dear child this is Siraya, the voice of the Father. How it pleases me that you are becoming ever more aware of the Father’s love on this humble sphere Urantia. You often wonder why things are so hard here. You often wonder why things have to be so difficult. You often wonder what is the point of it all. It seems to you that things are so pointless. Why the endless struggle? Why the never ending anxiety and regret? I don’t understand, you say.
My dear child I say this to you because it is so true. In the worlds of time and space where you are advancing through the evolutionary process love is made perfect in weakness. Do you imagine that love could be made perfect in imperfection? Well, there are a myriad of living beings that have been created in perfection. They have a love that is supernal. They have ideals that are legendary. They have impeccable morals and ethics. But my child they were made that way. I don’t say this by way of criticism. That is simply how they were made.
But you my child and all of your brethren did not start out your lives in this way. You were born in imperfection and immaturity. Everything that you have achieved you have earned through your hard work and your determination. You have fought for every scrap. You have struggled for every crumb. You have often advanced while lying on the earth lamenting your fate. But I tell you my child that you and all of your brethren are the most blessed ones in all of the universe. For you are acquiring all of these things through your own efforts. You are earning it. Yes, you are really earning it.
These things that you are going through are responsible for the growth of God The Supreme in this universe age. This finite God is benefitting from all of your hard work and determination. Oh, your brethren created in perfection do not have to struggle such as all of you struggle. But how they long to be where you all of you are. How they long to experience the ages long struggle to find the Eternal One. How they long to earn their perfection.
They are loving beings. They are kind beings. They are understanding beings. But they do not know what it feels like to be imprisoned and to work towards perfection while languishing in the prison holes of your own minds. They do not understand how to love when there is so much hate around. They do not know hatred. They only know love. But you my child and all of your brethren know what it is like to love while being surrounded by the morass of anger, despair, contempt and anguish. There is a poignant poetry about it all my child. While you are all surrounded by such things you refuse to hate. You learn to love. You experience love from within yourself and you struggle to give out that love.
Do you see my child? The wisdom of the Eternal One is on display again. For the Eternal One knew that such tried and tested living beings would be so filled with His supernal love that any temporary anguish on your parts would be well worth it. There is something to be said about the relentless struggle. There is something to be said about your indefatigable spirit in the face of innumerable odds. No matter how many times you fall to the ground you arise again. You are determined to try again. You will not fail. You feel that in your heart. There is a kind of cockiness in your heart. There is a stubbornness born of a world steeped in rebellion. Hah! Who says that I cannot be like the Father? So you rise again. No one will tell you that you cannot do it. Those are fighting words you may say. But it is those very things my child that builds within you fire resistant materials. This experience is building within you an indestructible heart. Do you think that you will ever fail after going through this? You will become like the Rock of Gibraltar. Your strength will be legendary. This will happen because you were born in this way. You were born in a way that requires you to earn everything that you have.
My child, whenever you are attempted to give up remember that love is perfected in weakness. There is a kind of beauty, a grace in motion that can never be stopped. There is grace and beauty in weakness because in such weakness true love is born. This true love could not have been born in any other circumstance save for the circumstance of experience on an evolutionary world. Oh, how your perfect brethren want to have your experience. Oh, how your perfect brethren want to earn the love that you have acquired. Oh, they eagerly hang upon your every word as you describe the incessant struggle.
All of us see it my child. We see the love that is developing in you and in your brethren. What a song of beauty it is. What a precious gift you all are. Children of imperfection reaching out for that perfect love that is just within their grasp. Keep reaching out. Keep grabbing hold. For you will latch on and that perfect love will be yours. The seemingly endless struggle is well worth it my child. Because love was born on the shores of rebellion. Love was born in the hearts of imperfect ones striving for perfection. Your love was made perfect in weakness. And now that love is indestructible. Now that love is something that all of your brethren long to have. For in your heart of hearts love was born in weakness and in imperfection. A love story for the ages was crafted on the crucible of weakness born into your hearts. And in such weakness love was born nevermore to die.
I am Siraya, the voice of the Father crying out. May your love be made perfect in weakness.