2011-01-17-Virtual Reality
Topic: Virtual Reality
Teacher: Monjoronson
TR: Vince
Monjoronson: I find myself wondering when some of you ones will ever wake up to the enormity of the changes taking place in your world. It is as if so many people are living as a caricature of a TV soap opera, speaking shallow lines learned long ago, and repeating them over and over with less than full conviction.
One of my main tasks is the education of people in the spiritual sciences, and before anyone asks if “spiritual” and “science” are two separate matters; no they are not. How do you educate people who don’t want to learn and don’t even realise there are many things to learn in a spiritual dimension, as opposed to a religious one. Because religion in your world is one of the diversionary institutions, weaving untruths amid the truths with the intention of preventing humanity from learning the truth about their own divine reality, I use “spiritual” in place of “religious”.
There is more thought given to your teas and dinners than there ever is with nourishing the inner being at the very heart of you, and there will be those who accept what is written in their religious instruction manuals, rather than bothering to find out the truth for themselves. In the same way that so many people are hooked on convenience foods to save the time they haven’t got, so the religions offer pre-packaged philosophy with which to nourish the soul. But, if you have ever cooked a potato and mashed it into a creamy and nourishing food, compare that with the ingredients on a packet of instant mashed potato which has to be rehydrated, and you will find it falls very short of the real thing.
Your religions of the world also fall short in educating you into the truths of who you really are and where you come from, how many lives you have already had, and how to contact and stay connected to your true Creator God, Christ Michael Aton. Their “god” is a hollow idol compared with the real thing and as different as chalk is from cheese. By cutting out a goodly percentage of the truth, you are immediately confronted with truth and lies mixed in together, and so very many people have fallen for this trick over millennia.
Ascension Career
Where is this “heaven” or “nirvana” of theirs? Is it just a storage space for souls, when the individual is “dead”, never more to walk your Earth again? How is it that so many people believe in the oft quoted mythical nature of the place where you will be stored when you are “dead”? What of their wrathful “god” who instils such dreadful fear in much of humanity, as to give birth to the term “a god fearing person”?
My word, I certainly don’t recognise Christ Michael from those descriptions, for He is a being of immense unconditional love, and the realms you cannot see contain all manner of beautiful places teeming with all kinds of life, including humanity. As I write this with Vince, he cannot see me, but he can feel my long hair and my robe as he sits at the computer typing the words I give him telepathically. I can see you as you are reading this, but you can’t see me.
Because you can’t see me, does that mean I don’t exist and if I don’t, then all that is invisible to you also doesn’t exist; that’s how the theory goes. Take that to its logical conclusion and then you have no God, and the Universe was created with a big bang and there was no form of intelligence behind its creation, and the Earth is the only place in the Universe which contains intelligent life. Thus mankind reigns as the supreme intelligence, and everything you actually know can be proved by your material sciences.
If this kind of philosophy which is believed by much of mankind on your planet wasn’t so sad, it would almost be funny; but in reality it is no joke at all. It prevents individuals from developing their own understanding of the true nature of Creation and the Spiritual Hierarchy. But if one of your prime religious leaders came to you and told you that their books were correct, their philosophy was the truth and their “god” and their religion was the only true spiritual path to walk, would you believe them; for if you do, there is no shortage of their instant mashed potato philosophy to swallow.
And that’s the problem with instant mashed potato, in that you can’t make fries with it, or jacket potato, or roast potatoes, or boiled potatoes. It isn’t as adaptable, it isn’t as flexible, and it isn’t wholly true; yet this philosophy is what millions of people across your world ingest, hoping to nourish their spirituality. Believe whatever you want to, or nothing at all, but I’m here to tell you that you are missing out on a large part of your heritage, if you think along those lines.
Your true heritage has been stolen and replaced with an artificial one loaded with junk ingredients, and it is designed very carefully to mesh in alongside the money, power and greed societies which have been created for you to live in. You gave your freedom away because you weren’t interested in reality, but preferred the ready made solutions to your problems, which others were eager to offer you, which made them rich and powerful and kept you in material and spiritual poverty, compared with your true heritage.
You were born into a world for this incarnation, and the white lines had already been painted on the playground floor, and you had to toe the line, for if you didn’t you were labelled as a “bad” child. You learned that if you did what you were told and followed the rules; walked the walk and talked the talk which they wanted you to, then you would get a good job and a house and a car.
Did you really fall into that trap, and fall into line and become a virtual battery hen, with at least a third of your resources taken from you to provide the fat cats at the top of the pile with their wealth? They are very pleased with the arrangements, and have devised ways for you to give even more to them, isn’t that generous? Of course, you must work all the time to keep them in the style to which they are accustomed; oh yes, did I mention that you can keep a little of the resources, as you may still be able to afford a house if you work for thirty years and pay by instalments with a hefty interest rate, you may also be able to feed your family too. But your food and goods will often come from foreign countries where their “slaves” will grow and make your things for a pittance, which will be shipped to your locality and you will be charged a high price for them.
It’s very sad, isn’t it; but that’s what happens when you let people do things for you that you should do for yourselves. It also means there aren’t many people as a percentage of the global population, for me and beings like me, to help educate. We can tell them these truths of how they have been deceived, but most of them won’t believe it; we know because we have tried. What we are left with is a cowed society without much idea of reality, living in a dreamlike construct, which is all they know. Battery hens indeed!
To some people, this will seem outrageous, as if I am challenging the very bedrock on which your society is built, and there will be a few who already know these truths, and yet more who say that you only live once and there is no God. Then there are the ones in the middle, who have really never even thought about it and live their lives inside a bubble of virtual reality. Oh how I wish we could reach them and show them the way forward to an understanding of actual reality, but though we knock hard upon their doors, they mostly will not answer. Will they be so hard of hearing when the Earth shakes and the volcanoes roar, and your once stable planet reminds you that things will never be the same again, as remodelling is in progress with the population still in situ?
If you stand upon the deck of a sinking ship, you will find that many people around you are searching for their Creator for once in their lives, even though that’s leaving things to the last minute. I expect the same will apply when Planet Earth appears to be no longer the stable and friendly home it once was, and we must hope that these ones will look for solace in the appropriate place, not on the convenience food shelves.
Well my dears, there is turbulence coming to a street near you, or to a field or coastline, so if you haven’t discovered your God, or found the truth which has been kept from you; now would be a good time to start looking within for the answers; rather than when the lifeboats are launched.
The current unstable weather patterns and those of late 2010, are a sure sign of worse to come and when the remodelling takes place a lot of people are likely to be frightened; but you can’t make an omelette without breaking eggs, as your saying goes. The aim is a greatly enhanced planet and an altogether nicer place to live, which is in your best interests; but the processes involved cause turbulence, so you’d best prepare yourselves.
God bless you my dear ones.
I am Monjoronson of the Spiritual Hierarchy bringing you this message through Vince. 17th January 2011