1999-03-14-Time and Space
Topic: Time and Space
Group: Woods Cross TeaM
Teacher: Abraham
TR: Nina
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings and welcome. I am always intrigued by your ideas and enthusiasm to search for truth. I am perceiving you are understanding our lesson on Father's time. It would interest you to know the various available morontia associates that are here now on Urantia to aide in this upliftment of morontian thinking. As we travel through this course, know that these are individual directors and associates that can aid you in your understanding of the new senses, yes.
As you learn to become more aligned with Father's will, are you in His time; your faith is certainly strengthened by awaiting His orders; your anxiety is reduced, knowing Father has your eternal career under careful watch. As you recognize your internal time begin to become more familiar, you can almost actually manipulate time; you have an overall understanding as to the questions of "Why is my life moving in this direction or that?"
Your internal Father also works with those morontial helpers to calculate the best path for you to find Him on. How wonderful it is to venture towards those morontial possibilities where you can exclaim "Father, allow me to allow you to make me more than I am." Yes.
In your discoveries of the internal time clock do you also discover that space falls within this category and interconnects with time. Space to you now is before your eyes or things only scientists speak of. You will also receive understanding to the definition of the Universal space... space in an inward sense.
Stillness, Spacetime
During times of stillness, the lines of your surroundings becomes erased. A good stillness practice feels there are not borders between you and the unseen worlds; there are not borders between you and the other spiritual beings; there are not limitations to the Divine Love to be gained.
Stillness practice broadens your concept of space to allow you literal and tangible feelings of real closeness with Father and all He has to offer. As you study these morontial possibilities, time and space are the beginning lessons, but, without them - we could not move onto further understanding--other realities, yes.
During the Master's most memorable events on Urantia, were possibilities due to his broadened vision of feeling at one with Father and His divine possibilities. Jesus' ventures into the hills of Galilee to gain quiet time did more than just give comfort and clarity of mind, it had also erased the limitations that living in a mortal body brings.
As a child, we are wide-eyed and expectant of the magic of mortal living. As time goes on, the material realities can get the better of us and our creative imagination. The world becomes harsh, you find the world your competitor and always with the desire to be first - to go before your fellows. A spiritual awakening does alleviate your desires to be first, but the material limitations linger without stillness practice.
Stillness practice erases the lines of time and space allowing Father to direct the affairs in the manner He sees fit. The erasing of the lines of the time and space allow for more spiritual substances to grace your lives. The Master could move forward with confidence in everything He did having understood Father's abilities. This understanding came through meditation and His dedication to living out this mortal life--good or bad.
Again, I ask that you practice stillness and be prepared for the lines of time and space to be erased to allow for a stronger foundation of faith and an increase in the belief that the spiritual world is at hand. The possibilities are endless.
No questions this evening am to tend to other matters. I would though, give you my love and ask that you be aware of those morontial associates as they are assisting you. Until next week, shalom.