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Pages in category "Spacetime"
The following 74 pages are in this category, out of 74 total.
- 116:2 The Almighty and God the Sevenfold
- 118:0 Supreme and Ultimate-Time and Space
- 118:3 Time-Space Relationships
- 118:9 Universe Mechanisms
- 11:5 Nether Paradise
- 11:6 Space Respiration
- 11:7 Space Functions of Paradise
- 11:8 Paradise Gravity
- 12:1 Space Levels of the Master Universe
- 12:4 Space and Motion
- 12:5 Space and Time
- 130:7 At Carthage—Discourse on Time and Space
- 15:0 The Seven Superuniverses
- 15:1 The Superuniverse Space Level
- 15:10 Rulers of the Superuniverses
- 15:11 The Deliberative Assembly
- 15:12 The Supreme Tribunals
- 15:13 The Sector Governments
- 15:14 Purposes of the Seven Superuniverses
- 15:2 Organization of the Superuniverses
- 15:3 The Superuniverse of Orvonton
- 15:9 Circuits of the Superuniverses
- 16:0 The Seven Master Spirits
- 1987-06-28-Look for Good News Too
- 1991-Ham, Complete Archives, Part 2
- 1992-06-30-Reality
- 1992-10-07-Love, (Norson Substitutes)
- 1993-04-05-Quiet Time, Your Place
- 1997-02-02-Correctedness & Adaptability
- 1999-03-14-Time and Space
- 1999-03-28-Nature of Perception
- 2002-01-20-Spiritual Energies in Time and Space
- 2002-05-05-Time
- 2004-05-13-Magisterial Son Helpers
- 2004-12-12-Attention to Michael & Mother Spirit
- 2005-03-22-Sphere Of Creation
- 2006-02-13-Soul Of Time & Space
- 2007-11-08-Disparate Realities And The Notion Of Pre-existence
- 2009-06-02-What Is Outside of Space
- 2009-12-22-Monjoronson Q and A Session 80
- 2010-04-28-Monjoronson Q and A Session 98
- 2011-02-24-Space and Time
- 2011-10-03-Opening Your Mind
- 2011-10-31-Conversations with Monjoronson 31
- 2013-02-22-Consequences of Time Space Creation
- 28:0 Ministering Spirits of the Superuniverses
- 28:1 The Tertiaphim
- 28:2 The Omniaphim
- 28:3 The Seconaphim
- 28:4 The Primary Seconaphim
- 28:5 The Secondary Seconaphim
- 28:6 The Tertiary Seconaphim
- 28:7 Ministry of the Seconaphim
- 31:2 Gravity Messengers
- 32:3 The Evolutionary Idea
- 32:4 God's Relation to a Local Universe
- 32:5 The Eternal and Divine Purpose
- 33:0 Administration of the Local Universe
- 33:2 The Sovereign of Nebadon
- 33:4 Gabriel—The Chief Executive
- 33:5 The Trinity Ambassadors
- 33:6 General Administration
- 33:7 The Courts of Nebadon
- 33:8 The Legislative and Executive Functions
- 34:0 The Local Universe Mother Spirit
- 34:1 Personalization of the Creative Spirit
- 34:3 The Son and Spirit in Time and Space
- 34:4 The Local Universe Circuits
- 35:0 The Local Universe Sons of God