1999-07-04-Collection, Malcom & Muriel
Topic: Collection, Malcom & Muriel
Group: Hamilton TeaM
Teacher: Bertram, Malcom, Muriel
TR: Tara Logan
Session 1
- This session is a duplicate of this lesson
- July 4, 1999
TARA: Is there a message this morning?
BERTRAM: Greetings, little one! It is our pleasure to be with you once more. We have a message you to bring to those in your immediate arena on Urantia. We want you who are now called, and who are aware of your calling, to now go with us to the next phase of this Teaching Mission.
Preparation, Correcting Time
There is a great and mighty work to be done on earth in preparation of the times ahead for your beloved Urantia. We need your visual demonstration of the Father’s love to all his children. Only through you and your loving actions does the world see the religion of Jesus in action upon the earth. Pause in your daily rush in life to see, actually see, and understand and love your brother. Pause to take time with him, to share with him, to listen to him and to interact with him. One at a time, moment by moment, gently lead him into the Father’s embrace that you so richly enjoy. Help him to understand the Fathers’ love for him. Demonstrate to him the growing “fruits of the spirit” in your own lives through your loving service to him, your confiding trust and confidence in the promises of the Father.
Indeed, you are all children of the Gods, and are in preparation daily for your eternal life to be shared with them and with each other. Now, must you begin to live in peace and harmony and in love with one another. You must take the TIME now. Time is what the Father has given you so that your experiences can take place in an orderly sequence of understanding, learning, and growth. As we have said before perfection attainment does not occur in an instant but is a continual growing process which will take eons of time in your space time environment and is purposely created for you and for this purpose.
Now must you begin to put into practice what you have been learning, as you learn, reaching back helping others in their search and quest for the meaning of life, now and forever. In like manner have we come “leaning back” to assist and aid you in your spiritual growth and development. Always on your ascension path, will you see this teaching method in action. Do you not remember how even as little ones, brothers and sisters, you were reaching back to help the youngest one learn the ways established in the earthly family unit. Your parents were also reaching back helping you in your growth to maturity. The principle has always been and continues to be the same in all walks of life where there is human, morontial and spiritual interaction.
But alas, not all family units or socialized family units on such a backward planet, coming out of rebellion, have had such normal experiences with positive influences. Negative influence is also taught in the same manner, to your present continual sorrow and pain. But even that situation is provided for in the plan of the Fathers, should lessons not be learned in this life time, they will be learned on the transition worlds of time and space.
So do we now call you to do your part now to further the Father’s will on earth. Be a living example of the truth now revealed to you, by the Fathers, to aid you in your spiritual growth day by day, so that you can be prepared to help others.
You must now put these principles into positive action in your daily and personal life. The world must see the religion of Jesus in action, in service. You are truly His ambassadors of the kingdom on Urantia, prepared and being prepared to represent Him to His children in time and space. Therefore, let the ”Fruits of His Spirit” shine forth in your life as you exemplify Him to all you meet each day.
I now leave you this fine rainy morning to be about the Father’s work. Deliver these messages to those called, for their enrichment and growth in the family of God.
Your teacher and friend Bertram.
Session 2
- July 6,1999
TARA: Is there a message tonight?
MALCOM: Yes, little one. We would like to bring you a lesson regarding the practice of going into the stillness and there to commune with the Father within.
First ask yourself, do I really believe the Father dwells within me? Does a very part of Him, His spirit essence truly live there and experiences my life with me moment by moment? Has He really given to me a living fragment of His being called my Thought Adjuster?
If you really and truly believe that He is there within; if you truly have this living faith in the Universal Father to so dwell there as He has promised, then you can have faith that He can hear you and commune with you, and be a very part of your life.
We encourage you to take time each day and sit in quiet communion with Him and believe and have confiding trust that He is there with you. In faith take hold of the divine hand that reaches out to you, as you reach out to Him in faith and trust. Experience His love there and His peace which He shall give you. Be refreshed in your spirit and know that you are so dearly loved, a child of His. Within you He is ever nourishing and guiding you in your soul development.
You are never alone in this walk with God. Walk with Him daily. Turn to Him not only in times of need, but also as you go about your daily tasks each day and when you stop to enjoy the beautiful bounty of all His creations about you. Remember the joy you experienced watching the wee ant carry his load to his nest and the trials he overcame in getting his load home? Simple things like this bring you closer to the Father. By analogy; the Father also watches over you and rejoices with you as you overcome your own trials and adversities on the way home. There is so much you can learn from the world around you, if you are watchful and alert and let the Father share in your walk of life and teach you.
Never forget how very much the Father loves each and every one of you. He is your Eternal Parent, your Father, and some day you will meet with Him face to face on His Eternal Isle of Paradise. Now in this time, you can commune with Him in the spirit and come to know Him as the loving Father He is of all His creatures, here also in the universes of time and space.
Remember our lesson regarding the plan of God? It is a sure plan of ascension set in motion for all God’s children in time and space to guide them on their way home and He has promised never to leave you nor forsake you on that long and adventurous journey, not now or in the future. Your faithful personal Adjuster will ever be with you, now and for all eternity.
I leave you now to think on these things.
Your ever faithful guide and teacher, Malcom
Session 3
- July 9, 1999
ORAL TRANSMISSION at Judy Nyland’s home, Hamilton, Ont.
(Unfortunately Judy’s beautiful prayer could not be heard clearly for transcribing)
TARA: Our Father, we ask that you be here in our presence and bless what is to transpire.
We give ourselves in dedication to your work and to your world. Do guide and direct us now. We are ever thankful for your love and tender kindness towards us. We ask that your teachers now come to us and teach us what is needful for us tonight. We thank you, Father.
TEACHERS: Greetings to you all. It is our pleasure to be with you this evening, to see you gathered here. We realize and appreciate the dedication of your being here, that you are aware of your calling and the need. Yes, it is indeed needful that you be here because we have put on your shoulders the duty and responsibility of leadership in this area. Do not be fearful of your calling. The task may seem enormous. "Where do we go from here?" This is what you are asking, what you are wondering, where the mission now stands, how can we do our part, how can we be more effective?
Little ones, realize that it is for us all to be responsible to the Teaching Mission that has been brought to us through and by Christ Michael. Each one has a part to play. Never fear because He is with each and every one. Always realize it is His work and we are His instruments on Urantia. He will direct you and guide you each and every day and in every way. We would only ask that you open your hearts and be humbled and dedicated to what we, His teachers, are doing, so you can see the overall picture of where this is all going. He desires that you to be leaders of His flock in this area for Him.
JUDY: Can I ask a question?
TEACHER: Yes, please do.
JUDY: My question is should I continue in my craniosacral studies for the benefit for mankind?
TEACHER: Yes indeed Judy. It is much, much needed. This is a new area, a new study of science that many do not understand, and it is in complete harmony with the forces of nature, within the realm of God’s will. Can we ask why you doubt?
JUDY: I doubt perhaps because of my husband. Should I go ahead and think about myself and forget about him until the situation . ........, since that will be forth coming in due time?
TEACHER: I did not understand the last part clearly?
JUDY: The last part was I would just register and worry about the money part later.
TEACHER: We would ask you to have faith, Judy.
JUDY: O.K., thank you.
TEACHER: We do not want you to alienate your family from you, but it is a work of God you are doing, for you are showing a new way in a new area of healing. To this world, through those you meet, through those you care for, there will be realized a higher plane of learning and teaching.
The physical being dwells not only on the physical plane but also on the mental and spiritual. From those areas do come all illness . ....When the spiritual and mental, emotional and also the will of mankind is out of balance and out of harmony, then due to these reasons, come all manner of illness to the physical body. This is not well understood by this world today, in this age. You are breaking a new way, you are pioneering in your new chosen area of study, learning, teaching and service. Do not give up, Judy.
Just as your work is in harmony with the forces, so must you look at your personal issue with your husband and with your financial circumstances as well, these too, will also come into harmony. As you do your work in faith, so go in faith that your relationship will be fine and that much understanding will come and that possibly the trip you are planning will bring more understanding between you and your loved one. Does this help?
JUDY: Yes, thank you very much, that is wonderful. I thank you.
TEACHER: You are welcome Judy. Does Lorne have a question?
LORNE: Yes. Should the students of the Urantia Book use the positive events happening in Europe, for example the political and economical unity that is taking place. The great humanitarian effort presently going on, on going, could this be an indication of the movement towards those great ideals as expressed in the Urmia Lectures, page 1485-1490 of the Urantia Book? Regarding spiritual sovereignty and political sovereignty?
TEACHER: Hmm! You ask much Lorne? First the present situation in Europe. Absolutely. There are many things happening on the world scene that you do not understand.
Many forces are at work for good and evil. We only ask that you pray daily that the good forces will overcome that evil, that good will come out of any transaction that is taking place in Europe for the betterment of mankind on your planet Urantia.
Know that the overall drive is for total brotherhood and peace on earth. It can only be done through the physical human instruments that are called into these positions of leadership. Pray for their wisdom, that they will draw upon their inner guidance of their Thought Adjusters, for the Adjusters are working among these souls as well, as you well understand. We will see coming out of this strife and turmoil, better ways. Mankind is trying his best to raise and uplift himself, but he has not yet realized that the true answers that he needs is in the Urantia Book.
The papers that you mentioned could be of great benefit to these leaders if they would only have access to them, and if they would read them. What is happening and transpiring now may have to our eyes, your eyes, little results but in the long run, in the long term, progress will be made. If you look at the Kosovo problems that you just went through in Europe, horrendous as those situations are, goodness and justice is prevailing, if only in the sense that the world has united to send aid, and to be aware of such atrocities, how mankind can be so unkind and evil to one another, Lessons are being learned here. Organizations and associations, nations, internationally and globally are pulling together to right this wrong. Even the people there who were behind these misguided leaders are changing their ways and their attitudes. It’s hard for you to understand when something is transpiring, when you cannot see the overall picture of what is happening. We have told you so many times that Urantia is in good hands.
The Father loves each and everyone of His children, no matter where they are and no matter what the circumstances. So pray for one another, pray for the innocents, pray for their leaders, pray for the corrupt leaders, that they will have a change of heart, a new perspective. Never underestimate the blessing you have been given to see the overview of society, of the world, to see the global purpose, to see your universal, cosmic, eternal purpose in life.
All is evolving, all is going forward. We cannot disrupt what is laid in place, it would be too disruptive to the world if sudden change came. Change has to come through international effort, through local action, through personal action, through personal lives that must change. Change has to come from within each individual, each heart, one on one, one nation upon one nation. It must come forth through the human heart, through society, through communities, through towns, through villages, through nations.
Yes, change will come. The age of Light and Life will come. Just have faith that all is going according to plan, that Urantia indeed is in good hands and Christ Michael is overseeing all that is going on. Appreciate your part in this Teaching Mission for it is very unique among all universal efforts. Small as it is, but like a grain of mustard seed, it will grow. We are here to enlarge upon the Urantia Revelation, the Fifth Revelation brought to you.
Has this helped? Is there anything further that is needful?
LORNE: That was very, very good. I am highly appreciative and I do have another question or two if you will take it?
TEACHER: Yes, thank you.
Urantia Movement
LORNE: We have been meeting and studying the Urantia Book continuously for twenty years.
During that time many people have joined with us for varying periods of time and left. There has been no growth in numbers. We have tried at all times to let the message in the book speak for itself. Are we remiss in some way?
TEACHER: It is very timely you should ask this question, for Tara herself has been wondering about this very same thing and how as a group membership can be increased.
What are you doing that is not conducive to growth? It is not that you are doing anything wrong. Could it be that you are seeking another level of service, of presenting this Revelation? Maybe it is time that you as leaders begin to inspire others on a personal level. You must ask yourself, when a new person comes to your meeting, what do they see? How can you shine forth and be a light to those little ones who come? How can you inspire the people there to study deeper? To be more dedicated and to speak out of what they believe when they leave you group and go on their way?
Maybe the place that you should start with your group, is to begin to teach the lessons of the "fruits of the spirit" so that each one can take home with them a new aspect, a new understanding, and a way of applying those fruits in their lives. As we have said so many times in these transmissions that this is the way we show forth that demonstration of righteousness, that is through our daily lives, in our daily living.
When someone comes, welcome them with open arms. We are not saying that you do not. But make them feel at home, that they have found something very, very special. Which it is! The perspective of this, from our side, is that the people brought to you will be brought to you as they are needful of your guidance and fellowship. Truly it is in our hands to inspire and lead those people to you. Your part is to be there and be true ambassadors of the Kingdom, that they may see your good works, your fruits of the spirit in your lives and come to know that you have something very special to offer them that they will grow and love also, the teachings that are there for them.
We would admonish you to go on as you are being faithful to your calling and what you have been called to do. We will guide you and lead you in the days ahead as you open your heart and listen to what we have to say and putting what we say into practice, for only then will you be able to be true leaders to guide these little ones in their search and in their growth.
We would ask the three of you to be faithful and dedicated to your cause and calling.
We will further guide you in the future.
JUDY: I have another question.
JUDY: I have been reading the books of "God Calling" and the issue of reincarnation is expounded in there disproportionately, and (not clearly heard) this information, won’t join Teaching Mission, that there is no such thing. Can I please have verification for this book makes me so confused about the way its explained and it seems so logical yet on the other hand we know about the cellular (not heard clearly). Could you care to explain? Thankyou.
LORNE: I think that was "Conversations With God."
JUDY: Oh, "Conversations With God." I stand corrected. Thankyou, Lorne. Yes, it’s not "God Calling," it’s "Conversations With God."
TEACHER: Thank you Judy for your question. This is a big issue. I think the way to address this for you is to ask you to think about where these sources are coming from. There have been many, many books written which claim to be from God speaking or from Christ speaking or from the angels speaking. The book market is rampant with these so called inspired revelations. Why would it concern you when you have the true revelation. Can you not put this book aside and trust and have faith in the very true revelation which has been given to you?
JUDY: Yes, I can, but there seem to be more and more people being railroaded into this information, and so far I have been able to stand firm in faith. I’m sorry but this is become my belief and one has to make up their minds if they believe God and have faith.
TEACHER: You are absolutely correct, Judy. That is the shame of it when misrepresentation and untruths are taught because the innocents read and believe and then suffer because they are lead away from the truth.
The Urantia Book has the truth and the world needs this book so much. These writings can sometime have their purpose because they are like "stepping stones" as you have experienced in you own life. They lead to truth but they are not complete truth and people are still left still wondering and questioning until they do find the truth and embrace it, and believe it. Then they realize that the Father does not intend for them to go backward, or to relive, or try to improve themselves over and over again on this earth.
You have teachers waiting for you when you pass over, when you advance to the morontia worlds. There these misconceptions will be straightened out and you will there learn and/or relearn the truth.
There is in all these writings a touch or truth, a bit of truth here and there, which spark the inner soul. The Spirit of Truth and the Thought Adjuster in each individual is always working for the benefit of that person. The human mind is like a sponge, it takes in, it absorbs, it questions. But have faith that the Adjuster there is adjusting their thoughts and guiding them homeward. Each person is on their own and different path.
It’s not our responsibility, or your responsibility as mortals of the earth to, shall we say for you to dwell in fear of what people are learning because the Father is in charge; He is overseeing; it is the Gods who are overseeing this work. The very work of this planet is the work of their hands, evolution is ever evolving, if nothing else these literary works are making people aware that there is a God, a Father, that can be communicated with, that He’s personal? What would you say is the value that this book is presenting in it’s overall context? There may be parts here and parts there that you do not agree with but can not these people be inspired?
There may be grains of truth contained but not the whole truth and possibly when someone finally finds the Urantia Book, then they will know they have found the truth, and even that as you understand isn’t in it’s full completeness because you are given only what you are able to understand in each age, in each era that you live, that mortal man lives, as you grow and mature, become more scientific, more logical, more intelligent, able to understand the higher concepts yet to be delivered and taught. This is evolutionary progression on the earth. So try not to be confused at what is happening with these books. You can think of many more that have such grains of truth that cause people to become more aware of certain truths but again we will remind you that you are all in good hands and that all is progressing as it should.
What you need to do now is to be faithful in what you have been taught and then a light and teachers of the truth delivered to you. Stand firm in what you believe, in what the Urantia Book has to bring to the people in your group. Make sure they are grounded in the Truths of God and in what the future holds now and forever.
Has that helped, Judy?
JUDY: Yes, that has helped. Thank you very much. I guess I will just allow them their view and I will stick to mine.
TEACHER: Yes indeed Judy, you know the truth in your heart. The essential program that Father has put in place is a forward program of perfection attainment, so do not step backwards in your faith.
JUDY: I won’t!
TEACHER: We know that you won’t, and you will stand firm.......... (end of tape)
Session 4
- July 15,1999
TARA: Is there a message for the Hamilton Study Group for tomorrow night?
BERTRAM: Yes, little one. We would send greetings to you all. It is with appreciation that we see you gathering on yet another humid evening.
We would like to comment further on the transmission of Friday last. The question was brought forth as to how to increase group membership. What can you do as a group?
Naturally, it would go without saying to invite those who show interest to come and join in your fellowship and study. Many are indeed hungry for the spiritual nourishment contained in your text, the Urantia Book. We would encourage you to study a portion of this Revelation daily for your own soul growth and understanding. Then you would be better prepared to answer questions about the contents of the book when called upon. For you see you yourselves are called to be true Ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. Called to be demonstrations of righteousness and truth and love. Called to demonstrate spiritual brotherhood as the very Spirit born children of the Father.
It is the Father’s will that you show forth His "fruits of the spirit" in your daily lives even as manifested in the life of Christ Michael. It is most profitable for you to now study the Masters life and teachings revealed to you in this Fifth Revelation delivered into your hands at the close of this age.
Continue on in your study here and in your private study periods.
Commune with Father in the stillness. Draw close to Him in your prayers and have faith and trust in the truth being revealed to you.
Daily practice the "fruits of the spirit."
Study them and make them a daily part of your life.
Blessed are you to have this knowledge. Come to realize what a great blessing it is to have this understanding and access to this Revelation now in your lives at the close of this century.
You are indeed pioneers, leading the way, showing the way to truth and enlightenment by your daily lives. Each of you have your part to play on your own stage of life. Let the life lived by Jesus be an inspiration for you.
"Life is but a day’s work; do it well."
Do the best you can according to your calling and faith. Then when you are asked you can respond and guide your brothers into study and fellowship with you of the most precious knowledge revealed to mankind today on Urantia.
I leave you for now to think on these things. Your teacher and guide, Bertram.
Session 5
- July 23, 1999
TARA: I could not sleep. I woke thinking about the Kennedy tragedy of this past week.
Why? Such beautiful people with such great potential for the betterment of the earth.
It seems only so short a time we also lost Princess Diana. Why do some families seem to suffer more than others?
BERTRAM: First we send our greetings to you, little one. We have long desired to be in contact with you. We admonish you all to be mindful of your calling, to be dedicated to the trust extended to you as a worker in the fields of the Master. There is much work to be done and we are all well pleased with the plans now being laid for the leadership of your group into the study of the "fruits of the spirit." This is much needed at this time for your faith and soul development.
Trials will surely come upon each and every one of you as you progress through this life in your mortal flesh. Such trials of life, as you have been privy to this past week, comes upon each and every family. The Kennedy family have been a stalwart example to the world of faith in the Father’s love, and of family love and unity.
Why do such tragedies occur? First realize, it is not in our realm, indeed, not our responsibility to sit in judgement of circumstances surrounding such an unfortunate tragedy.
The Father has, indeed, given into the hands of man his own and sovereign free will. This mandate is never violated. Natural circumstances, misguidance, immaturity, unpreparedness, unexpected events can all conspire and come together to produce tragedy and unfortunately the innocent suffer in their involvement. "Being in the wrong place at the wrong time"
Indeed, are you admonished to be "wise as serpents and gentle as doves."
Be yourself prepared for the future as much as possible, even as we have admonished you before. Natural events, such as fierce storms and floods, tornados, earthquakes, landslides, extreme winter weather all have to be prepared for as much as possible. Common sense must prevail in all your human endeavours. There is always the law of "cause and effect" in action. Every action has a reaction, for good or for bad. Do you understand?
Never, never doubt the love of the Father for these little ones who perished together this week, or for any of His children anywhere. Do we need remind you of the tragedies in Kosovo of such recent months? Such pain and suffering, human inflicted upon fellow humans is indeed felt around the world and rises even to our realm.
When will mankind learn to use his free will for the betterment of his world and not for its continual destruction?
This is where the heart of the matter lies. There must be a willful change in the human heart towards a more peaceful nature, away from its more prevalent animalistic behaviours.
Only --
When the love of God is sown abroad in the hearts of mankind, will world peace come.
When all realize that they are brothers.
When they all worship and love one Universal Father.
When they place full sovereignty into the government of God over all the earth.
Such an awakening is indeed coming. The dawn of a new age is upon you, but much work needs to be done. More workers are needed in the harvest fields of the Master. These are just not flowery sentiments. Your dedication and love and efforts are indeed needed.
Therefore be faithful and prepare yourselves daily for the tasks ahead no matter what it is you are each called to do.
Preparation, dedication and loving service are your present goals today.
I leave you now to meditate on this message. Feed the flock.
Your teacher, Bertram.
Session 6
- July 28, 1999
TARA: Is there a message today?
MALCOM: Yes, there is. You have felt our urging and prompting many times. We are here to admonish you and to help you, to strengthen you and to impress upon you the need for sincere dedication, patience and perseverance in your calling.
Tara, there is much work to be done and we have need of you, your talents, your faithfulness, your sincerity and trust and loyalty to this work of the Master which he has called you to be a part now. Never grow faint in your purpose and always will to do the Father’s will in your life and in your actions of service for Him. We have told you many times you have nothing to fear, for we are here and will help and guide and strengthen you in your work for Christ Michael.
You must indeed discipline yourself and make the best use of your allotted time on Urantia.
Your overall health is improving and we know this has been a most trying and recent concern for you. Your upcoming physical assessment of your health in Toronto will set your mind at ease and give you insights as to how to better nourish and strengthen your material body.
Many are being called today and all come from various and diverse physical environments.
All suffer from the many and diverse results of the catastrophic events which have befallen your beautiful planet, Urantia. No one lives in a perfect environment, nor was it ever meant to be so, but it was never intended that it be so imperfect as what you are now experiencing.
There has always been the potential for error, sin, evil and iniquity on such a free will experimental planet such as yours. It has always been the mandate that each evolving son have free will choice in order that there be soul growth for the ascending son and the Supreme.
Yes it is true that you are each "faith sons" now in your mortal flesh, for it is by and in faith that you make your freewill choices to choose the Fathers’ will in your life. Now do you walk in faith, believing that you are indeed sons and daughters of the Universal Father.
You do not yet see what you shall be, what you are called to be, when your perfecting is complete. You must indeed walk in faith, as if in a darkness, unable to see the overall plan the Gods are outworking here below. At any one time, and in any one translation after a transition sleep, you are given more and more knowledge suited for you at that moment in your progression to Paradise. Now are you given what is needful for you at this time, especially the Fifth Epochal Revelation sent down to you in the form of the Urantia Book. Make no mistake how important is this Revelation for your beloved planet Urantia, now and in the future millennium to come. More and more are gradually becoming aware of this revelation given before it’s time. The world, indeed, hungers for the truth.
We would ask that you continue to:
Prepare yourselves for the future ministry to which you are all called to be a part.
Read and study your text.
Grow in knowledge and in the "fruits of the Spirit."
Practice these attributes of the Father in your daily lives.
May those you come into contact with see the Father in you and glorify Him and find Him in their own lives, within themselves, that they may become aware of His indwelling spirit within their own minds, and the Spirit of Truth with in their own hearts. Then are you doing the Father’s will, when you lead these little ones into an awareness of, and into the embrace of the your heavenly and universal Father’s love.
I will leave you now, impressing upon you to listen and respond in your sincerity and faith at our prompting, for we have need to communicate with you in our work for the Father.
There is much work ahead, and you, our T/R’s, are our voices, our hands, our tools for doing the work of Christ Michael on the material arena of Urantia, your most beautiful physical world in time and space. We are a team. You are pioneers leading the way into a new era on Urantia, for its betterment and growth into the coming ages of Light and Life. We are here to serve the children of our Master, Christ Michael and Father, but also to advance Urantia into its glorious place among all the inhabited planets of time and space in Nebadon.
Bertram has been with me in this transmission, for this message is for you, but also for all those who will listen and respond in his area of assignment. We admonish you all to continue in your personal growth and soul development and in your loving service to your brothers and sisters.
We bid you farewell and good day,
Your teachers, Malcom and Bertram.
Session 7
- July 30, 1999
TARA: Good morning, teachers! I feel there is a lesson for today. Please impress upon me what is needful for us today. Thank you.
MALCOM: Tara, you are most formal today! We too greet you good day on this most pleasant and refreshing morning. Soon it will again be very hot in your area on Urantia.
This brings us to the lesson for today. We understand that you have been concerned of late of the changing environmental conditions on your planet. You found some statements of the program you viewed lately saying that environmental catastrophes were acts of God displaying His wrath and punishment upon mankind everywhere on earth today. We know that in your heart you do not believe such statements as truth or divine reality.
Mankind must come to realize that these are, indeed, not acts of your loving heavenly Father.
The Universal Father loves, is love. There is no evil or wrath or sin in Him. It is not the Father’s will that any suffer. He would not and cannot deliberately bring pain and affliction upon His children.
He did not send His Son, Christ Michael, to suffer and die for you. This was totally a horrendous evil and willful act of human beings in their anger and rage and in their blindness against the teachings and revelations of Christ Michael. The Father does not create evil or sin but because of his free will mandate given to mankind the potential for error, evil, sin and iniquity has always been present upon your planet.
The catastrophic weather patterns on your planet today are a result of misguided and willful acts of mankind which have resulted in the present environmentally harmful lifestyles on the planet which you see today. Atmospheric warming, disturbed weather pattens, ocean warming, due to the depletion of ozone in the upper atmosphere, has all conspired to bring upon you these weather conditions today which are far from ideal.
Crops are failing, both animals and humans are suffering worldwide. Though mankind may shake his fists at God and place the blame there; it is not a true reality on your planet. The reality is the planet is indeed suffering from the weight of mankind's mismanagement.
The Father did indeed give into the hand of man the dominion, over care and management of Urantia. Urantia was created and has evolved to be the spawning ground of spiritual babes for the cosmic family of God the Father. In balance and beauty has it evolved to its present splendour and beauty.
Over the ages but especially in the last one hundred years, man has continually and relentlessly polluted and fouled his birthplace in time and space. This was not, and is not in accordance with the will of God. Changes of a global nature must take place before the environment will change.
What will it take for mankind to learn the error of their ways and make a concerted and united effort for change?
Greed for profit and ease for living has outpaced humanity’s wisdom and love for the purity and beauty of his native home. Only when mankind truly begins to love one another and his environment and seeks to do the will of the Father will true health, beauty, goodness and prosperity bless the earth once more.
Always, has free will reigned supreme upon Urantia. Mankind has had full range of that free will to do as he willed upon the earth, but unfortunately not in accordance with the will of God.
Technology has now out raced his wisdom and corrections must come and will come. In every aspect of your environment you can see the corruption and mismanagement of unguided and the blind stumbling of evolving mankind and the results thereof.
But all is not dire, all is not in darkness. Efforts, even supreme efforts of sacrificial proportions are being made to advance the mind set of humanity. Of this, each and everyone of you have your part to play, especially those who love God and will that His will be done on earth.
The Correcting Time will go on into the next century. The work we have begun for the Master will go on into the future. The good works going on world wide by all His children will unite into a mighty effort to set the planet onto the true path towards light and life.
Rejoice and be glad even in your present suffering and discomfort knowing all is truly going according to plan, mankind will learn the lessons needed in time, for the betterment of himself and his beautiful planet home.
I leave you now and wish you Godspeed and success in you efforts for the Master this day.
Your teacher and guide, Malcom.
Session 8
- August 6, 1999
TARA: Do you have a message for us this morning?
BERTRAM: Good morning, little one. It is our delight to be in contact with you this fine summer morning. After your very hot spell, these cooler nights and days are a blessed relief.
Urantia Book, Urantia Movement
All things pass in time, renew and refresh and progress ever forward even when things appear to be confused and backward and distorted. Seeing the whole picture, the whole panorama of the plan of God is indeed difficult in one life time, in any one age, within the evolutionary progressions of time and space.
Indeed must you develop patience, inner trust and living faith. Such enlightenment, such understanding is not accomplished instantly, now, or in the resurrection halls of mansonia. Truth and knowledge of lasting and eternal value are acquired and expanded throughout your eternal career of sonship.
This life is but the beginning. Urantia is your “spawning ground,” your” world of nativity,” “ground zero.” Here, indeed, do you begin as the lowest form of “will creature” in all the Fathers’ vast domains. Great is His mercy and patience towards you, His little ones, indeed. You are as a “new born” in the Father’s household and we are your “nannies” and teachers, here now to nourish and teach you and to expand to you the concepts of truth taught by your Master and Lord, your elder brother, Christ Michael from the Paradise shores of the Eternal Isle.
We will endeavour to guide you in your studies of the “fruits of the spirit” in the coming months. Be watchful and alert and open for we will guide you into the lessons necessary for you, guiding you into deeper understanding and in application of these fruits, as you absorb them into your mind and heart, so that they become a natural part of your personality expression of the Father fragment within each one of you.
The Father wills that His little ones be trained and nourished in His love, and in the eternal truths He has sent and set before you this day.
Blessed are you to have the Fifth Revelation on earth today in its written form, a source of study and inspiration and guidance to right and prosperous and fulfilling life. It is your guide book, your source of expanded truth and knowledge for your planet home in the years and ages to come. It has not yet come into its own, into acceptance, as it will in times to come. You are among the earliest of mankind in this era to be aware of the Father’s Revelation on earth today in this written form.
The planet is indeed being made ready for the future acceptance of this Fifth Revelation to mankind. You are as “pioneers” leading the way, and we are indeed training you to do your part now. Many are being called and many beautiful talents and skills will be utilized in the Father's work each one bringing their own contribution and talent of expression. New secondary works are needed in literature, music, the arts, science, indeed, in every aspect of living is there a need for the Father’s fruits to be expressed in multiple and diverse ways. Just as we are training you, little one, so are thousands of others being trained around the world to do their part in their many and diverse ways, even in the power of prayer and faith and good works.
Remember the apostles of the Master? He called his co-workers from many diverse walks of life each having their own special talent of service right down to the Alpheus twins.
Remember the service of John Mark and his family, believers though not apostles?
Remember the women’s evangelistic corps; the seventy? All had their service to perform.
Now are you engaged in a world wide service, with communications and networks expanded to reach nearly all corners of the earth. The entire planet will be reached, in time, and now are you in a Preparation Time, in a Correcting Time, in a time of seeking and learning and aspiring to greater heights and skill perfection.
Indeed, must it all begin with the inner man first, when you become child-like and willing to learn and to be of loving service to your brothers and sisters near and far.
Indeed, did we tell you much is transpiring and taking place world wide that you know not of now but all will fall into place and into perfect harmony in the years and ages to come in a world wide and global benefit for all mankind.
Indeed do the days seem dark and gloomy and distressing news rampant and distressing times may be ahead for you as cleansing and correction continues.
Do not be fearful or full of anxiety. Urantia is in good hands and you are indeed on the brink of a new age of discovery and expansion of truth, and the true realities of life as never before.
Always remember-
You live on a beautiful planet of duality in all its diversity. From the lowest can you ascend to the highest if you so will, if you so choose, if you so desire.
I leave you now to again think on these things and so bib you have a good and prosperous day in your realms of service.
Your faithful guide and teacher,
Session 9
- August 9, 1999
TARA: Is there a message this evening?
MALCOM: Little one, we would respond to your request. We are ever ready to continue with your lessons when you open to our prompting; when we urge you to come "on line."
Recently you have been reading transcripts from Tomas regarding "soul struggle (?)."
We would like to comment further in this regard.
Each of you come from your own perspective and view life and it’s struggles from your own attitudes and perceived understanding. What would be perceived as a challenge and an opportunity to grow and overcome to one, may well be hard to bear and devastating to another, bringing discouragement and despair in their trials of life.
The secret of how to cope with your struggles in life, is to always ask,
"What is the Father’s will in this matter?"
"What is the meaning and value and lessons to be learn from this present experience?"
You can be assured that "all things work together for good for those who love God and seek to live their lives according to His will."
True it does not always seem so when you are in the "heat" of that struggle and you find you err in your decisions and actions sometimes much to your chagrin and sorrow. How often do you find yourself having said and done things that you know are not pleasing in His sight, after the fact?
Little ones, realize you are not perfect as yet. You are "babes" in the Father’s family. It is indeed His will that you grow up into "spiritual adulthood" and as we have said before your journey into light and life is a process, a continual progression that continues on after this life as well. Waiting for you are your teachers on all your future spheres of learning throughout Michael’s local universe and beyond, all the way to Paradise. It is not expected that you will accomplish all in perfection in this one life. Nor do you return to do it all over again here, as is so often taught and believed by so many of God’s children on Urantia today.
Regardless of what path one walks in this life, it is the heart attitude that is important.
Are you child like in heart and attitude?
Are you teachable?
Are you really sincere in seeking and finding the truth, in finding God the Father himself?
Ever is He available and approachable. You can call on Him and He will hear you. He is nearer than even your hands and feet, for He surely does, and in truth, dwells within your very mind!!
You are indeed His very children, beloved of Him and ever is He loving and merciful towards you in all your struggles, all your soul struggles. Ever is He understanding and patient towards you as you grow and overcome in your "perfecting process."
So lift up your heart and be glad and rejoice, for you are not forgotten in your struggle, neither do you ever walk alone. A host of teachers and angels ever surround each of you and cheer you on, for you are our charges on the evolutionary worlds of time and space.
Now must you walk in faith, living faith, growing faith, and in so doing you will not falter. Christ Michael, Himself, has sent you His very Spirit of Truth to ever guide you in all your walks of life, in all your earthly experiences. Nebadonia surrounds you with her Holy Spirit.
Oft have you heard it said, "If God be for you, who can be against you?" Indeed the way has been made for your every success in all your struggles. "All things work together for good, for those who love God and live according to his will." It can be no other way.
When you live according to His will, then do you indeed develop the "fruits of His spirit within your evolving soul.
Today we want to impress upon you that all is not in vain. Though your trials may at times seem greater than you can endure and cope with, always remember that these experiences in your "earthly school" are for your strengthening and growth, to spur you on to even greater heights indeed, such heights you can not now even imagine! Reach out, for love and support is ever reaching out to you.
I will leave you now to ponder this lesson in the hope that it will refresh, reassure and strengthen you once more in your forward walk of life.
Only remember to lend your brother your helping hand in love and service in his soul struggle. And so remember your spiritual siblings and do what you can to help them along the way also. This, indeed, pleases the Fathers.
Ever, in loving service to you, my brothers and sisters, Malcom.
Session 10
- August 10, 1999
TARA: Thank you so much for the lesson last night. This process is so amazing! You, our teachers, ever surprise us as to what is coming next! There are so few who would even believe in the validity of such a transmitting process. Even I had my reservations and my fears at first, even as I was being taught and trained. Could you explain further what this is all about and how we can improve our part in this work for Christ Michael?
TEACHERS: Our little one, well do we remember your fear and concerns regarding this process of transmitting and receiving. All who take part in this endeavour have the same reservations and apprehensions at first, primarily, because such a process is so new and so newly tried and practised here on Urantia.
You are indeed an experimental planet in Michael’s Universe and Urantia is indeed unique in all of them, for it is here that Christ Michael, Himself, came for His last and seventh bestowal of qualification as sovereign ruler of His universe of Nebadon. Also, as you so well understand, because of the double rebellion and default, your planet has suffered greatly. The need is so great here.
This is, indeed, an emergency mission. We are here under commission of Michael, Himself. We are here to do His will, to enlarge and expand His truth and teachings to all Urantia. We are all engaged in Michael’s Mission. You are our workers in the field. Each of you are called to do your part. All that is asked is that you be humble and teachable; willing in your loving service to your brothers and sisters. Ever be humble and dedicated to the task set before you. Prepare yourselves for the times ahead. Dire correction and readjustment is just ahead. We desire that you be ready and alert and armoured against the trials ahead, in what ever way and in whatever manner, they may come upon you.
Therefore do we encourage you to continue on in your lessons regarding the life and teachings of Christ Michael and in your continuing growth in the fruits of the spirit, for you are our future teachers of the Fifth Epochal Revelation on Urantia today. Some will teach personally, some behind the scenes, some through new music, through new secondary works, through new web sites on the Internet, through alternatives in medicine, through new economics and new ethics and moral teachings, all working together expressing the Father's will on earth.
The truth of the Father’s love to His children of time and space here on Urantia, will someday flood over all the earth. Someday shall all be aware and come to embrace the truth of the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of all Mankind. Then will the age of peace, the age of light and life, begin to dawn on Michael’s beloved planet. This is indeed our goal and our mission in accordance and within the plan of God. We endeavour to aid and to bring your planet into its rightful place within the commonwealth of planets within Nebadon, within the cosmic family of superuniverses of time and space.
The stain of rebellion is being cleansed. Your planet is being purified. Now the circuits are being restored and you are being newly attuned. Spiritual help is now being sent. Allow yourself to be open to receive these messages sent to you through this new mission, newly inaugurated on your planet.
Lay any fears ever aside now and go forward under Michael’s banner of victory. We will all prevail. A new dispensation is upon us as we together go forward into this new millennium so fast advancing. A multitude of leaders are being called and trained and their vast and diverse skills will be utilized for the plan of God which is ever set in motion, in forward progression.
So, little one, do not be amazed or overawed at this process, for all is progressing naturally and according to plan. Michael is well pleased and sends His blessing on all your united efforts in the fulfilling of His mission of love on His beloved Urantia.
I will close now and encourage you to come with confidence and assurance that your enquiries will be heard and answered in accordance with your present capacity for understanding and utilization. This is no strange or mystic process for only a "gifted" few. Indeed, all may enquire in sincerity of heart and purpose and we will hear and respond.
Never must this process replace your daily inner communion with the Father within. NEVER! Pray daily and draw close to the Father, for there do you find your strength and your help and your support in your daily walk with Him to Paradise. We are only your guides and teachers, your "nannies" in the household of God, your fellow siblings in the Cosmic Family of God.
EVER let the Spirit of truth guide you in the ways of Christ Michael. Continue now today to read your text sent to you for this new dispensation now at your door.
We bid you have a good and prosperous day.
Teachers, Bertram and Malcom.
Session 11
- August 12, 1999
TARA: Malcom, I understand that you are my personal teacher, but I am not sure just what that means, that is, am I allowed to ask your advice on personal issues in my life of a material nature? I would like some clarification.
I have been dealing with some personal issues other than spiritual growth and physical health, which has to do with finances and appropriate decisions concerning taking on a debt for a new car. I do need a dependable car as I expect to be doing more travelling in the future, especially transporting clients who are very ill and also more involvement in the Urantia Movement in other areas and cities. Have I made the right decision on buying this car in spite of these initial and costly expenses trying to get it certified?
If this is an inappropriate question please tell me. Also has my attitude been right? I didn’t feel I was over spending initially, but these extra costs have been back breaking and I hate to be so dependent on my son.
I truly needed the computer more for the work and now there is no money!
MALCOM: Little one, little one, how you fret! Did not the Master say that all good comes to those who love God and obey His will? There is nothing wrong in having nice things in your physical life. The wrong is in the love of them. We do not see you loving these things but possibly enjoying them too much when other pressing duties are at hand. We are not harshly reprimanding you here, but bringing to your attention in a most gentle way that you must always strive to restore balance in all things. Did not the Master provide time of recreation for His disciples and are you not His disciple today in His present mission?
All will work out in time. Indeed, are you not learning some strong lessons in patience here? Overcoming obstacle after obstacle in getting you new purchase on the road.
Little one, we desire that your vehicle be absolutely road worthy. Did we not care for you that your breakdown occurred right in the garage parking lot and we did not let you leave on your long journey until this matter was looked after, the car breaking down again on the lot at the highway entrance? It was not meant that you travel this day, so do not be discouraged nor disappointed. We understand that this trip is not just for yourself, but for your friend Cheryl also.
Tara, we do not want any thing to disrupt or deter the work you two have been called to do for the Master. You are most certainly under Christ Michael’s over care and He has charged us to be your teachers and guides and protectors as is His angelic hosts which surround you daily. Did not Tomas tell you that we do literally watch over you even from the tree tops! You are NEVER, NEVER alone! Little one, believe us that we are here to aid and help you in many, many diverse and unexpected ways. No, it is not improper to come on line and ask for personal advice or assistance. We are ever here to serve and help and direct you.
Regarding finances, we know that you are very limited and so does your loving son and his wife. They love you dearly and want to see you about and active and safe in your pursuits and desire that you have dependable transportation. They will see you through and when the time is right do not doubt the tools that you need for this work in your home office will also be supplied.
So go in peace now and be thankful for all the love that surrounds you from so many sources, sources, that you are not even aware of now. All will go well now and you will have a safe and eventful journey.
We look forward to your visit with your beloved Cheryl, and also to the Urantia Retreat in Flesherton with other Urantia Brethren. We will rejoice and enjoy those times with you.
I hope this has helped answer some of your concerns for now.
Call on us. You KNOW that we will answer you.
The peace and love of Christ Michael we leave with you.
Ever in His service and in service to you, Malcom.
TARA: Thank you so very much, Malcom.
Session 12
- August 24, 1999
TARA: Dear Teachers: I am still feeling elated and in a state of ecstasy from all the experiences shared at the Silver Springs Retreat Centre, at the home of Derrick and Sue Tennant, this past weekend, there to celebrate the birthday of our Lord and Master Son, Christ Michael!
It was my first ever meeting with brothers and sisters from areas far and near. It was like we already knew each other and the love between us all was so powerful and wonderful!
It felt like a real taste of what the morontia worlds and eternity will be like!! EVERYTHING was beautiful from the wee babe to eldest "faither," from the beautiful surroundings supplied by Michael to the manmade architecture of the centre homestead.
All weekend truth, beauty and goodness enfolded us!
It was so hard to leave, so hard to say goodbye, yet we knew we would all be together again possibly in this life and also know each other for all eternity! I thought of you, my teachers and somehow sensed your presence.
It was a spiritual and study time, yet a feasting and recreation time also. All was conducted in such beauty and harmony and a wondrous out flowing of love, fellowship and brotherhood honouring the Fatherhood of us all!
TEACHERS: We are your teachers, Bertram, Malcom and Muriel.
Yes indeed we were there in your presence as was Michael, Machiventa and a host of other teachers and visiting celestials on Urantia that weekend, passing through. We did experience with you the joy and lightness and love enfolding your festivities.
Michael was indeed pleased and honoured and immensely enjoyed His time with you all, from strolling among the wee ones fishing in the pond to enjoying your frolicking karioke night, from listening to your joyful heartfelt singing and dancing to your solemn communion with Him in bread and drink. Never doubt His presence among you, His most beloved children on Urantia.
The light of God, indeed, surrounded you, the love of God enfolded you, the power of God protected you all, the presence of God watched over you. Where you were, HE WAS!!
Little ones, we were all most pleased with all your weekend activities. Did you not get a glimpse of what Light and Life will some day be like on your beautiful Urantia? All living in beauty, harmony, love and trust as brothers and sisters, all honouring and loving and desiring to live according to the will of the Universal Father!
The "hand of God" is, indeed, working in the affairs of men, readying His willing children for the future feeding of His flock, preparing teachers and leaders to carry the Gospel to all corners of the world, each in their own and special way.
Congratulations on a job well done, to this gentle and loving, gracious and dedicated couple!
We will leave you now to savour still this beautiful experience and we will look forward to sharing with you the activities planned for the coming Sunday gathering in Hamilton.
We are your teachers now, and forever, in the service of Christ Michael,
Bertram, Malcom and Muriel
Session 13
- August 28, 1999
TARA: I feel there is a message for this evening. I have felt this prompting over the last few days. I must beg you understanding and forgiveness if I have been remiss putting other projects ahead of this responsibility. I felt also the urgency to complete other projects in preparation of the meeting tomorrow.
MALCOM: Indeed we have missed our communication with you, little one. We are forgiving of course, and not task masters! We do understand your limitations in your time space environment and everything does revolve around priorities and time limitations. Your priorities were just as you were still involved in preparation for your meeting tomorrow and in loving service to your family and even in your time out this morning to have productive and challenging conversation with another child of God who is also trying to live in the ways of truth and is himself a seeker of truth.
We do certainly look forward to your Teaching Mission Celebration of Michael’s Birthday tomorrow. This will be your first meeting with other transmitter / receivers in Michael’s Mission. Greatly have you looked forward to this meeting, and we also understand your hesitation and yes fear of taking part verbally if called upon. This is only natural for as of yet you have not had experience in a group of people especially other t / r’s. Do not let this distress you, little one, for we are here beside you and will not let you fail as you will to do His will. Just be of good cheer and open to our prompting if we desire a message for the group. We are all here dedicated to the doing of the Father’s will and we are all in service to Him upon this plane of learning here on Urantia.
We have taught you and you are now prepared, so be not anxious. As Tomas has told you, "You will do well." No one is here to judge you or harm you in your service of the Master. We are all here dedicated to the doing of the Father’s will, to the furtherance of His Kingdom on Earth, to the furtherance of the success of the Michael’s Teaching Mission on Urantia.
So now be at peace and have a peaceful rest this night.
I ever remain your friend and companion and guide, Malcom.
TARA: Thank you Malcom, for your encouragement and kind words of understanding.
Session 14
- September 2,1999
TARA: I woke this morning feeling there was a new message for us. Can I be of service today?
MALCOM: Yes indeed little one. We have desired contact with you especially after your most joyous experiences with your brethren over the last two weekends. These have been firsts for you, and new steps forward in your work in Michael’s Mission.
We now want you to go forward renewed and strengthened in your faith in Michael and His mission on earth today.
It was our pleasure to have Bertrams’ teaching base acknowledged by our most gracious leader, and head of staff, Machiventa Melchizedek.
There is indeed much work to be accomplished and many more workers are needed in the fields of the Master where you are. Precious little ones are being called and have been prepared for the coming of this new dispensation now opening up.
This mission and its effects upon Urantia is only now being recognized and felt by the awakening souls, seeking to do Fathers’ will in their lives, those seeking to be of service in whatever capacity called. Together a mighty work will unfold for the betterment and enrichment of Urantia in the coming years.
The ground work is being laid with firm foundations. Many are being tried and tested, taught and edified in their personal correction times.
The Fifth Epochal Revelation is being rooted and grounded in faith. The birth pangs have been horrendous; the birthing process now nearing completion. Now little ones, it is time to rise up and begin to walk in childlike faith, each day growing in the fruits of the spirit; each day growing towards mortal, morontial and spiritual adulthood.
Indeed have you been taught these many months the importance of these spiritual qualities, for they are in essence the very nature of the Father and He desires all His children to "become perfect as He is perfect." By these spirit qualities, these fruits in your life, you do express the very nature of Godlikeness in your personality, as children of the living God. You set an example before others of righteous living; of peace, love and harmony in your life.
This was indeed what you were all experiencing at the Silver Springs Retreat and also in Hamilton last Sunday. Experiencing life in love and harmony and peace among one another yet in your diversity, each bringing their own individual beauty and strengths and service. Each contributing in their own loving special way to the peace and enjoyment of all.
Indeed was it hard to say good bye and go your separate ways once more back into your spheres of daily reality, of work and responsibilities of human life and survival.
It is hoped that each carried away renewed hope and love and the prospects of a new beginning, a new year of goals to be achieved in the furtherance of the work of God; in the work of Michael’s Mission; in the work of renewing your souls with an increased abundance and blossoming of the fruits of the spirit in your lives.
We see new and expanded growth over the next months and years for each and everyone of you, and in this, Michael’s Mission on earth today, right where you are in your own arena, in Bertrams base of service. Many more areas of service are opening up worldwide, many more are now being called to service.
So go forward now firmly grounded in revelation, truth and knowledge; ever with beauty and goodness enriching your souls; ever enfolded in the love and over care of the Father for ever more.
Just as we have celebrated the beginning of His fourth revelation of his personal presence two thousand years ago; likewise now let us celebrate the beginning of this His fifth revelation now delivered to us, with renewed dedication and love to Him for His continued love and service for all mankind.
We would bid you good day now. May Michael’s peace and blessing rest upon you all.
Your teacher and guide in service to all, Malcom
Session 15
- September 6, 1999
TARA: In the stillness this morning I felt a strong prompting that a lesson was forthcoming from you, our teachers. I look out my window and the trees are yet green but out front, leaves are already falling in the drive. Tomorrow my grandchildren start back to school. It is as if we are starting on the final count down to year 2000. Also we are nearing one full year of teacher communication in this manner in Bertram’s teaching base. It has been quite a year!
MALCOM: Yes indeed, little one, it has been quite a year for you! For us! For the Mission of Michael worldwide! We do all grow and mature together in this mission. Each contributes to the whole, and indeed to the Supreme!
As you realized in the stillness this morning, we have been laying foundations, solid building blocks that will accelerate growth in this mission base in Southern Ontario and indeed throughout all the world.
As more is understood, more will be required and the capacity for understanding and serving will be increased. More and more knowledge is flowing to all of you now because you are able to absorb and understand more.
Gradually you are all becoming more efficient at time management, self discipline and setting priorities, yet do not forget the need for recreation, work and service, along with your pursuit of knowledge and truth.
Always must you remember to set time for being with the Father in the stillness. This is your anchor, your root, your starting point for each day. From there you flow upward and outward in love and service. When your priorities are in order then is your life in order and in harmony. Everything flows smoother and in harmony with the will of the Father, when you ask that He be an integral part of each moment of your day. Then shall you walk with God in the awareness of His presence with you and He shall direct your path in your service for Him among His little ones brought into your sphere of influence. He is indeed the vine and you are His branches. You have been pruned and nurtured and fed and now must you produce fruits of His spirit in your life. His spirit essence will flow through you, His mind, His nature will become a part of you. Thus do you experience soul growth in your struggles in life, in your nurturing process. It is for you to be a willing branch, naturally yielding to the flow of love coming into your very nature, into your own personality, from your First Source and Centre. Thus are you on your way to "becoming perfect as He is perfect."
We, your teachers, have been sent to you to assist in this nurturing process. So long have you been undernourished and impoverished on your sphere of nativity. All that is in a process of correction and will continue so, as more and more help arrives to assist the work of Michael in this mission and in all other true spiritual endeavours overseen by Him worldwide. Rest assured all is going according to plan.
Michael is most pleased with the progress of His mission and in the growth of His children being called now, being prepared for service now, and in the immediate and far future.
We must all go forward now in dedication, in faith and love for Michael, and His Mission on earth today, each willing to do our part in His service. We are here united as a team to see this mission come to full fruitation, each one doing his part faithfully, patiently and in perfect harmony with the will of the Fathers.
The little ones are returning to school and the year is indeed marching on with new beginnings and yet we can rejoice in the fruitation of the year now passing, both personal and in the work worldwide. Rejoice, rejoice and be exceeding glad for the love and mercy of the Fathers upon us all.
I will leave you now, bidding you a very prosperous and rewarding day.
Ever your teacher guide and companion, Malcom.
Session 16
- September 7,1999
TARA: Malcom, I am so excited! My beloved friend, Cheryl had her first true contact with her teacher Mary. The transmission was so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes! The message was clear, beautiful and loving. Can you confirm for us if this is, indeed, what happened last night?
BERTRAM: This is Bertram here. Yes indeed, little one. It is my pleasure to come to you this evening with confirmation that this was indeed a true transmission from her teacher, Mary.
We have long been in training with this little one and she has now developed to the stage of teacher contact. She will do well.
As with all new T/R’s there is some degree of doubt and apprehension only because the process is so new and somewhat startling at first.
You did indeed sense the validity of the transmission. Always must you listen to the message content as we have explained to you in previous lessons.
Encourage her to again step out in faith when she feels prompted to do so. It is hoped that she will now grow in grace and stature, that her faith will be greatly strengthened and peace and tranquillity will at last descend upon her and give rest to her soul.
As with all T/R’s on Urantia today, she must walk in faith and trust and acceptance that she is, indeed, called and is capable of preforming this service for Michael’s Mission.
Did we not just recently tell you that others were being called and prepared now for further service of the Master? Well done little ones!
May the Master’s love surround, bless and comfort you this night. Malcom sends his regards and rejoices with you.
We are ever in service of Christ Michael and His Mission on earth today. Bertram.
Session 17
- September 9,1999
TARA: My teachers, there has been so much happening lately that I find myself overwhelmed to tears of joy! I feel so happy inside. I feel so much closer to the Father in the stillness and in fact, throughout the day! I never knew life could be like this! I am so thankful for his goodness to us all, his mercy and his love for all his children everywhere.
Could you please give us further guidance on joy. Thankyou.
MALCOM: It is Malcom here this morning. Yes, indeed did you feel the presence of the Father this morning. This feeling of "joyful tearfulness" is really an expression of worship and thanksgiving to the Father who so loves each and everyone of you, his beloved children. You are indeed tapping into the very essence of the Father and developing those qualities with in your own soul.
This is our mission our purpose of coming to you, to aid you in making this connection with the "true vine," your source and centre of your being. When you tap into this divine source, then do you indeed experience his love for you overflowing and enfolding you, touching the very depths of you own being within.
Now is it needful for you to reach out and express that very love to your brothers and sisters that you shall meet this day. You cannot bottle it up. Let the "genie" out to do its marvellous work in the hearts of all you meet. Indeed reach out and touch the souls of those you meet with the Father’s love flowing to all through you. Now are you producing fruit in not only your life but in your spiritual siblings as well. Seeds planted today will bear spiritual fruit in their lives "tomorrow."
When you saw the fruitation of God’s Spirit in the lives of your brothers and sisters at your recent retreat and at the birthday celebration of Michael just recently, is it any wonder that you felt this overflowing of "joyful tearfulness?" Such feelings whelm up when such deep happiness and love pervade your mind in thankfulness for the love and mercy and kindness of the Fathers towards all their children in their soul struggles of life.
You are never forgotten. Each and everyone of you are precious in his sight. We have each been commissioned to come and serve you, love and guide you into soul growth perfection. We are ever here to guide and direct you, but the decisions are ever yours; the rewards of sincere and childlike faith are yours; the journey is yours; your chosen destiny is yours.
Everything has been provided for your ultimate success if you so will and choose. Here is indeed where you must start, within your own soul, connecting with the Father within your one and only TRUE guide home. We are here only to assist and guide when asked.
You are indeed the captain of your own "ship of life." May you steer the true and proven path that leads homeward no matter what storms of life may prevail against you.
Therefore do you develop strength of character, tried and proven, loyal agrodonters of Urantia. Indeed have you "sailed on the waters of faith," believing without seeing!
My dear, this has been MURIEL communicating with you this morning, stepping in for Malcom.
It has been my desire to be in contact with you, and now we feel you are ready for these deeper discourses of human nature and soul development. Welcome to Melchizedek University now on Urantia, dedicated to your soul and spiritual development; dedicated to the unfolding of the Correction Time leading to Light and Life upon Urantia.
Do not be surprised or dismayed at this new development. All is in progression and have you not heard the expression, "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear?" It will be my pleasure to now contribute to, and bring lessons to you regarding soul growth and spirit advancement.
I have been silently co-transmitting with Bertram and Malcom as of late, easing myself into your circuitry. It is my pleasure to begin to work with you now and to bring in-depth messages to you and for your study group members, who thus choose to follow our discourses and lessons beginning with lessons on the "fruits of the spirit."
We will be using and building upon lessons already presented by our esteemed teacher, Tomas here. It would do well if your group could each have copies of his transcripts now available in transcript or booklet form. We will direct you each month concerning each lesson. Listen keenly for our prompting and guidance, and we will direct you in your course of study.
I will now close in my own tearful joyfulness of love, having at last made this contact with you, my child, establishing even more securely, our team of service in Bertram’s teaching base.
I bid you good day in your loving service to those you meet this day.
Your faithful teacher and guide, Muriel. One moment please.
BERTRAM: I would have a further word with you, little one.
It is our pleasure to have introduced to you our beloved teacher, Muriel. She has been with us as you have been aware, over this past year, and now we are progressing to another stage or phase in our mission work in your area.
As we have told you, many are being called now into new and greater avenues of service. We are indeed in the process of developing physical teachers, to be our hands and feet, our extension of this work for Michael and Machiventa.
You are called because you are willing, teachable and capable. We do not do this work alone, you are not alone in your service.
The teachings of our Lord and Master Michael are needed today on Urantia. They will be shown as expressions of truth, beauty and goodness, seen and experienced by mankind through you, by your examples in daily living.
The wakeup call is going out, lives are changing for the better and we are all dedicated to this transformation of your planet into the age of Light and Life, each one doing their part in the most harmonious team interaction possible within our capacities.
Michael’s Mission will not fail. We must all unite as a Team, progressing forward in faith, in loving service to all. Thanks
Session 18
- September 12, 1999
TARA: Is there a lesson for today?
MURIEL: It is Muriel here this fine Sunday morning. Fall will soon be here my dear, and much work lies before us.
I am here to direct you in your fall and winter lessons and will take you into the new millennium fast approaching.
Bear with me as we lay firm foundations to support the value and meanings of truth beauty and goodness as they relate to both your physical and spiritual lives. "As above so below." Above is the pattern which we will learn and elaborate upon.
Your morantia life and the teachings you will receive there, will be a continuation of the lessons learned here in you mortal, physical schoolhouse. Each one of you pick up right where you left off here, be it three days or thousands of years. The transition sleep of survival will seen instantaneous to all. Our lessons here will not be in vain. (Pause)
(My child, you are up to the task before us. Just be willing and open and all will transpire as programmed and as we will to do the Father’s will. Have faith, we will accomplish our purpose this day.)
I will expand further on the "lesson of the vine"-- September 6, 1999.
You must be rooted and know your source if you are to produce fruit, "spiritual fruit."
The Universal Father is your First Source and Centre. From him does "all things flow."
In him do we "live and move and have our being" Without him there would be nothing!
He is your very SOURCE. He is your CENTRE WITHIN.
It is absolutely true that he dwells within you. He has given you a fragment of his life, his essence, his divinity. God dwells within each and every one of you!!
Think about this. Ponder it in your mind and heart. "God dwells in me!"
The Mystery Monitor dwells within, your very own Thought Adjuster. You are indeed the very "temple of the living God!" There is a process taking place. A new life form is developing, your immortal soul, conceived within you at the time of your first moral decision as a child. This "embryonic life form" is growing and developing within you, consciously or unconsciously.
We are here to aid in that growth, to nourish you and assist in your development, in this early stage of your growth into the perfection of spirit adulthood. We are here to teach you as you are willing, as you open your mind as a little child and become teachable.
This indeed requires "faith," child-like, trusting faith. Not faith in us, your teachers, no.
Faith in the Fathers’ love for you, in their promises regarding your purpose in life, your destiny. If we do not teach according to the Father’s will and purpose for you, do not listen to us.
We, the Teaching Corps of this Teaching Mission are dedicated to Michael.
We are dedicated to you, and have been entrusted with this most grave and serious responsibility to guide and teach you.
We are under the direct leadership of Machiventa Melchizedek and Abraham, sent to fulfill this mission assignment in loving service to you.
We want you in this lesson: to become anchored to your source in the stillness.
to trust your teachers, if we are to be able to guide and teach you.
to understand that we are here only to aid in your soul growth.
This is sufficient this morning: - the Father dwells within you.
- your teachers are here.
- have child-like, teachable living faith and trust.
Well done. We will continue tomorrow.
Teacher Muriel in association with Bertram and Malcom.
(thank) you for your efforts and loyalty to Michael’s Mission on earth today. As we grow, more will be given and desired of us in the fulfilment of our calling. This we will faithfully accomplish together.
May you now have a joyful and prosperous day. Bertram.
Session 19
- September 13, 1999
TARA: I woke this morning as if in conversation with my teachers, telling me to have more rest and that they would be in contact later this morning. I seemed to "hear" them so clearly.
Later I was reading a transmission from teachers in another area saying that often times we confuse or at least don’t realize that it is our guides communicating with us, thinking it is our own ego, our own thoughts.
How do we know if it’s our Thought Adjuster, our guides or our own thoughts? Could you help me understand. Thankyou.
MALCOM: Good morning, little one. It is Malcom here.
You did indeed hear us this morning. You have been over tired and over loaded these past few weeks struggling with difficulties of a physical nature in your earthly realm. Thus your headache this a.m. A few more hours of rest would have been in order. Little one, we care for you, and yes, it would be most advantageous for you to learn and decipher when we are prompting you. Always your decisions are yours, of course.
How can you tell the difference? Why would you always need to? Are we not all at one ment, desiring only your eternal good? Now that you are aligning your own good with that of the Father, we are all indeed working for your ultimate good, success and prosperity especially in the areas of soul growth. We are here to teach you higher values, deeper meanings, clearer understanding of the truth, beauty and goodness of the Father’s will. You have multiple sources and resources now to guide you on the path to spiritual and physical health. Use your own common sense and will and bring all into divine alignment and harmony.
Now I will turn this encounter over to Muriel, as she has much to say regarding today’s lesson.
MURIEL: Greetings, my child. All is in order and I am pleased to be with you once more.
I see your little squirrel has come back to retrieve his precious walnut from your window. The busy little fellow is indeed on his mission to prepare himself for the winter! And so must we!
We spoke yesterday of the importance of grounding ourselves in the sure understanding of our Source from whom all things flow. We spoke of faith in the promises of the Father. And we stressed the importance of trust between teacher and student and the need for an attitude of child-likeness.
This morning I would like to talk to you regarding "setting priorities." "First things first."
Over and over for many years now, the teachers of this mission have been stressing the importance of the PRACTICE OF STILLNESS. This is so important to your spiritual soul growth. We cannot stress it enough.
It is so simple and so needful for you to discipline yourself, to set this time apart each day to be with your First Source and Centre, the Universal Father who loves you so very, very much. He is not the wrathful God as depicted in your scriptures. You have nothing to fear.
He longs to embrace you there, in the solitude of your temple within. He desires to commune with you there and love you, encourage you, strengthen you and refresh your soul. You can feel his presence there and even if you do not at first, know without doubt, he is there and have faith he hears and loves you. Soon joy and a worshipful attitude of love and appreciation will flow unbidden from the very depths of your being and you will know that he is God, your Father and no more will you doubt.
You need this connection with the Father, with your Mystery Monitor within, who is a very part of you, a very part of your evolving morontia soul. You are his "babe," his little one, being born into his kingdom of love and light. You need his nourishment for your soul growth, so must you ever stay connected, just as the embryo is connected to it’s mother in the womb.
We are indeed your "nannies," here to spoon feed you as you are able to digest these "spiritual fruits of the spirit." Unless you have this priority straight -- discipline yourself to come to the "table of substance" in the stillness, it will be very hard for us to feed you, indeed!
We will continue tomorrow with a further lesson leading up to our "lessons on the fruits of the spirit" which we will digest in detail over the winter.
Just as your courageous little squirrel came to retrieve his treasure of nourishment, so must you all courageously step out of your comfort zones to seek your nourishment from the Father within.
I now bid you a good day. Your teacher and friend, Muriel.
Session 20
- September 14, 1999
TARA: What lesson do you have for us today?
MURIEL: My child, warm greetings from me to you. Our next lesson is in store for you this beautiful sunny morning, so let’s begin.
To gather our thoughts; we have learned of the importance of being rooted to our Source; of developing childlike faith and trust in the Fathers and the very important practice of being still in the Father’s presence in the meditative practice of stillness; of trusting your teachers sent to teach and guide you.
Now to continue: We would have you come to realize that you can do nothing without the Father. It is his divine spirit qualities that he desires for you to develop. These "fruits of his divine spirit" are not naturally born by the flesh. But now do you have the Spirit of Truth to divinely guide you into all truth. You have your Thought Adjuster within you, to gently adjust your thoughts. You also have the Holy Spirt to strengthen your mind circuits, so how can you fail? It is desired that you bear much fruit and we are here to till the soil, stir you up, to nourish and water you; in all ways to encourage your soul growth.
You are indeed the "branches of this divine vine," as Malcom has so clearly taught you on Sept. 6.
I will quote for you: "Always must you remember to set time for being with the Father in the stillness. This is your anchor, your root, your starting point each day. From there you flow upward and outward in love and service. When your priorities are in order, then is your life in order and in harmony. Everything flows smoother and in harmony with the will of the Father, when you ask that he be an integral part of each moment of your day. Then shall you walk with God in the awareness of his presence with you and he shall direct your path in your service for him among his little ones brought into your sphere of influence. He is indeed the vine and you are his branches. You have been pruned and nurtured and fed and now must you produce fruits of his spirit in your life. His spirit essence will flow through you, his mind, his nature will become a part of you. Thus do you experience soul growth in your struggles in life, in your nurturing process. It is for you to be a "willing branch," naturally yielding to the flow of love coming into your very nature, into your own personality, from your First Source and Centre. Thus are you on your way to "becoming perfect as he is perfect."
I could not have said it better myself! This is in truth a summation of what we will be teaching in these lessons. Indeed does all flow from the Father, through you and out to his children here in time and space, even beginning here on your Urantia. We will endeavour make this process alive for you. We will help show "the way" for we are also in progress and have experienced the way as revealed and taught by Christ Michael, our Paradise Son. We will help you to produce these fruits in your own lives so that they become a very part of you, naturally flowing out to others in service but also enriching your own inner lives.
We would like you to take these lessons to heart, store them up, take them out, learn them, review them but most importantly APPLY them.
This will be all for this morning. To be continued when next we meet.
Your teacher in these "discourses of the fruits of spirit," for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see, and willing hearts and souls to grow thereby. Muriel.
Session 21
- September 16, 1999
TARA: I have just reviewed your first three lessons on the "Fruits of the Spirit" for us, and I was wondering if there was a message for the Study Group members tomorrow night.
BERTRAM: Yes little one, it is Bertram here. I send my greetings to each and everyone of you and my appreciation to your gracious host and hostess for opening their home for the festivities this evening. Indeed must we rejoice and welcome my confidant and co-worker and co-teacher of our base here in this arena of Hamilton, Ontario, on Urantia.
May I introduce to you Muriel, who will be your instructor through these coming months. She will bring you lessons on the "fruits of the spirit" month by month as you are willing. She would like to say a few words to your group at this time. Muriel.
MURIEL: My children, it has long been my desire to be in contact with you since first we learned that here would be our teaching base. Long have we been in preparation and now it is also my delight to be of service to you. All is now in place and if it be your will, we will be available to you in the months and years ahead.
We desire to build trust and repour with you. All will take time and sometimes progress will seem slow. Now do you meet monthly, so times between our sessions may seem long indeed for you before your next lessons. But we will persevere together. All that we ask is that you have an open and child-like attitude as we teach you, expanding upon the importance of developing each of these divine fruits of the spirit in your lives.
The DIVINE MANDATE of the Universal Father is that:
we all "become perfect as he is perfect." Read -- Page 21-22, paper 1: paragraph 3-6
This is indeed our eternal goal, no matter where we are on the ascension journey home. We will all learn together during the coming months if it be your will. We are here to serve the Fathers in our own loving service to you.
I will sign off for now asking that you study and ponder the first three lessons now in your new workbook offered tonight. Each month we will teach concurrently with a lesson from our esteemed teacher Tomas on the "Fruits of the Spirit. If you have any questions or suggestions, do make them known. We are all here to guide and edify, strengthen and nourish your evolving morontia soul as you live your own soul struggles here on Urantia. In loving service to you all, Muriel.
BERTRAM: Thankyou, Muriel. It is our delight to have had your words of introduction to the lessons which will be forthcoming in the months ahead.
Now little ones, enjoy your evening and rejoice that we do have this greatest of all blessings, that great mystery, to have life and the potential of eternal life, THAT the very eternal essence of the Paradise Father does indeed dwell within each and every one of us, and that he desires to produce his loving and divine nature in us, his children in time and space!
I now bid you good evening, Bertram.
Session 22
- September 30, 1999
TARA: Is there a message this evening?
BERTRAM: Yes little one. Greetings this evening from all your teachers here with you this evening. We are here to encourage you on in your commitment to Michael’s Mission in your area. We understand your long delay in contact with us and we are not here to admonish you. No little one. We too have lived on the mortal plane of existence and understand the time limitations and physical struggles of life in which you all find yourselves enmeshed. Often the spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak.
It is "attitude of heart" that the Master requires. Attitude is everything; is the starting point of certain growth. Unless one is open and willing and seeking, it is very hard indeed for that soul, not in this attitude and frame of mind, to be guided and taught and enlightened. It is in the attitude of yielding, child-like trusting that minds, indeed developing souls, can be taught true values and meanings of life. Often the busyness and chatter of life can absolutely drown out that wee small voice of love and guidance you need so desperately in times of trial and stress.
Always remember to take time out. Make the effort. Set a time to be apart and alone with Father and Christ Michael in the stillness. We cannot stress this enough. It seems the mortal mind needs reminders and a sequence of repetitious happenings and admonitions for lessons to sink in.
We are only here to guide and teach you. The "doing of these lessons" are in your realm of action. We cannot do it for you, of course. Your lessons are for your own soul growth. You actions and reactions and response are yours. We would not take from you the joy and excitement of your own soul growth and thrill of "ascension flight." What a grand and glorious adventure awaits you, and it starts now in your own mortal career!
It is indeed our desire and delight to come to you here on Urantia and serve you as your teachers in this great Mission. We are a TeaM in every sense of the word. We are organized and ready to serve you now and in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead. We have a work to accomplish and together we will accomplish it, as we all work together in willing loving service to all. We will teach and guide you if it is your will for us to do so.
This message is for all who will someday read these words and be inspired thereby to seek guidance in the stillness from their heavenly parents, who come to realize that we all belong to one universal family in God and that we all share the same eternal destiny. Here today, must all begin to learn to love one another as brothers and sisters of one global family, as one universal family.
Indeed it is, after all, "attitude of heart" the attitude of love that Father desires of us and then, do all the "fruits of the spirit" begin to flow from that love filled life, and that love comes into each heart and soul from Father as we stay connected and ever abide in Christ Michael. He is our living connection to the Father. We can only come to Father through him both spiritually and physically! But this is another lesson which Muriel will carry on in her next presentations for your upcoming study.
I now bid you good evening, good rest and peace in Father’s loving embrace.
Your teacher for this evening, Bertram
Session 23
- October 1, 1999 P.M.
Oral transmission at home of Therese Logan, Cambridge, Ontario.
(The beautiful loving words of Judy’s opening prayer could not be heard clearly for recording here. My apologies Judy.)
Tara’s prayer before transmitting: Our Father Michael, we come before you with grateful hearts, with open hearts and open minds, seeking your truth and your knowledge and your understanding in the matter to be brought forth tonight. We welcome you and appreciate your presence here with us. Enlighten us in our understanding and in our searching for truth. We humbly desire to do your will always now while in this flesh. We ask you to inspire your teachers to guide us and teach us tonight, if it is your will for us. We thank you again Father for your presence with us here. Amen.
MICHAEL: Greetings my children. Peace be with you.
It is my pleasure to be here with you in the quiet peace of this evening. I see that it is in your hearts, that you do desire to do my will, to feed my flock.
I would ask that you be strong and that you be loyal and steadfast in your dedication to my Mission. I have, indeed sent you my teachers to guide and direct you. You do indeed have my loyal and supportive staff, the head of which is my beloved Machiventa Melchizedek. He is indeed supported by his staff of Melchizedek teachers on earth for you. We are all here to teach you my truths and my ways, many of which are only now coming into your realm of understanding.
We are indeed here to uplift my beloved planet Urantia; to bring many souls to the knowledge of the truth. I require, as does my Father require that you bear much fruit. There are many paths, many ways and means of accomplishing this.
The sole purpose of our Mission is to turn the hearts of the people to my ways of light and understanding. Yes indeed, you will be venturing out on new avenues and expressions of
guiding my children into their ascent.
My chosen and beloved Melchizedeks are here to guide and direct you, to produce in you, my loyal and strong and faithful teachers who are needed to guide and direct my children homeward, to bring to them to me for the healing of their bodies, of their minds and of their souls. My little ones, in this way are you guided.
I only ask that you feed my flock. Guide them in the true way home. Know that I love you and I call you my friends, for you are my friends. Love one another with friendly affection, with brotherly love, with fatherly love as I love you. You are all brothers and sisters, all one global family, all one cosmic family. So now grow deeper in your faith as you are, indeed, experencing the transforming of your minds and hearts to be worthy teachers on my living vine. I am well pleased with your work in progress, with each of your endeavours to do my will.
Regardless of what avenue you take or what study you endeavour, realize that all is for the growth and nurturing of my children on my beloved planet, my beautiful Urantia.
A new era is opening up, Judy, new ways and new knowledge. Do not be afraid of it. We will teach and guide you in the future. Be open to our leadings. We will teach you step by step. You have such a loving heart, and I will be with you ever more.
Lorne be strong, be loyal, be steadfast. Hold fast to what you have learned, in the way that you walk, the path that you take on your journey home. Continue to be that light and example you have been of all my ways. Know that you are loved, beloved of my Father each of you.
It has been my pleasure to be here with you this evening. My peace and love I leave with you.
JUDY: Thankyou Father Michael for coming.
LORNE: We are happy for your words of encouragement.
JUDY: May I ask a question?
TARA: Yes Judy.
JUDY: I would really like to know if . ....(question indistinguishable) . ....like to know if this has the blessing of Jesus.
(Judy was asking if the Healing Crystals she acquired on her vacation last summer had value as tools of healing. If they were brought to us by an advanced Melchizedek for our use on Urantia today to heal our people and our planet and if Jesus has placed his blessing upon this new method of healing.)
MACHIVENTA MELCHIZEDEK: It is Machiventa here. Our transmitter here is feeling much emotion but we will bear with her and strengthen her......(Pause)......
We understand your concerns, Judy, regarding this new tool of healing. Yes indeed, you must not doubt. There are many new and wondrous ways of teaching and learning and applying the healing arts for the healing of the children of Urantia, that have never been heard of before, never experienced. This knowledge is only now beginning to be opened upon your planet.
Of course, this is common knowledge on the morontia worlds. We would have you realize, that healing does continue on, beyond this life. No, do not doubt. Many marvellous and wondrous ways are opening up and will continue, and even more so, in the coming new age, now fast approaching upon you.
You are a pioneer. A new era and new vistas of knowledge are opening. If you did not have the ability, the talent, the openness of heart and mind to understand these new modalities, you would not be placed in your present circumstance of knowledge and understanding. These new ways are within your reach, within your grasp to understand, to learn and to teach them.
Your planet is sick, it needs healing. Your people are sick, they need healing. Their souls are sick, they need healing. Their minds are sick, they need healing.
Be strong, little one in the new knowledge you are learning. Again you have the ability, the mind, the openness of heart and attitude. We see your love for Michael’s children. You see that their need for healing is beyond the physical, that light and energy does heal, does balance polarity, does balance molecules in the body. All this you understand, from your previous training, Judy, that this is just one step forward. YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED TO HEAL, so ever be open to new ways that you CAN heal. Always, understand that no matter what tools you use, that it is the Father’s LOVE and UNBOUNDING ENERGY flowing through you, that eventually and positively and always, heals the mind, heals the body, heals the flesh.
The age of light and life is coming upon your world. It will take time, but HEALING WILL COME. We are here, the Melchizedek Sons are here, my brothers, to lead and guide you in the coming days, and weeks, and months, and years ahead.
Now we would ask the Fathers to place their blessings upon you and your healing endeavours. So be strong and go forward as a pioneer into a new age. We will be beside you and guide you, only have faith and trust and continue to grow in spirit, in all the fruits of the spirit, in your understanding, as Christ Michael has taught you, always offering loving service, as children of the living and true God. I will take leave of you now. Have a good evening.
JUDY: Thankyou Machiventa. Thankyou Michael. This has been awesome for me........ I so thankyou both for coming to us tonight.
(Long pause)
BERTRAM: This is Bertram here......My little ones....... this little one is speechless.......
I can see that this........little one needs rest. I would like to call this part of the meeting to a close. Father Michael desires that this meeting has been of benefit in your searching and understanding for truth regarding the issues brought forth tonight. We thank you Michael for your presence and that of your esteemed Melchizedek Son, Machiventa. So I now too bid you good evening and may you now enjoy the rest of your social time this evening.
Your loyal guide and teacher, Bertram.
(Loving closing prayers were offered but were not clearly understood on the tape to be recorded.)
Session 24
- October 1, 1999
TARA: Malcom, please come and guide me in my understanding. I am still feeling quite emotional and somewhat drained but yet better said inspired or humbled or overawed. I don’t know even how to express these feelings. Did I really transmit Christ Michael and Machiventa tonight in our meeting here with Judy and Lorne? I am filled with such tears of joy. It must have been real!
MALCOM: Yes indeed little one. Christ Michael and Machiventa DID come to you as you requested and desired in your hearts. The messages were real and true for the edification and clarification sought. Although the experience felt overpowering for you, you did well and Michael is well pleased. We know you were expecting Bertram to bring the message tonight but it was needful for Judy to receive her confirmation as it transpired tonight.
Little one, you only need to trust and be willing as you were tonight and always will the "mode of transmission" transpire as WE deem appropriate. You are our willing vessel. We see your desire to be clear and open, yielded and willing.
Remember Bertram’s lesson on "attitude of heart?" With the right attitude of love and purity of intent, we will be able to guide those who seek guidance from us through you. Be prepared now to give such loving service to those who shall now seek our assistance and do not be surprised when you are so graced with the presence of Christ Michael or any of his teaching staff, his Melchizedek teachers, even Machiventa, himself. Indeed you shall also transmit other teachers in the future as you did Tomas and Merium last spring.
So again we say be not surprised but also do not become complacent or take this mission for granted. Ever be aware of your source and your destiny, of the great and eternal love of the Fathers’ for all their children in time and space. They love all equally and desire all to come into relationship with them, to experience them, to have faith and trust in their eternal plans for all their children on every inhabited planet in every universe.
We would ever admonish you to stay connected to the Father in the stillness and allow him to preform his works through you as you place your will in harmony and in accordance with his.
This he desires of all his children in their walk of life, in their walk of eternal life.
You need not fear to come to us for the reassurance and guidance here sought. May you rest in peace this night, in the loving comfort and embrace of Michael, Nebadonia and our eternal, loving Paradise Father of all.
In loving service to you this night, Malcom
Session 25
- October 5, 1999 7:00 a.m.
TARA: I woke this morning feeling the presence of the teachers and I could hear them discussing with me other aspects of the transmitting experience I had last Friday night, when both Michael and Machiventa graced our meeting with their presence. With loving humour, they called it my "baptism of fire!" I have since received a transmission of reassurance from Malcom and have also been lead to read a Tomas transmission from September 12, 1996 which has been of great help in understanding preparation before transmitting. Do you have further comment that would be helpful for me as a transmitter in Michael’s Mission? Thankyou.
BERTRAM: Our little one, early good morning to you! We did not purposely intend to wake you so early this chilly fall morning. Yes, you did over hear us as we engaged you in deep mind training this morning. It is a bit vague to you at this moment but we will refresh you.
You are now coming to the close of your first year of transmitting. With comfort and ease you now transmit myself, Malcom and now Muriel, and will continue to do so on a regular basis.
As Malcom has told you, you will begin to transmit other teachers as well, and as appropriate, including our beloved Master Michael and Machiventa and many other celestial beings now sent to uplift all Urantia into the beginning stages of Light and Life during this ongoing Correcting Time. Many more are being called now into this mighty, growing mission of Christ Michael; called to serve in each their own special way.
Michael is indeed pleased with our progress this year in the establishing of this new teacher base. He does, and we do understand how over powering last Friday night was for you, and we will continue to adequately train you how to enlarge your capacity for receiving such powerful energy into your circuits so that it will be a more comfortable experience for you next time.
You do understand that this is not a seance and you do not go into a trance. You are most consciously aware of all that is transpiring and the words being said through your circuitry.
We do indeed step down our energy for you reception. It is of key importance that you stay emotionally uninvolved, that you discipline your own ego nature with your morontia will.
We will help you accomplish this; we have been helping you, even now.
Feeling such strong energy fields last Friday night was only natural. We had a work at hand to do and yet your heart was feeling such praise and awe and love, desiring to be expressed in worship to your Creator Father Son, who was coming in such powerful presence in your home.
We will help you find balance. Malcom mentioned complacency and indeed that is important also. Never take for granted this work, this mission to which you have been called. This would be grievous to your own soul progress and also to the progress of our commission to your brothers and sisters, here in your arena on Urantia.
Indeed must you continue to grow in the fruits of the spirit, in these divine qualities of God’s spirit in your life, day by day. Muriel will again come to you tomorrow to resume with you the next lessons for your group. We see you have a busy day of service ahead of you, so I will now depart from you this morning, bidding you a good day.
May Christ Michael keep you in his peace and in his love this day. Your teacher Bertram.
Session 26
- October 8, 1999
TARA: Our teachers, is there a message for this morning?
MALCOM: Little one, take a deep breath and be strengthened from within with Father’s eternal refreshing waters of love and mercy. All is well and it is needful that we continue on with our lessons. You have had much to set in order and tend to, but now we are all ready to continue on with our lessons of the "fruits of the spirit." Bertram was indeed pleased with all that transpired last month and with the response of the study group members to the offerings given by our esteemed teacher Muriel. She is now ready to continue this morning and will again give you a new lesson. Muriel.
MURIEL: Greetings my children. It is my pleasure to be here with you once more. If you are ready and willing we will continue with our lessons.
First our recap: we began with our First Source and Centre, our root, the beginning and source of all, our divine Heavenly Father, from whom all flows.
Then we established the utmost importance of staying connected to our source in the practice of stillness and prayer.
We saw how important it was that we produce divine qualities in our lives, the "fruits of the spirit" as divinely willed by the Father in his desire that we "become perfect as he is perfect."
And we have come to understand that this is only possible as we stay connected to the "vine," through Christ Michael, himself for he is our vine and we are his "willing branches."
We also spoke of the necessity of trust and childlikeness in attitude.
That brings us to our lesson this morning of "heart attitude." Bertram recently said that it is "heart attitude" that the Master requires, that it is the starting point of certain growth. Unless one is open and willing and seeking, it’s very hard for that soul to be guided, taught and enlightened. This is what the Master meant when he asked that you be childlike in attitude.
These lessons are for your own soul growth. It is up to you to take them to heart and apply them in your lives. It is the Father’s desire that his divine nature begin to become a very part of your own being. Why? Because he requires it for your own good, for your growth into spirit adulthood. It will indeed be a long process; for here and now, we are but planting seeds for your further and future growth. In your long ascent to Paradise, these fruits will be nurtured and refined on each sphere of learning, which has been prepared for you. You have heard it said that "earth is a classroom," the "school of hard knocks." And, INDEED, it is! And I am your kindergarten teacher in spirit matters of your morontia soul development!
My children, we are calling you to class. Over the next week I will be delivering to you two more lessons for you to study and apply this coming month.
It is my pleasure to have been given this teaching assignment in your area and I will do my utmost to guide and nurture you as the Father wills and directs through Michael, Machiventa and all his dedicated staff here on Urantia today, here to guide you each individually as you will, within your hearts, with your proper attitude of heart. We are here ultimately to uplift and lead your beautiful planet home into Light and Life as each individual heart changes; as each mind is transformed, expressing the divine qualities of our Eternal Parents.
We will stop here today. One further word. I would like you to stop and discuss each lesson as it is read at your meeting while you are together, before going on to the next. I will only give you three lessons each month. As I now begin to give you each fruit, consciously begin to apply them or begin to become aware of how you are already applying them in your daily life and bring back your experiences to share with the group the following month.
You are now dismissed for discussion. Your teacher, Muriel.
Session 27
- October 11, 1999
TARA: Is there another lesson this evening?
MURIEL: Yes my child, we will continue now with part two.
It is important that we understand the importance of character for in essence this is what these lessons are about. If you are to grow in Godly character it is necessary for you to understand what those divine qualities are.
Last spring Bertram brought you a message in which he said, "Much work needs to be done and we call you to be ever mindful of the lessons each of you must learn in your own lives. It would most definitely benefit you to study the life and teachings of Jesus at this time. Truly embrace the religion of Jesus and how he lived it. Allow the "fruits of the spirit" to become the very essence of the life you live, the life you exemplify in your daily interaction with your brothers and sisters."
He then gave you a reference from your Urantia Text, Paper 100, section 7, pages 1101-1104
"The Acme of Religious Living."
He concluded by saying "Throughout his life the Master was an example of true God-like perfection. You have been called to "become perfect as he is perfect." Realize, perfection attainment is an ongoing process, beginning here on your beautiful world, and on throughout your sojourn of time and space, in the Central Universe and beyond. You have, indeed, been given a beautiful example of such a strong and unified personality, as revealed in the Master, in your text. Read it, study it and learn and grow in spiritual stature daily."
I commend you, that you then began to study the life and teachings of Jesus from your text. Now we would give you structured guidance in that study as it pertains to your own soul development.
May I direct you to the goodness, truth and beauty of the Father and would refer you to Paper 2, pages 40-43, "The Goodness of God" section 6 and "Divine Truth and Beauty."
Study these sections and understand these divine realities and positive qualities as they relate to you own growth of character even now while on Urantia.
As part of your study together tonight, read these sections now before your closing lesson for tonight. I leave you now for reading and discussion. Muriel.
Session 28
- October 12, 1999
TARA: I am now ready to receive our next lesson for us. Thankyou.
MURIEL: Yes my children, we will continue on if it be your will. I would like to give you now a brief summation of our progress so that you can see our overall direction of leading you into your monthly study of the "fruits of the spirit."
It has been important that we present these "foundational lessons," so as to bring into your understanding the source of this instruction, our Eternal Father; the pathway of this instruction,
his Paradise Son; the ongoing deliverers of this instruction to mankind, Michael’s Melchizedek Sons and now today his teaching staff of this emergency Teaching Mission now on Urantia.
Always has the "fruits of the divine spirit" been the measurement of divineness, of true, good and beautiful Godly character, beginning in God the Father, and taught to all his children in time and space as they evolved, beginning here in the flesh and during their heavenward ascent into spirit adulthood for all eternity.
The development of positive, divine qualities in your life is an ongoing process of incorporating "the love of the Father" into your very being and daily expressing those qualities in your life now as a human being for the betterment of your Urantia to literally bring the age Light and Life into your reality, into the future reality of all God’s children, future generations on Urantia.
The work we do now will not be in vain for, indeed, is the Correcting Time underway and progressing ever forward. Great changes are coming. We will "hold the fort" here in courageous loyalty. We shall all go forward in loving service to mankind in each our own way, learning growing and serving as "faith sons" of the true and living God, the Father of all.
With these closing thoughts I will leave you now to share and discuss together the lessons here presented. Good evening to you all, Muriel.
Session 29
- October 14, 1999
TARA: Malcom, so much has been happening so fast lately. The new direction of the study group with the lessons from Muriel and the positive response at the last meeting last month was very encouraging. At long last my new computer is within reach and delivery within the next two weeks. It is all so very exciting for me. It’s as if things are in continual preparation for further growth and service. It has been an amazing year here in Bertram’s teacher base in Southwestern Ontario. Do you have a message, or does Bertram, as our next study draws near, and this first year of transmissions draws to a close?
TEACHERS ALL: Yes, little one. Greetings to all our eager students in our teaching base here on Urantia. It has indeed been our pleasure to be assigned to this arena of operation on Urantia, our assigned area of loving service in this emergency Teaching Mission on Christ Michael’s beloved bestowal planet home. It has been our great privilege to come here, to have been personally chosen by our Master to serve you, as guides and teachers in these most difficult and trying times upon your planet.
Realize you are all in good hands. The Rebellion has been adjudicated as was announced some years ago, and the spiritual circuits are now open. Great changes are at last coming to your planet, with new methods of communicating and sharing new knowledge and truth and love. New ways of expressing truth, beauty and goodness in all the arts. New ways of solving all your planets woes and dire problems.
Help is here, we are here, your brothers and sisters, to guide you now in your own personal growth but also in the growth and betterment of your planet home. There is so much we would share with you, if you are willing. New plans and developments are in the wings, preparation has been made. We will guide you into new experience of learning and growth, if you but allow us to do so.
Muriel has set forth a plan of lessons for your soul growth and development. Listen, study, learn and absorb these lessons. Try them on, bring forth the essence of the Father’s nature and character already within you. It is his desire that the unity of your mind and his spirit within, combined in the morontia soul, grow and develop as a viable surviving child of God; that it will progress forward to complete fusion. You are leading the way by your own growth and example among your siblings in your own realms of living day by day.
It has well been said, "By their fruits you shall know them," and the world will indeed know you as the children of the Living God, the Father of us all.
We want to bring to you, impress upon you, your sure and certain destiny as Sons and Daughters of the Paradise Father, as children of your Creator Father, Christ Michael, and how important it is that you develop Christ-likeness in your heart attitude and willingness to do and to be the Father’s will on earth. Only as you develop into Godly siblings, truly loving and serving one another, will you ever realize the peace on earth you seek.
So, our little ones, rest assured that you do, indeed, live in a most friendly universe and you are not forgotten. Though your long ascension journey home seems like an incredible journey in distance and time, know that you will be ever guided step by step, sphere by sphere, universe by universe! Think it not strange that your journey begins here on your planet home in the most humble of beginnings progressing to the most glorified of destinies!
You are never alone in your journey. For ever will your faithful Adjuster be your eternal guide.
We leave you now having said these final thoughts, directing you to the lessons for tonight.
We leave you now to your evening of study and fellowship.
Your teachers in this newly established teachers base,
Bertram, Muriel and Malcom.
Session 30
- October 21, 1999
TARA: Morning teachers. Yesterday marked the completion of one full year of transmitting/receiving here in Bertram’s Teacher Base. What an incredible year it has been, but not only for me but for the Mission of Michael as a whole and also for our study group here in Hamilton! Do you have a message for us on this our anniversary? Thankyou all for your constant and loving over care and guidance given over the last year.
BERTRAM: You are welcome, my child. It has indeed been our pleasure to guide and direct you in your personal growth towards spiritual adulthood. Such a struggling little one you have been. But see.... you were not thrown out with your soiled bath water after all! No indeed, each and every child of God is precious in his sight and we take our mission responsibilities very serious.
We promised we would not let you fall, nor fail. Now we feel you are sufficiently grounded to go forward into the next phase of growth and service. Set aside all fears regarding the coming meetings of oral transmitting. You will do well. Remember, it is we who direct you and speak through you for the upliftment, guidance and teaching of the little ones who sincerely seek Michael’s way. We are all here only for that sole purpose of personal soul growth of all the Fathers’ precious children and the salvation of Father Michael’s planet home and ultimately the evolving of the Supreme Being.
Yes little one, rejoice that we have accomplished our purpose this first year, as planned and directed. Even yet will you see a mighty work unfold.
We said at the close of last year that you would look back and see a year of astounding growth in your study group, in love and understanding and perseverance and soul growth in each and every one. Now that they are ready, the teachers are appearing.
Muriel is here to give fuller, deeper and foundational lessons in spirit growth in the divine qualities of spirithood, the "fruits of the spirit."
Malcom is here to personally guide you. Call on him at any time, little one. You need not be at your computer base to do this as you are well aware. Listen to his prompts and guidance daily. Clearly understand, that this communion with us is NEVER to take the place of your daily communion with the Father in the stillness. He is EVER your First Source and Centre, your heavenly Parent, your FATHER.
Your Thought Adjuster is indeed, here within you, to direct and guide you every moment of your journey to Paradise, if you but listen to that loving voice within, in the stillness of your soul.
Michael is here and ever with you personally and when you gather together in his name. Call upon him and he will answer and guide you.
Now do you have the Spirit of Truth to guide you into all truth.
The Spirit of Nebadonia is also here, the most Holy Spirit and all her administering angelic hosts.
NO, little ones, you are NEVER, NEVER alone now, nor ever will be again. The spiritual circuits are indeed open now and light and life and spiritual knowledge is flooding your planet as never before.
So go forward in faith, ever having confiding trust in the eternal promises of the Father.
What a glorious destiny awaits you!
Study now and grow in the fruits of the spirit daily, TRULY becoming children of the Most High, your Universal Father of Love.
Well done, little ones, In loving service to you all this special day, Bertram.
Session 31
- October 24, 1999
TARA: My dear teachers, this is going to be a most eventful week for me. At long last my new computer will arrive and later in the week, my first evening of transmitting within the group as a whole for those who sincerely seek to join us.
What can I do in preparation so that the absolutely only truth, beauty and goodness transpire between us all? I do now have confiding trust in the process and I only seek to do the Father’s will in his Son’s mission. Please give me any advice that would be helpful to us all. Thankyou
MALCOM: It is Malcom here this morning. All send their greetings and congratulations on your first year of service, indeed, a loving service it has been.
Tara, we sense and understand the lingering remnants of quiet fear you are feeling. But be strong in your continued commitment of loyal service to Michael’s Mission. We will ever support you and strengthen you.
Do understand that you are our facilitator, our receiver/transmitter/broadcaster in the flesh, of these messages and lessons and teachings delivered to us, for deliverance to Michael’s children on Urantia. We are here in service to all who will hear, who will listen, who will come seeking their own soul growth here in Bertram’s teacher base. Always remember, "the actions are ours, the consequences are God’s." We can only plant the seeds and nourish. The growth and outcome, the response, is the responsibility of the Father and the individual interaction of his precious child who hears. We will all faithfully do our part now as guided and directed. All are welcome to come now and be nourished, literally at the feet of Michael and his teachers, if they so will and desire to do so. We will answer any and all questions within our mandate, and present limitations. These are NOT seance sessions or psychic encounters. We will not be talking to the dead, receiving messages from so called spirits or ghosts. This is NOT what Michael’s Mission is all about, as you well know. Granted we have lived before and have been resurrected in the Resurrection Halls on Mansonia 1, and have progressed in our training and have been specifically taught regarding your needs and those of your planet home by Christ Michael, himself and Machiventa and his staff of teachers, long before we arrived here on your planet home. When we say you are in "good hands," indeed it is so! You do indeed dwell in a friendly universe. In the times to come your whole planet will realize this and welcome it.
Knowledge is exploding and your world is intricately interconnected now as never before. Continue on in your growing knowledge and in the use of these new tools coming to you this week. Long have you awaited this acquirement of tools and technics of service and now you are ready, prepared and trained, and still in training, for these new ways and phases of service. You must remember -- BALANCE. It will be quite a fascination at first, so enjoy and learn and grow in your new capabilities of service.
I will leave you now to think on these things presented this morning.
Always in loving service, your personal teacher, Malcom.
Session 32
- October 26, 1999
TARA: On July 30 of this year, Malcom gave a transcript regarding our planet’s plight both in the atmospheric environment and our internal environment due to man kinds mismanagement.
Where is all this leading? Will we suffer even more before we gain sufficient wisdom to turn our horrendous problems around and save our Urantia home and ourselves? Do you have any further words for us tonight regarding where all this is heading and what can we individually do to help.
BERTRAM: This is Bertram here. Malcom did a fine job last summer in his transmission to you at that time. You would do well to carefully read it over once more.
It was asked by your beloved Lorne, if we had any further wisdom to share on this matter without raising undue alarm or fear. Little ones, you do not have anything to fear! Have we not said, all is in good hands and progressing as it should. You do indeed live in a friendly universe and we are here! Indeed must you develop confiding trust in Michael’s Mission and the Correcting Time, now in progress. Dire Corrections will be and are being made.
Greater knowledge is indeed flooding your planet home now through many, many sources and resources that you may not be in knowledge of at this time. Trust that it is so. Only recently has our dear Judy come into the knowledge of higher crystal knowledge that will indeed help in the healing of the planet and humankind in the years to come.
You must realize that always has man kind abused and misused nearly every aspect of greater knowledge as it came to him in one manner or another. You may look at it as children trying out new things, new skills before having full expertise and knowledge and dexterity to do the job properly and safely. Yes, it is true indeed that today the repercussions are greater, the harmful consequences have become global. Man kind’s scientific tinkering and experimenting now affects all worldwide. Indeed are you interconnected today as never before. Worldwide travel spreads disease faster; knowledge, good or bad travels at great speed around the world. You see the suffering of your brothers and sisters in another part of the world instantaneously on the nightly news. You are updated, though not always, on the latest so called "scientific advancements" whether rightly or wrongly directed. You are made increasingly aware of the pollution of your planet, it’s environment and it’s food, it’s politics, it’s educational systems, it’s religions or lack thereof. You could, however, constantly look at all that is wrong, and over look all the good that is transpiring. Don’t look for a "doomsday" to engulf your world.
Progress is slowly being made, and we would encourage you to have faith in the over care and love of Michael and his teachers in all aspects of his work on earth, in all its diversity worldwide.
-- Remember the Spirit of Truth is poured upon all flesh and the Holy Spirit is indeed active in the ministering, angelic spirits flooding your planet, now that the circuits are open.
--Remember also the Thought Adjusters are at work within the minds of all humanity, realized or not.
Corrections are being made; actions taken. Open your eyes to the positive, yet do not dismiss the negative, as it is said "bury your head in the sand." Did not Michael admonish you to be, "Wise as serpents, yet gentle as doves?"
Only, only, only, as mankind begins to bring his will into alignment with the Fathers’, the Universal Father and Christ Michael, will there be peace and security, true health and prosperity.
Only as the "fruits of the spirit" are increasingly manifest in the lives of God’s children worldwide, will you begin to see a world become free of the corruption so rampant everywhere in all aspects of your lives, from science to politics, to education, to religion.
These "fruits of the spirit" are indeed those divine, righteous, positive qualities of the very nature and attributes of your Father. So are you to become God-like in your character and personality expression, in your personal "demonstration of righteousness upon the earth."
As God’s spirit born children of the Father, this is indeed your calling and your mission to accomplish this day. We are here to help you to fully develop these qualities already within you through and by the very fragment of the Father’s Spirit that dwells within you.
Do not be overly alarmed at what you see transpiring all around you in the fields of science, et al. TRUST, all will be corrected in time, and in time! Your beautiful planet Urantia will find it’s way, so be out on that "higher way" leading the way into Light and Life.
We will be no more specific than this, as mankind now has the intelligence and the will to change his conditions. We will never interfere with his divinely given will to direct himself, to correct himself. He is learning from his errors, his folly and will continue to do so. All has to begin within the human will, as he is taught from within, and without, the right ways of God the Father by those who know and understand the true way of love and enduring peace, a PEACE that passes all understanding on earth today.
Continue to have undying hope in the success of Michael’s Mission of which you have all been called to be a part, showing yourselves to be his "true faith sons" possessing his divine qualities.
Be that example; show the way; each and every day in your loving service to one another.
I leave you to think on these things,
Your teacher and guide, Bertram.
Session 33
- October 29, 1999
TARA: Is there a message for tonight?
BERTRAM: Yes little one, indeed there is. Christ Michael sends his love to you all this evening, on this your first true teacher mission meeting as group. Truly are you loved indeed as his precious children. Machiventa also sends his salutations to each and everyone of you. This is truly a momentous occasion for us all. We wish you a most festive and happy fellowship this evening.
Little ones it is indeed our pleasure to be your teachers in this new teacher base in Southwestern Ontario. Malcom sends his greetings also as does our beloved Muriel.
Your teacher, friend and guide, Bertram.
Session 34
- November 4, 1999
TARA: Malcom, I am in need of advice regarding my present situation here, living in my son’s home. Stress is mounting again by my very presence here. Should I find another place to live? Go back to Peterborough, move to Hamilton, to a seniors apartment complex or a trailer? Whatever that would make my family happy here is what matters. My younger son tells me my religion is "killing my children." Everyone seems to want to dictate how I live out my remaining years on this planet. I realize I have a definite purpose here in the years immediately ahead and am needed in this area for my service to Christ Michael and his Mission. My heart is so heavy and my mind reeling in disbelief at what is happening with my children. Even my daughters’ marriages are suffering and apparently failing and may not survive the coming year. Have my poor choices in the past so affected and now destroying the lives of my children? I have never asked for such personal advice such as this for myself. I feel my physical health is suffering now because of this stress. Please direct me if you are able to do so. Thank you.
MALCOM: Our little one. Our hearts go out to you in the narrow straits of which you find yourself. You desire so much to please all and find yourself bending in all directions. Is it no wonder that you find your back so full of pain, your legs cold and as frozen like blocks of ice, not knowing which way to go? It is as if you are almost "frozen in time," not knowing which move to make for the happiness of all concerned in your life. Yet your own happiness goes lacking.
Have serene faith now and do not waiver in your purpose and calling of service in the Mission of Michael on earth today. Indeed you are needed for the work for which we have prepared you. All is progressing as planned. These new tools you are using are indeed needed for the next phase of the work opening to you now. Your son indeed loves you very much and has made possible that you have them now. Unfortunately, he has faced his own trials because of his generosity towards you. All will settled down in time but for now continue in your loving service to this family. You do indeed realize your calling is here in Bertram’s Teacher Base but the decision to move is as always a free choice you will have to make. Give yourself time and space and weigh all the consequences before you make your decisions regarding your immediate future. You will get through. We will not let you fail as we have always counseled you. There is much to be accomplished in this emergency mission to which we are all called and dedicated, in complete loyalty to Michael’s purpose and plans for your planet home.
So walk in faith and all will transpire as it should. No my child, you are not "killing your children." You understand that in your heart. What happen in the past so long ago is over and done and is to be forgiven and forgotten by all. All are adults now and making their own way and own mistakes in life just as you did, but all is not lost. All eventually come to the place of understanding even where you are now along your path. So don’t despair, "life is FAR from over yet." These little ones will learn in time also and find their way. We are here to insure that; that finding of Michael’s way will be more rapid and more complete for the present generation and for all future generations yet to be born on this beautiful Urantia. Hopefully this has helped you in your struggle for understanding. I am ever your teacher, Malcom.
Session 35
- November 10, 1999
TARA: Good morning Malcom. My friend Joanne is very concerned in regards to the health of her daughter, Shelly. She has multiple health issues at this present time that need addressing. What might the future hold for this little one? How may we help her? How can I be of service to my dear friend? Thank you.
MALCOM: Thank you for calling upon me for guidance this morning. Surely this is an indication of belief and trust of your dear friend in the validity of Michael’s Mission on earth today and that we are here to aid and assist wherever and whenever possible within the limitations set upon us. You are indeed helping you spiritual sister here by your constant love and support. Just "being there" for her is all she needs. Continue to so love one another as Christ Michael has loved you. His love and his peace abides upon you all each and every day.
Now regarding the issue at hand:
This dear one has strong and abiding faith in her Master Jesus and we would reassure her that Michael is much aware of the trials and tribulations suffered by her; this little one of his precious flock. Great is his love for her and great is his over care for her in her daily walk of life on Urantia. The future will indeed be much kinder and gentler for this faithful soul. She has ever proved her simple faith and trust in her Master and Lord, as she understands and believes in him.
She would indeed find great value in studying the Fifth Revelation sent to this earth by Christ Michael, if she so desired to do so, but always the choice is a personal decision to make
of her own free will. This Revelation is for all who would desire to understand deeper truth and values regarding life upon this planet and the spheres of learning yet to be explored in the after life following the dissolution of this present life time.
This little one is ever loving and ever service oriented in her daily living and this indeed pleases our Lord Jesus. "Greater love has no man than to lay down his life for his friends" and indeed has this been the moto of this dear one you have brought before us this morning. But we would advise this little one to find more balance in her serving and giving on many occasions, as over extension, even with the best of intentions, can be over taxing and detrimental to her own health and well being.
We understand her heart rendering concern for her children, especially her daughter Shelly at this time. This little one has many problems facing her both in the physical and emotional realms of her constitution. She needs help in many areas, in regards to her health issues.
You are blessed in your country of Canada to have health facilities available to you to assist you in diagnostic and remedial procedures that can help and assist and direct you into the optimal directions to take towards cure and restored health. Seek such medical advice for this little one as soon as possible, as many areas indeed need addressing, NOW.
We can only suggest. We do not dictate or tell you what you MUST do. These are personal choices both Shelly and her mother must make together. We would encourage Joanne to go before her Lord Jesus and as always lay all these matters before his feet and seek his guidance in the stillness of prayer and meditation and he will give her strength and help in the direction she must go.
Shelly must also seek for herself the help available to her and trust in her mother’s love and care for her; what is in her best interests regarding her health and to follow her leading and advice. She must understand that she is so dearly loved and all desire that she be as well as she can be in spite of the many problems facing her. There is help for her if she will accept it for herself. She needs others to help her in her decisions and she must accept this if she is to feel well again and enjoy life to the fulness of her ability.
Encourage her to be positive and hopeful that the doctors and social workers and health care professionals can help her and increase the quality of her life in the coming year.
Her co-operation and trust and determination to be well will greatly affect her healing process.
Much is she loved and adored by Jesus and all his ministering angels, and they ever surround and protect her daily in her present journey upon this beautiful earth home.
May this brief message have been of help to your friend and her daughter this morning. Always is the human will supreme in the mortal life. Always remember it is the Father’s will that you be in perfect health. Trust and believe that it will be so, that this life is not the end, that eternal life awaits each and everyone of God’s children on all his worlds of time and space, where perfect health and robust living awaits you, each and every one.
I now bid you good day and our little one here a safe journey home.
Ever your guide and teacher, friend and confident, Malcom.
Session 36
- November 22, 1999
TARA: My teachers, heavy is my heart this night. So long has it been since I have sought contact with you. I feel remiss for my neglect and for my total absorption into my personal problems of late. So weak am I! We are called to be a demonstration of righteousness and when a trial comes upon me, I crumble in despair and confusion instead of walking strong in the light of all that Michael and the teachers have taught me. Yet I do have faith, I do believe and it is my desire to do God’s will. The spirit is willing but the flesh is so weak. My human pain and ego and yes fear still get in the way to cause me to fall. Help me to react better now and next time.
MALCOM: Our little one, though we have not been in direct contact with you as at this moment with your pen in hand rather than your computer at your finger tips, rest assured that we have been with you all along. Christ Michael and his ministering angels have also been by your side in your struggles for understanding and guidance. We hear your pleas and your yearnings for understanding and direction that you are seeking. As we have promised you, YOU ARE NEVER, NEVER ALONE! All will be fine. You will be fine. Indeed is your "metal being tested, fired and honed and sharpened."
It is indeed a difficult period of correction for you, but not only for you are all these corrections. All will learn valuable lessons here of love, and tolerance and forgiveness, faith and trust.
"All works together for good to those who love God and live according to his will."
Faith must always and is always in a state of growth and development. Godly character, at any stage is developed and manifested over time. The "fruits of the spirit" do not miraculously appear fully matured on the living branches of the Master’s vine.
You are, in fact, living extensions of the Supreme. This you will come to understand in the future. Through you, does the Supreme evolve and develop also.
So fully realize now, that trials in the flesh are not in vain, NOT IN VAIN, indeed!
You are our little ones, growing and developing and having your "growing pains." Sometimes your pain is inflicted upon you not of your own direct making. This is a lesson of invaluable worth to you, to strengthen you for the future, to help you to be strong. Persecution, indeed, fiery trial may fall upon you all, and you must grow in strength – spiritual, mental and emotional.
Indeed, we are here, little one, and you have called upon us and have heard you and we are here.
Never doubt or lose faith.
We would encourage you to seek the Father in the stillness and be at peace in his loving care for you, and all involved, in the painful situation of this present time. Return home renewed, knowing you are much loved and needed in all your realms of service.
In loving service to you, Malcom.
Session 37
- November 23, 1999
MICHAEL: I am with you now and always, my most beloved and dear child of mine. I will never leave you nor forsake you. So be of good cheer.
Enjoy this most beautiful and refreshing morning with your friends; your loved ones.
You need not fear to return home. All is well and will be and we will continue on in our mission of service to the children on Urantia. Never doubt your calling and the work for which we have and are now preparing you. Together much needs to be accomplished. Offer your skills and means of service to those areas to which I am leading you.
The coming of Light and Life to your world will come through you, as you serve according to my will and the will of my Father.
I am calling you now, all my little ones who will hear my voice and follow me. Read your text, now, which is given to Urantia for your understanding and your enlightenment. Listen to the lessons of your teachers, for they have been instructed by me to lead you into deeper understanding of all my ways, to accelerate your growth and service, so desperately needed this day upon Urantia.
Indeed must you be a light to all, and to all nations as you unite in unity and love and peace.
First, above all among yourselves. How can you show to the world peace and unity, in all your diversity, unless you live it and display it among yourselves?
My banner will go forth into all the world, proclaiming a new and everlasting religion, my religion of saving faith in the Fatherhood of God to all my children and your global and eternal brotherhood.
My true and everlasting peace, I offer to all Urantia. Now bring to an end, and silence all your disputes among yourselves. Solidify your brotherhood and your faith in me. Seek my direction and what I propose for you and all my children on earth. A house divided cannot stand. I will not have a divided brotherhood among my beloved children.
The hour has come. A great work is breaking forth upon all the earth. Rise up and be counted. Let your light shine forth into all the world. Be counted as the true spiritual children you are, leading the way into Light and Life upon Urantia.
I leave you now, my faithful little one. Never doubt now and never despair for I am with you always and ever will be, now and forever in your journey homeward.
My blessing and peace be upon you now. My love enfold you and rest your soul, Michael.
Session 38
- December 7, 1999
TARA: Is there a message this morning?
BERTRAM: Yes, little one. We have long awaited your return. We are indeed pleased with your rededication to Michael’s Mission. Do not despair. We will continue on according to our calling and according to the plan now set in motion for the reclamation of your planet home into it’s rightful place among the galactic brotherhood of celestial systems. Long have you been in isolation because of the now adjudicated Lucifer Conspiracy. Never was it intended that a planet of such beauty and diversity, suffer as it has, these many thousands of years.
Dear children of the Most High, indeed are you loved and adored by your Father in Heaven.
It is his will that you grow and prosper and be in health of body, mind and soul. He has so provided for you; that all his ways are even beyond finding out! Indeed you will need all eternity to explore all the wonders, truths, values and meanings of all he has created for you!
Do you not realize that YOU ARE CHILDREN OF GOD. He is indeed, YOUR FATHER and ever shall be.
Christ Michael, his Paradise Son, came to reveal his Father to you and to call you,
HIS BROTHER. Truly come to understand what this means.
You are all one BROTHERHOOD on earth, all having a common ancestral origin.
You are all SPIRITUAL BROTHERS, having the spirit fragment of the Father within you, just as do we, your celestial brothers, sent to you now to aid in your spiritual upliftment during this present era of the Fifth Epochal Revelation.
The Spirit of Truth is poured out upon you and is here to guide you into all truth as you remain living branches of the true vine through your free will, in seeking spiritual development.
Mother Nebadonia is here to comfort you and enfold you in her love; to spiritually comfort you and give you rest in her enfolding holy spirit of love.
In his love for you, has the Father sent you your teachers, to teach you as you are willing.
So dear children it is, indeed, important that we continue on in our lessons of the "Fruits of the Spirit." Muriel has picked up the reigns of this responsibility, and we would ask you to rededicate yourselves to your lessons.
It is desired that you "become perfect as your Father is perfect." Long have you heard this message and we are endeavoring to teach you how this is accomplished.
--- Review all lessons up to this point, absorb, study and apply them.
--- Discuss and share them among yourselves and apply them in your outer and inner lives.
--- Read and research your Urantia Book for more information.
--- Read and enjoy enlightening works of others, now being inspired by the spiritual energies now flooding your planet.
--- Listen to, learn and become a source of secondary works based on the teachings of Jesus.
Many workers are needed in the fields, many shepherds, disciples, apostles, musicians, artists, poets . ...so many needed, to dissimilate the way of truth and the truth of our Master Son’s teachings to all the world; a world now hungering for this truth so long lost from view; so long denied and forbidden to be taught; so long misunderstood and misinterpreted.
We are here to help you present his new and everlasting religion anew to all the world as he taught and lived it. You do well to continue on in your studies of his life and teachings as he lived it day by day, as recorded for you now in your Urantia Book.
The Correcting Time will go ever forward into the new age we have entered. The age of Light and Life is ever drawing nearer and as Machiventa has now told you, a Magisterial Son has been designated for Urantia in the future and for this too we must all prepare. Of this you will learn more in the future. For now, be at peace and open your hearts in loving service to all your brothers and sisters, being "lights of truth and love" upon this darkened planet.
May Michael’s love and peace be with you all as you ponder this message this day.
Your teacher and guide, Bertram.
Session 39
- December 15, 1999
TARA: Is there a message tonight in preparation for the Teaching Mission Meeting this Friday night? What can I do in preparation?
MALCOM: We do sense your hesitancy little one. Still there are remnants of fear still lingering. There is nothing to fear, nothing to fear at all. We are here and we have taught you what is required, an open heart and child like attitude desiring to do the Father’s will.
You will do well little one, when you are called upon in the forth coming night. We are here to serve each and everyone of you, to ever assist in your personal spiritual growth to spirit adulthood beginning here in your first life.
We have been watchful of your studies of late, guiding you and qualifying you to become a future teacher of the Father’s flocks. You have much to offer, little one, to your brothers and sisters on Urantia. Do not underestimate your calling, as an ambassador of the Fathers love, to his children everywhere.
Now you have access to thousands, and this too, is part of your commission. We will guide and help you as you go into these several areas of service.
But we must caution you to find balance in all your endeavours, in every aspect of your fields of service.
We understand that you have indeed been under a tremendous amount of stress as of late and new health issues are presenting themselves that need addressing. You will find your way to balance all aspects of your life as you are able.
Little one this message is for you only.
I am here to gently lead you along the way. All is well. Remember as it has been said before we are not task masters. No we are not. We are here waiting until you respond to our prompting. Only realize that we do indeed have a work to do, a mission to perform and we have need of your talents and abilities, the Father’s have need of your service as you are willing.
We know that in your heart you do sincerely believe and are a faith son of Christ Michael and earnestly desire to see his Kingdom come on earth in the hearts of all his children on Urantia.
Do not be so hard on yourself little one. Just draw close to the Father in your daily walk with him and he will show the way and guide you into all avenues of loving service to his children that he shall send along your path.
Be a peace and be filled with his love and mercy. With that thought I will bid you good night and sweet dreams to you too, my child.
Your teacher and guide, Malcom.
Session 40
- December 17, 1999 Teaching Mission Meeting Home of Therese Logan, Cambridge, Ontario
Attending: Judy, Jeff, Jackie, Hosea, Therese
Opening Prayer by -- Therese
Our Father, Christ Michael, we bow before you with humble hearts and childlike attitude, seeking your will, seeking your blessing, seeking your guidance upon all that is to transpire here at this present time. We thank you for your presence, to be with us now. With humble hearts we
thank you.
BERTRAM: It is Bertram here this evening. It is my pleasure to be here with you. It is my desire to be of service to you this evening. How may I serve you?
JUDY: May I ask a question?
BERTRAM: Yes, please do.
JUDY: There is much talk at this time about our water being poisoned. Is this just because of the pollution on our planet or is there a hidden agenda on the part of the multinationals to weaken
the population of this planet? I would love some clarification on this.
BERTRAM: First my child, may we address your question by first leading you into an understanding of what has transpired upon your beautiful planet? Mankind was given a great commission to care for his home and over the many centuries he has certainly failed to do so.
But realize, the earth does have a tremendous eco-system that can indeed and will purify itself again in time. We are pleased to see that there are many agencies with good intent and now with increased knowledge are able to correct their problems and we are here to help and guide.
Yes, indeed, changes will be made during this Correcting Time, but for the time being there may be dire consequences to be faced and dealt with. Many things are happening; many that you may not be aware of. The polar ice caps are melting; the oceans are rising; the weather patterns are not as they should be. Mankind has to make his united effort to see that changes come, and this will indeed take time, but restoration is in progress.
I think Judy that you do understand that human nature does play it’s hand in all this; that mankind will use any and all means to create greedy profits off the misfortunes of mankind. He has set in motion consequences that he will have to pay the price for and some things may be out of his hands and out of his control. We would ask you to have faith, be strengthened and know that you are loved and cared for and that Michael will see that his planet is restored to it’s pristine beauty as we do go forward into the Age of Light and Life.
Would you like to be more specific in your question on this matter if this hasn’t wholly satisfied your quest for an answer.
JUDY: I would like to know and be corrected if this is not so, that on purpose the waters are being spoiled so that the people’s immune systems are being weakened and therefore the chemical companies stand to make more money because more antibiotics maybe are needed which are just as dangerous as whatever they are putting in the water. It appears to me that we should be very vigilant and stay away from chemicals as far as possible, of those that we are aware of. I believe that our planet is reaching a critical time in history, that people do need to wake up and take responsibility for their own health. Thank you.
BERTRAM: You are indeed correct, Judy. Pollution is rampant in all aspects, whether water,
air, food sources, food supplies, and yes, indeed, mankind’s greed does play a part in all of this.
This is why we so very much need this change of attitude and heart of mankind. Until that happens we will see the consequences that you have described. The only way that the individual can avoid these consequences in his own life, is to do combat with it individually for himself and for the protection of his family. Mankind does have the intelligence to change things around, to replace evil with good; to correct what he has done. Regarding those areas that are beyond his realm of understanding at this present time, it is for you to realize that new knowledge will be coming, is coming, is flooding this planet. Only with a change of heart during this Correcting Time will corrections be made, and that is why this period of time has come upon your planet.
Until this Correcting Time has run it’s full course, we can never enter into the Age of Light and Life as promised by Christ Michael, as revealed in your Urantia Book, of which you all hope for and desire to see. In this present age, you may not see it in your life time, but it will come and it will happen. Your job today is to leave a legacy, if not lessons of how this can be accomplished, how mankind can purify and cleanse his body, how to become more healthy and not take into his body the drugs, chemical, pollutants that upset the internal chemistry of the body which leads to all manner of diseases. It was not meant that your planet should be this way, should suffer so, that mankind should be in this dire strait that he finds himself at this time. Indeed had you planet not defaulted so badly, you might at this time, even now, see a different plane of existence for yourself and the ones you love.
Session 41
- December 21, 1999
TARA: Is there a message this morning?
MALCOM: Yes, my child, our little one in the Master’s beloved flock on Urantia.
We see you are enjoying your new computer and learning how to open many new doors, many new sources of learning and entertainment, of teaching and sharing. But we must caution you and admonish you to find proper balance in the use of your time in this arena of your life. So do not loose sight of your calling and the work we have set before us to accomplish together here in Bertram’s Teacher Base. We realize you are going through a "learning curve" as you call it today. Your aching back should tell you that you have overextended yourself somewhat.
You must learn to properly prioritize your time with regards to prayer, worship, service, recreation, personal and public endeavors and of course the work now set out before us.
Life is ever unfolding with all it’s many challenges and avenues to follow. Wise, indeed, is the man who finds balance and wisdom in all his choices, in all he sets his hands to do.
Always let LOVE your guide. In all things, let the love for your Fathers, and their love for you, be your inner guide.
Allow all to fall within the realm of their divine will for you and all their children on Urantia.
May all you do be to the glory of the Father, that His will may indeed be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Remember BALANCE, little one. Then you will feel free and happy and joyful as this holiday season becomes your reality.
We will not keep you this morning as you have much to accomplish this day in your rounds of loving service. That is your personal lesson for today. We will continue tomorrow if you so will.
Your teacher and guide, Malcom.
Session 42
- December 28,1999
TARA: Malcom, I need you direction once more. Why do I resist as I do? What is the matter with me? Why am I so unsure of myself now? Why have I been having so much illness and family problems? I know I have been fascinated with my computer, yes, learning how to access things and meeting other Urantia Book Readers on line. All the activities of the holiday season have diverted my attention.
I also see how other transmitters transmit effortlessly, so smoothly. I am relatively new and I fully realize we or I should not compare and it was key to my understanding to learn last night that our teachers can and do sound different when transmitted by different transmitters when they use our differing language skills and terminologies. So many different ways are suggested and practiced in preparation for teacher contact seeming to make it much more difficult and burdensome. How are we assured of the purest of transmissions or is that ever possible no matter how much preparation is put into it prior to the actual transmission?
It seems I am going into a new phase, becoming more public and I guess it frightens me. Please shed some light on all this. Am I still called and qualified to continue on in Michael’s Mission in this way as a T/R?
MALCOM and ALL YOUR TEACHERS here this morning:
Our little one, how you fret this morning. You need not fear, we are all here. Be of good cheer and once more renew your spirit, lift up your head, be filled with the love of your heavenly Fathers on high and within. They are nearer to you than even your hands and feet, there within your very heart essence. Every child of God is indeed loved and cherished. Mother Nebadonia is ever with you to comfort you and uphold you in her loving arms. Her ministering angels ever surround you, her child, ever beloved in the Family of God, the Kingdom of God. We your teachers are now sent to you from Jerusem, Edentia, and other worlds beyond your beautiful Urantia, sent here by Christ Michael himself to guide and teach you as you are willing.
Yes it is a responsibility we have placed upon you, but you are not alone in the service to which you have been called. We are here and it is we who will guide and teach the little ones in our watch care, under the over care of our celestial instructors, the Melchizedek Sons of Christ Michael, indeed of Christ Michael himself.
You can call upon any of us at any time and we will hear you and come to you and minister to you. You do not need to be at your keyboard, or have pen and paper in hand. We instruct you daily in your mind circuits and gently guide you in the way set out before you. We instruct you in your deep mind in your hours of sleep when asked. The choice and the willingness to follow and to do the Father’s will is, of course, ever yours to make. We know that you have not forsaken your calling. We see your heart attitude, your mind set, your desire and love for Michael’s Mission, your dedication to the establishment of the coming of the age of Light and Life upon your planet home.
No, little one, do not continue in this fretful distress of mind. All is well.
Yes, you are going through some personal trials, as are all your friends and loved ones, but ever be aware that this is the Correcting Time upon Urantia, upon all peoples, upon all nations. Greater trials yet will you see and indeed are you now in preparation for those times to come, to be an ever strong and faithful leader into the age to come.
This present dispensation is coming to an end and a new world is unfolding. This world will not be destroyed and we will indeed be building on the old, but much of the old must be cleared away and corrected, tried and purified. Understand this, little one, and prepare yourself.
We are leading you always in all your endeavours and yes, you are learning these new skills now, so as to be of better service in the future to all your struggling brothers and sisters as they find their way also.
We are not harsh taskmasters, as we have so often told you before. We would only impress upon you the urgency of this mission today. There is much to be accomplished and we will accomplish it day by day, hour by hour. Ever be open to our guidance and leading as you have in the past.
When you feel our prompting, act upon those times and listen to us and transmit to paper or recorder what you hear.
Walk daily with your Master and listen to the revelations he will bring to you. Listen to your Thought Adjuster at all times. Practice and develop this skill.
Trust that the circuits are indeed open and we are guiding the Children of God on all their respective paths towards the enlightenment of truth, beauty and goodness of God, their Father.
All will come into an understanding of the true values and meanings of life as reveled in the plan of God the Father for all his Children. And so the old must be rooted out and purged for the new to enter. It will happen in the age, and ages to come upon your world, Urantia.
So, little one, again we say, be of good cheer and go forth into this new day with a positive and uplifted heart attitude filled with the love of the Father.
All is well and we look forward to our next encounter as we get down to the task of doing this work of God on earth today, right where we are in your home arena, Bertram’s teacher base.
Muriel awaits to begin her lessons once more and to prepare for your next meeting.
We will indeed all do our part as the Father wills.
I bid you good morning, Your personal teacher and friend, Malcom
Collection from Cambridge, Ontario, Canada END SERIES COLLECTION BERTRAM for 1999