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This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
- Planetary Headquarters (2 P)
- Second Revelatory Commission (23 P)
Pages in category "Revelation"
The following 171 pages are in this category, out of 171 total.
- 1.2 Revelation, Time, and Miracles
- 101:4 The Limitations of Revelation
- 101:5 Religion Expanded by Revelation
- 157:3 Peter's Confession
- 157:4 The Talk About the Kingdom
- 158:1 The Transfiguration
- 158:3 Meaning of the Transfiguration
- 162:2 The First Temple Talk
- 186:2 The Master's Attitude
- 1991-01-00-Will
- 1992-03-22-Change
- 1992-07-26-Change and Loyalty
- 1992-09-30-I Am Going to Salvington
- 1992-12-04-Faith & Urantia Book As Textbook
- 1993-02-16-Oneness With Father, Abraham Tells of Meeting Machiventa
- 1993-03-21-Changing Conversations To Positive
- 1993-06-20-Honesty
- 1993-07-25-Forgiveness
- 1993-09-13-Revelation & Its Effects
- 1994-07-10-Walking Without Light
- 1994-10-23-LOVE
- 1995-01-13-Haste of Time
- 1995-07-02-Growth, Responsibility, Love
- 1996-01-01-Tarkas Collection, TOC
- 1996-02-04-Ringing Truth Bells, Group Schisms
- 1996-09-22-Revelation & Evolution
- 1997-01-06-Living Revelation
- 1997-06-29-Realizing Faith, Revealing Father
- 1997-07-17-The Paradise Principle
- 1997-12-07-Assumptions About Teachers
- 1998-03-29-Revelation
- 1999-07-04-Collection, Malcom & Muriel
- 1999-08-10-Address at IC99
- 1999-10-18-Nature of Spirit Light
- 2000-02-01-More On Tomas' World Of Origin
- 2000-10-01-Practice
- 2000-10-29-Building Steps
- 2000-11-05-Father Relationships
- 2001-01-13-Various Aspects of Deity, Part 1
- 2001-06-04-Growth and Change
- 2001-06-10-Patterns of Duality
- 2001-10-13-Oasphe Discussions
- 2001-10-22-Be Calm and Observant
- 2001-10-29-Benefits From the God In Time
- 2001-11-05-New Supreme Reflections
- 2001-11-17-Evolution vs. Revolution
- 2002-02-24-Energy Manipulation, Preparations for Light & Life
- 2002-04-14-Relationships
- 2002-05-12-Why Not A Bestowal Mother?
- 2002-08-18-You Will Become The Revelation
- 2002-12-01-Revelation: Epochal & Personal
- 2003-01-19-Things Which You Know
- 2003-06-22-Allowance, Sweeping Changes
- 2004-08-14-Technical Report on Forthcoming Mission
- 2005-02-19-Southwest Spiritual Conference
- 2005-07-26-We Will Soon Be Visible
- 2005-09-19-Your Life Will Become A Constant State Of Revelation
- 2006-05-01-Revelations Are Meant To Live
- 2007-07-01-Support for Local Co-Creative Working Teams
- 2008-05-03-The Greeting
- 2008-06-19-Stories of Attainment
- 2008-07-07-Father is Always With You - Comments on IC08
- 2008-07-16-Monjoronson Q & A Session 11
- 2008-10-04-Thanksgiving
- 2008-12-29-Nature of Personal Time
- 2009-01-04-New Year Agenda
- 2009-06-04-Expanding Revelation of Truth
- 2009-12-02-Monjoronson Q & A Session 77
- 2010-03-04-Monjoronson Q and A Session 90
- 2010-04-26-Dissertation on Truth
- 2010-09-15-Fifth Epochal Revelation
- 2010-12-31-Conversations with Monjoronson 26
- 2011-02-19-Colored Races in the Universe
- 2011-02-24-Intention
- 2011-03-27-Continuing Focus on Mercy
- 2011-06-27-Agondonter Status and its Value
- 2011-08-02-Research and Revelation
- 2012-04-14-Of Energies and Humility
- 2012-04-25-Transportation Techniques Not All Revealed
- 2012-04-26-Revelation
- 2012-10-13-Revelation, Prophecy, and Gross Error
- 2012-10-21-N. Idaho TeaM
- 2013-05-19-N. Idaho TeaM
- 2013-06-19-Revelatory Progress
- 2013-08-01-Framework of Beliefs
- 2013-09-30-The Dearth of Revelation
- 2014-06-24-On Revelatory Claims
- 2014-07-19-Life Carrier Functions
- 73:0 The Garden of Eden
- 73:1 The Nodites and the Amadonites
- 73:2 Planning for the Garden
- 73:3 The Garden Site
- 73:4 Establishing the Garden
- 73:5 The Garden Home
- 73:7 The Fate of Eden
- 74:0 Adam and Eve
- 74:1 Adam and Eve on Jerusem
- 74:2 Arrival of Adam and Eve
- 74:3 Adam and Eve Learn About the Planet
- 74:4 The First Upheaval
- 74:5 Adam's Administration
- 74:6 Home Life of Adam and Eve
- 74:7 Life in the Garden
- 7:7 The Supreme Revelation of the Father
- 92:4 The Gift of Revelation
- 93:0 Machiventa Melchizedek
- 93:1 The Machiventa Incarnation
- 93:2 The Sage of Salem
- 93:3 Melchizedek's Teachings
- 93:5 The Selection of Abraham
- 93:6 Melchizedek's Covenant With Abraham
- 93:7 The Melchizedek Missionaries
- 93:8 Departure of Melchizedek
- 93:9 After Melchizedek's Departure
- 94:0 The Melchizedek Teachings in the Orient
- 94:1 The Salem Teachings in Vedic India
- 94:10 Religion in Tibet
- 94:11 Buddhist Philosophy
- 94:12 The God Concept of Buddhism
- 94:2 Brahmanism
- 94:3 Brahmanic Philosophy
- 94:4 The Hindu Religion
- 94:5 The Struggle for Truth in China
- 94:6 Lao-Tse and Confucius
- 94:7 Gautama Siddhartha
- 94:8 The Buddhist Faith
- 94:9 The Spread of Buddhism
- 95:0 The Melchizedek Teachings in the Levant
- 95:1 The Salem Religion in Mesopotamia
- 95:2 Early Egyptian Religion
- 95:3 Evolution of Moral Concepts
- 95:4 Teachings of Amenemope
- 95:5 The Remarkable Ikhnaton
- 95:6 The Salem Doctrines in Iran
- 95:7 The Salem Teachings in Arabia
- 96:0 Yahweh—The God of the Hebrews
- 96:1 Deity Concepts Among the Semites
- 96:2 The Semitic Peoples
- 96:3 The Matchless Moses
- 96:4 The Proclamation of Yahweh
- 96:5 The Teachings of Moses
- 96:6 The God Concept After Mose's Death
- 96:7 Psalms and the Book of Job
- 97:0 Evolution of the God Concept Among the Hebrews
- 97:1 Samuel—First of the Hebrew Prophets
- 97:10 The Hebrew Religion
- 97:2 Elijah and Elisha
- 97:3 Yahweh and Baal
- 97:4 Amos and Hosea
- 97:5 The First Isaiah
- 97:6 Jeremiah the Fearless
- 97:7 The Second Isaiah
- 97:8 Sacred and Profane History
- 97:9 Hebrew History
- 98:0 The Melchizedek Teachings in the Occident
- 98:1 The Salem Religion Among the Greeks
- 98:2 Greek Philosophic Thought
- 98:3 Melchizedek Teachings in Rome
- 98:4 The Mystery Cults
- 98:5 The Cult of Mithras
- 98:6 Mithraism and Christianity
- 98:7 The Christian Religion
- 9:0 Relation of the Infinite Spirit to the Universe