2008-07-07-Father is Always With You - Comments on IC08
Topic: Father Is Always With You-Comments on IC08
Group: Arcadia TeaM
Teacher: JarEl
TR: George B.
Prayer – Norman: Heavenly Father, we thank you for this evening in bringing us together, everyone here that is supposed to be here. And we pray that the lessons you have for us come to our hearts and we may carry them out with enthusiasm in doing your will. Be with George now as he has a message for us. And we ask this in Michael’s name, amen.
George/JarEl: Good evening. It is I, your teacher, JarEl.
Lucille: Welcome.
George/JarEl: It is good to be back again. I welcome those who are here for the first time and those who have not been here for a while. We, of our order, appreciate your enthusiasm for the hope of your world. We love the fact that you get together and discuss spiritual things and that you look forward to a better world because that is the way you make this possible. That is the way in which you begin, in which you get the ball rolling, as you say. I share your ideas and your hopes, you further the cause of a better world.
You further the knowledge and most importantly, you connect with one another. Those connections are just as important as the sharing of knowledge. Coming together as people brings that part of God in every one of you. When you gather with one another not only do you do it in ways of socializing, but you also bring something of God within you that shows up even in a subconscious way to those that are around you.
And so when you come together in a big group, even in a small group such as this, you bring some of God with you. You bring some of the heavenly Father with you. For He is always with all of you. He is within every one of you. He is that guide, that beacon that calls you forward towards Paradise, towards the true source and center. He is that source you can rely on, He is that source from which you can gather all of the knowledge of the universe. And when you all come together and share this part of yourself with others, that source becomes more powerful not only for you but for the group as a whole. And each person brings their own distinct knowledge of God, each person has their own experiences to share, their own vision. And all these visions, and all these differences should not bring you apart but closer together, for you all have some story to tell.
You all have some unique experience of what it is to feel God. And all your experiences are valid and worthwhile. But these experiences mean nothing if you do not share them with others. These experiences remain insignificant when they are hidden from those who could benefit from such knowledge. So share your lives, share your knowledge, share your strains and your hope; share your dreams, and share your tragedies. For all this goes towards the greater good, the greater hope and all this helps others come to terms with their lives and their own experiences. And in the process, you become stronger, you become filled with life, for you have shared yourself and you have found the validation you were seeking.
Everyday, God shares himself with you. Michael of Nebadon came to this planet and he shared himself with all of you. He gave of himself just as God gives of himself as well. It is no longer good to remain selfish, it is no longer good for you to hide yourself. It is no longer good for you to remain isolated and afraid because all these things stop you from growing and learning and loving. And when you reach out and give of yourself, when you allow yourself to give, you create the possibility and the potentiality for love, for wisdom, for life. And all this comes from giving and sharing. Are there any questions here tonight?
Stella: It’s just that we are expecting three other people who have to arrive, can you tell us if they are safe. They are on the freeway somewhere.
George/JarEl: Your friends are safe Stella. Your friends are safe. No matter what happens, they are safe.
Norman: We just completed the IC08 convention at UCLA yesterday and we had about 500 in attendance and Pato’s manager, Roberto, said that, even though he was not part of Urantia, he had a feeling this Urantia thing of Pato’s was going to be a huge thing, I was wondering if you could tell us the effects and outcomes of what "huge" means.
George/JarEl: This is not the first time you have asked me this question Norman. And I do believe that I told you that even though you will not be able to see the actual effects from such an event, it does reach far greater distances in the psyche of many individuals who are not only present but were outside or somewhat related to these people. There are many things that have happened on your world that you are not aware of. You are only made aware of the physical and mental aspects of human life.
But of the spiritual aspects, you have very limited knowledge of gauging and measuring the actual effects of one person to another. But we can measure these things, we can see the effects, and we can tell you that it is wonderful, it is beautiful, and it is amazing.Norman: Thank you.
Stella: You mean the Teaching Mission is still going on around the world? It’s not dying out?
George/JarEl: It has never died. It may formulate into some other thing but no, it will never die. We are very confident that we can continue to move forward and reach as many people on this planet as we can, even if this group were to one day stop in its efforts to continue the Teaching Mission, there will be other ways for us to communicate with you. You cannot stop this.
Stella: Because I noticed some people take to the Teaching Mission and others simply cannot stand the thought of it.
George/JarEl: That is not evidence that it is dying. That is simply evidence that some have preconceived notions of what this Teaching Mission is all about. Those people were not part of the Teaching Mission in its inception. So because of them thinking in that manner does not mean that the Teaching Mission is losing members. But as I said, even if this group were to end, there will still be other ways to communicate with you.
Halbert: At the Celestial Nights Retreat, Stephanie Murray made a comment at one point that she was getting guidance along the lines that the channeling aspect of the Teaching Mission was winding down and it was time for everyone to appeal to their own thought adjusters and inner guidance. Do you have any comments about that?
George/JarEl: Yes it is true that we would like many of you to connect with yourselves, with your Thought Adjusters, but that has always been the potential for you, the Teaching Mission has always been and will always be a project to get you to that point and that state. However there are many who have not done this yet and so there is really a minimum of winding down and this winding down can literally mean hundreds of years. For you are not all ready and you have not all gotten there. We are here to help, we are here to guide you, we are here to get you to that state where you begin to awaken this age of light and life. It is evident that this age is not here yet.
And so, therefore, we remain here at your service for however long it may take. For some people our help has been of great service for them and they have made many strides to getting to where they need to be. But for others, it has been very difficult to achieve this level of transcendence, so therefore it is important that we remain doing what we are doing to ensure that there is a growth potential within the peoples of Urantia. At one point, this Teaching Mission will cease to exist, but that transition will be into something far greater, and, what that is, I cannot tell you at this moment, you will have to wait and see just as I have to wait and see. But I can assure you that I will continue to do my job, a job that I love, and a job that I am happy to do. So yes my friend, there may be a measure of winding down, but it will not altogether cease, not until you and I begin to see clear evidence of change on this planet.
Stella: When the Urantia Book was indicted was that a part of the Teaching Mission?
George/JarEl: No. The Urantia Book is a real effort to bring truth into this world. That is not to say our effort is not similar. What I am saying is that the Urantia Book is a Fifth Epochal Revelation, something that is sanctioned, something that is brought down from the top all the way from your planet. Just as Michael was brought down to your planet, and just as, Prince Caligastia and his 100 were brought down to your planet. The knowledge that we give you, even though it is being brought down in a form in which you must have faith, is not considered an epochal revelation because this sort of communication has been around since the first Thought Adjusters came to this planet. Although back then, it was more subtle communication. But the Urantia Book is distinct, it is concise, and there is much truth in it.
Joe and JarEl interaction: (personal).
JarEl: And that is all, goodnight.
All: Thank you.