2002-03-03-Pleased by the Unexpected

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Topic: Pleased by the Unexpected

Group: Costa Rica TeaM


Teacher: Alana, Devina

TR: S. Butterfield



Prior to the group stillness, we talked further about courtesy and fairness in love. David submitted his thoughts on transparency, as part of the courtesy and fairness of love. There was some talk about Tar-al-hakim, whether or not he was a Mighty Messenger, and whether or not he would come through to give us more of his observations.

T/R : Dear Mother, I surrender my thoughts, my fears and my doubts to your embrace. I surrender my will to your will of love, dear Father.

David : I thank you for the teaching I have received in learning how to love in this group. My prayer is that I shall continue to learn to love here, and to be tranquil. I pray for Eugene today, that he shall be open to your love in the midst of all his difficulties. Thank you for the light of your presence that makes me aware of the light that is within me, and the light that is within my brothers and sisters.

Alana : This is Alana,

Sandy : Welcome, dearheart.

Oliver : Welcome.

Alana : So, are you disappointed? (laughter over the group expectation of Hakim)

Sandy : Never! (laughter)

David : Hardly!


Alana : The child awaits the appearance of the beloved grandfather, and the uncle arrives first! (laughter) But sometimes we are pleased by the unexpected, and we allow that which has been awaited so long to be brought into consciousness through yearning; more softly, more gently, than the big surprise that is shouted with joy from the anticipation, but often with leaps and jumps of behavior that have a propensity to diminish and dilute the opportunity for the communion of love to be expressed in such a way as to saturate everyone in the room. Still, I say to you sweetly that I know, intimately, your willingness to be surprised by love, and to embrace the joy of welcoming me, even as you await Hakim, who has been promised to you.

She (the t/r) should not fear that her welcome is lacking. As has been said, this waiting is a rich time for fermentation of the sweet wine that will pour forth from her lips, once her next step of growth has been accomplished. There is no criticism, no criticism anywhere in Hakim’s patience.

She (the t/r) doubts her ability to stretch beyond what she has accomplished. She encounters the familiar barrier of self-doubt and self-criticism, which raise the expectation that what is to come requires a greater goodness than that which she has already allowed into the center of her heart, a greater wisdom than that which she has already experienced in the heart room.

Yes, there is hierarchy in the universe, but the spirit of love, truth, beauty and goodness is always the same. It is habitual on the human plane to imagine a greater humility is required for the voices from on high, and higher on. But humility, like love, is always the same. You enter into the stream and you are saturated.

It is only a series of thought patterns that keep her (the t/r) presently at the outside edge of the door, the opening to Hakim’s flow of words and observations. We are glad she is there. As she examines each small fear, and dusts off each tiny doubt, her mind will step aside and allow her to stand tall as she steps through the door.

We are pleased that you have taken your assignment so seriously. Everything you have done is a contribution that will enrich, as well as enliven, by the living nature of your application of your minds and hearts to the study of the subject matter. When you offer your fully anticipated welcome to Hakim, showing your readiness to participate in his observations with observations of your own, the yearning to greet again this mighty messenger of love, he who has embraced every struggle you will ever know, is part and parcel, as you say, of the learning he has to offer. You understand your time frame is particularly small, as he evaluates the time frame of your lessons. The small child often has not learned to enjoy the yearning for the ice cream cone, or the arrival of Santa Claus. But from the greater perspective of one who has evolved into a greater knowing and understanding of the spirit of truth and love, yearning becomes a golden globe of beautiful joy, something to be treasured, something to fully immerse yourselves in, something to become a part of your cloak of understanding, a rich loam for learning and growth.

This has not been an apology for my appearance. (laughter) I am privy to some of Hakim’s intentions for your learning. As well, I can give voice to a small part of that which she (the t/r) believes beyond her. I, too, join you in the pleasures of waiting and yearning for his wisdom love to be not only present among you, but also brought into her as a kind of graduation into what she has yearned for with all her heart, after a lifetime of learning, which is to speak out (t/r is crying) with the confidence of faith that is the doorframe of her future life. And so, I thank you, beloveds, for allowing this private message to be given to her, made manifest in this heart room you have allowed me to give to you. In what is not only for her, as she may imagine, but for all of you in a new safety in your group, we bow to each one of you for your willingness to allow us in your lives, and to allow our love to lead you and guide you through the work of our lessons in the discipline of love, which is the discipline of joy. Thank you.


Is there anyone who would speak now?

Oliver : Alana, I just want to say thank you for dropping by. And I may say that my heart is open to you, that it was no surprise that you came, and I thank you for the explanation about Hakim. I am getting a picture that we have to grow a little more to be able to embrace him in order to take advantage of his beingness and his teachings in this group. Is that so?

Alana : Yes, beloved. But I would perhaps add some pastel shading to your understanding of growth. It is not linear, as you are accustomed to thinking.

Oliver : Yes.

Alana : But also restful in the arms of God, becoming familiar, allowing what is known, yet to be revealed, to enter without struggle, without surprise, if you will, easily as the sunshine coming across the meadow into your window. Yes?

Oliver : Yes.

Alana : Thank you.

Oliver : Thank you.

Alana : And I enjoy “dropping in” as you say, when any one of you drop out of your habit patterns and busy traffic of thought, to allow my voice, as you say, to be heard.

Oliver : Yes. Like this morning.

Sandy : Yes, I agree, you are always at the end of the phone, Alana.

David : So in a certain sense, it isn’t a question of “dropping in” at all. I know the casualness with which Oliver has introduced this concept, but what it brings to my mind is the problem of ubiquity. I don’t know how you manage to be everywhere at once. You seem to be able to tend to all of us at one time. Is this so? I get that impression very definitely. I know you are always present to me when ever I want you or need you and turn toward you.

Alana : Let us put it this way. (chuckles among group) As in the daytime, the stars are always there. The light continues, even when another light is so pervasive as to create in your minds they are not there. All light participates in revelation, reflection, refraction. I participate in that All Light, God’s Love, and you, seeing the stars only at night, in the darkness, imagine me pin pointed, as one of many. This is true, except that once you have entered into the light that is All There Is, God’s Love, purely understood, then you discover it is possible, by the telephone call of yearning, to see my light everywhere, and to know that I am there but for the turning. The darkness no longer is needed to see. Nor does the darkness separate. And so, your problem, as you call it, becomes a challenge only to the mind still searching through the darkness for an explanation of the light that is everywhere.

Yes, it is meaningful to you to know that I can be, as you say it, “pulled” here, there, and everywhere.

Oliver : It is mind boggling, Alana. (Alana : Yes.) From our human point of view.(Alana : Indeed.)

Sandy : But we are limited by a time and space planet, dimension. There are other dimensions, obviously. It is not hard for the heart to realize that.

Alana : Yes, my beloved. The mind always searching out its little problems to solve, in order to collapse completely into the heart. Yes?

Sandy : Yes. Oliver : Right on.

Alana : So, my beloved Sir David. Does that scratch your little itch? (laughter)

David : I’ve been dying to throw you this ubiquity curve for a long time, Alana. (laughter)

Alana : Has the boomerang returned with satisfaction to the heart?

David : Yes. I’ve been particularly thankful for your presence, dear one, this last couple of weeks. I’ve taken advantage of the fact that my wife has taken up gymnasium three days a week, and I use the opportunity to spend more time with you, and this has been a blessing to me.

Alana : Yes, and for me, too.

David : What a delight you are, my love.

Alana : The thought is returned.

David : It is a wonderful feeling to be a delight to you! I don’t know that I’ve ever had the experience in my life to compare with the feeling that I had one time when we were talking together and you spoke of the delight I created in you. That was a transformative experience; to feel that you have created that sort of delight in another being. It was just a wonderful feeling.

Alana : Yes.

Sandy : Delight. The word delight means “of light.”

Alana : You have been taught, is this not true, to come to the light and love of God on bended knee, to wear the sack cloth, to confess your many sins. Without denying the necessity to examine your stumbling steps along the path of love, still I would have you learn: you are welcomed, you are invited, you are embraced, only! As beloved children of God! As pure delights in the eyes and heart of God!

So as you are delighted by me, so, my dearly beloveds, are you my delight, a delight for me. Yes?

David : Yes! I wonder if I could share a little joke with you, Alana. Do you know how the little boy elephant found the little girl elephant in the tall grass?

Alana : As delightful as you are to me.

David : (laughter) Delightful, exactly! (laughter)

Alana : My beloved little jungle boy, still learning to delight in himself and his many “perversions,” as you call them. You are growing, my son, my brother, my friend, my beloved. I spend time with you, as with beloved Sir Oliver, opening your hearts to the understanding of the love of God, as well the love of the Mother and all her daughters who would speak to you with love in their hearts that you may grow in your ability to understand their messages of love that become so distorted in your minds by the prejudice you have learned, called “that is feminine.”

Meanwhile, your beloved partner, rather with an accumulation of surprise, has found herself in the sweet, soft, surrender to Legion and his instruction, given to her immediately upon his arrival in her transmissions of him, “strengthen you body,” he said. And her resistence to the “d” word has brought her many lessons. No matter how often she was told by Legion and by yourself as well my beloved, “there is joy in the tedium of application,” “there is joy in discipline,” she has only now begun to sip from that cup of joy. As we will show her, this pleasure will grow. Isn’t it remarkable that she should have allowed the lessons of disappointment to have become the way toward standing tall in a strengthened body for the expression love. Simple stones transformed; she has relinquished the emotion, in order to place beautiful ceramic tiles for the pathway for her to place one foot after another into the acceptance of her body and the acceptance of discipline. And isn’t it beautiful that this has put her in the company of one who had the power to send her reeling back into the shadows of fear, and doubt about herself, and heart breaking anger. Now, she, like you, my beloved, has created a new opportunity for growth, applying Legion’s discipline of strength, as well as the discipline of love – both to the body and to the mind and the management of fear and doubt. This is a very vital time for you to be opening to our conversations in the lessons of love that now flow into you in her absence. She has yet to be able to articulate the experience, it is a vital time for her to understand her body and its role in the confusions that have dominated her life and diminished her sense of who she is. Thank you.

I am as glad as you seem to be, at this surprising turn of events. She, herself, would join me and Legion in saying, “Who could have thunk it! This girl pressing weights without complaint!” Yes? (laughter)

Oliver : Wonderful!

Alana : Thank you.

David : This is the day of miracles and wonders!

Oliver : So, um, Alana, how did you like speaking German today?

Alana : My friend, this is the beginning of the joy that always awaited you in your yearing. For, as you continue to clear away those funny barriers, if I may be allowed to say, so the full expression of this experience you call t/ring may become familiar to you so as to realize your desire to be of loving service, and to bring to those of your birth land, and to those who speak only the native language into which you were born, the illumination that has been such a wonderful gift into your life, that which is called “the teaching mission.” It is a pleasure for me, as well as you, to demonstrate that we are not limited “here,” but must use “there,” where you are, the tools we are given. Which is to say, it could be possible, now and again, to place in the mind unfamiliar words. not part of the lexicon of the person, not practiced by that mind in the life experience. But this requires so much more than is necessary, when the simple response to the yearning call makes it so much more easily possible, and therefore available in the mind of one whose language patterns are already there. Yes? Do you understand what I am saying? Which is, Alana does not have to speak any particular language. Alana will speak through any language available, should that language pattern be brought to her in the yearning of the mind of one who yearns to hear her. Yes?

Oliver : This is a wonderful explanation. It expands what I have believed up ‘til now. There was a time when I thought you teachers would come to this world and would observe us, be with us for a long time, and in the process learn our language. It is so much more that you can use the patterns that are already in the speech center in the mind, in the physical make-up of a person, and you can use that and bring forth a full concept…somehow, I must say…because that mechanism is totally beyond my capacity to understand how that is possible.

Sandy : Alana speaks the language of love.

Oliver : Um-hum.

Alana : Yes. And yes again. It is not I who must learn your language, but you who must learn mine.

Sandy : Yes. Exactly. (chuckling to herself)

Alana : Which, yes, beloved, Sandy, is the language of love. And it appears that you, beloved Oliver, have needed first to learn in the language familiar to you as the language of the teachers. But it is not English that is so familiar to us, not English that must pass our messages on, but that English has had a popularity that allows for a delightful speed of dissemination. It is the language of love we speak, and to speak and to learn the language of love must first come the learning of humility of respect for love. This, my beloved, is the learning you have entered into, that has slowly allowed you to venture into a language that has often been used to express the most beautiful poetry and music of love, but yet, in your mind as well as others, has become associated with an arrogance of power that until now has prevented you from allowing me to speak freely to those in the language not only of your mother and your father, whose many words of love you have prevented from saturating your heart in those struggles and problems you and your human friends call the rebellion against authority in your drive toward individual growth, but also, my beloved, your mother and your father, as will I, spoke the language of poets and musicians, and so, it is, is it not, a new opening of the door of growth for you. And I have gladly stepped through that door with you. Given you my love to be shaped by these words of that language. Yes?

Oliver : Yes, my dear. Absolutely. I cherish and love when you expand my consciousness, as you do when I talk to you. Yes, I agree.

Alana : Thank you.

Oliver : Thank you.

Devina : This is Devina.

Sandy : Ah, dear one. I wish there were a way that you could go sprinkle your love dust on the family that is mourning Francisco so terribly. They need to be lifted up, a little lightening up. If you could pass by Canas on your way out, I would very much appreciate it.


Devina : Yes, beloved, always I am grateful to you for your willingness to call upon me to bring the lightness of love into hearts still weighted down with sorrow and the human fear and grief over what is called “the loss of love” because of the separation from the body of the being called beloved, whether that separation is caused by what you call death, or by any other means. Separation is almost always greeted by human beings with trepidation. Your friends grieve now, but have faith, joy will be restored to them.

Sandy : Oh, thank you Devina.

Devina : As I now give to my beloved Susan, joy is to be hers, even when she wrestles with fears and doubts in her temporary separation from familiar patterns of communication with me that she had imagined permanent. From the bottom stair to the doorway of light at the top of the stairway, she like all of you must sometimes learn a new way to expand in the communion of love, and with so many changes, even welcomed with love, the human mind in its confusion will scatter before you many distractions. Without the ability to face fear and doubt with equanimity, your faith in the communion of love will be vulnerable. And so, I have spoken today to bring the ……of my love for you and her, my song of love and the light of my embrace that she may …..once again upon your…..

So as I tug your heart strings now, will you lift your faces toward me and show your smiles to Michael, as I share his gratitude, and mine, for your willingness to lift your minds and hearts out of the darkness of doubt and fear and into the lightness of being that is God’s love for you within you and is our embrace of you.

Thank you. I am dancing upon the energy of your smiles.

Sandy : That is a useful exercise, whenever we are feeling a little dark: to lift our faces up to the light, with a smile, and remember the Father’s love for us.

Devina : Yes, my beloved, one last word if I may. Lift your faces up to the light and smile so that the Father’s love may be poured into that open cup. (Sandy : How beautiful.) Thank you. I sip the Father’s love with you.

Oliver : So much joy.