2002-03-15-Personal Teacher Presentations

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Topic: Personal Teacher Presentations

Group: Pocatello TeaM


Teacher: Daniel, Altern, Loretta, Klarixiska, Larenzo, Alkon

TR: Virginia, Bill K.



Altern(Virginia): Just as art is a gift of the Spirit, so is life itself. We thank You, Heavenly Father, that we can learn to appreciate truth, beauty, and goodness as mortals on this plane and as morontial beings that have found that truth, beauty, and goodness is what continues, what is real, what is You. We thank you. Amen.

Daniel: My friends, I am here. I am your teacher, Daniel. I am amused with you. You are like children at a party who are expecting the appearance of a special guest. Some are saying, "It will be a clown." Others are saying, "It will be somebody with a dog and pony show". Still others are saying, "It will be a queen with a crown on her head". And you all are excited. Who will it be this evening? So we are amused, for it is just us, your good buddies, your teachers, your counselors, your companions, your brothers and sisters. Indeed, are we present. I will confirm that the watchdog perceives our presence. This is not amiss. [Ed. Note: The family dog always starts barking just before the TR session at this particular residence and has to be confined in a bedroom. This happens repeatedly.]

I thank you for your serious and thoughtful discussion of inner peace, inasmuch as this concept is very fundamental in terms of spiritual growth. I thank you that you have meditated on it and discussed it as you have this evening. I did not permit any discussion last week for the purpose of not diluting the effect of the presentation. But this evening we are open to your input. I will put it to you: would you like to have your personal teachers present commentary or would you prefer a main speaker on one topic? Please let me know. Let’s go around the table and each of you respond. [Editor’s note: It was unanimous for personal teacher presentations.]

Very well, we are very comfortable with this and your teachers are pleased. Therefore, since I am no one’s personal teacher in this group, I will hand over the microphone to my colleagues. One moment, please.


Loretta(Bill): I am Loretta. Good evening!

Group: Good evening.

Loretta: Indeed, are we pleased that you felt our desires and that they coincided with yours so that we can socialize with you in this way. You are like the knights of the round table [Ed. Note: The group was seated around a dining room table] because you have a sense of your own worth which is higher than the average individual on this planet, and therefor I liken you to knights, for they had a high sense of self worth. You also like the knights because you regard each one as equal to you. You recognize each other’s essential divinity presence, and you treat each other with grace and equity. I do not wish to get off on another subject, but I wish to emphasize that your fellowship is a ring of power, spiritual power. When you hold hands you close the circuit that flows through you in this group.

The knights at the round table made great decisions, according to folklore. You people are making very important decisions. Unlike folklore this is not make believe. This is for real. Cherish your times together, my friends. They are but a foretaste of what it is like in this universe ascension experience. We work in groups. We almost never work alone. Only the Solitary Messengers are really constituted to function by themselves. All other creatures of the universe work better when they are in dyads or groups. So, my friends, there are other knights here at this table that you can’t see. Be aware of their presence and know that this is, indeed, a royal experience, for we are all sons and daughters of the great King of Heaven.

My special greetings to you, my dear. Your progress has been stimulating and satisfying. You have made a great leap forward in the last year and it is demonstrated by that inner peace which you radiate. I am privileged to work with you. This TR apologizes that he cannot use your spiritual name, but know that my words are addressed to you, Pat, and I would prefer to call you by your spiritual name. So, in your mind, hear it as such. I have completed my words. Thank you.

Pat: Thank you, Loretta.

Klarixiska(Bill): This is Klarixiska.. Hello to you all. We are delighted to be here, that is, here in more than morontial sense, for you can experience our presence when we are able to communicate verbally as we are doing tonight. I will follow Loretta’s picture with the emphasis on the shape of the table.

The shape of human groupings speaks volumes about their relationships to each other. For example, on a long narrow table with seats on both sides and one seat at each end, the message is that the seats on the ends have much greater authority and weight than the seats facing each other. Your table is a variation of round. This indicates that you are all equal. That the circle pushes to the center and rises indicates that the authority, the source of your reality, is from above, is from Paradise itself. At the same time, through your hands as they are held and positioned on the table, they are like the spokes of a wheel. They speak to the fact that each of you has that Presence and Fragment of God. The spokes of the wheel connect to the shaft which rises, indicative of its origin at the very Center of all things.

Now consider this. You have been knighted by Christ Michael. You have accepted this knighting as your apostle status. It is not for the purpose of you ruling over others, however. There the picture could be misleading except that knights were to do acts of mercy and rescue people in need. That interpretation of the picture is accurate. No, you are not going to slay dragons. But you are, indeed, light bearers; and the light you bear is that peace within.

My dear Virginia, we commune very well. Your TRing ability is equal to your spouse. I would enjoy a little more opportunity to be vocalized by your choice. However, it is your choice, always, if you so desire. Progress, not perfection, has been a discussion we have had many times. To all of you let this be forever clear. All you can do in planetary life is make progress. Never do we reach perfection in its completeness until we are on Paradise. But there are aspects of perfection which are attainable before. What you should all realize is that you can work on perfecting your desire to know God and to be like Him and this should be your goal. This cannot mean that you are beyond the reach of mortal mistakes. Even the morontia career has imperfection characteristics. So, relax and enjoy your lives, for it only gets better. Thanks for listening.

Virginia: Thank you Klarixiska. I’m sure, because I have given you permission to read my mind, that you know this. But it is just so much easier to journal your inspiration to me, and it is less responsible than to speak it in a group. It is much more difficult to believe I am saying something that is for everyone. So I appreciate very much what you said tonight. I love hearing from you when I take the time. It’s not that I won’t work on it. But you have told me many times that fear is my big obstacle. And I’m afraid that somebody might really believe it (laughter), my group TR-ing.

Klarixiska: Thank you, my dear. I say this for all of your benefits. Every TR has that fear; unless they are possessed of large ego, in which case they figure the world needs to hear what they have to say. Better to have a certain cautionary fear, but not to the extent that it stops up your mouth. It is best to lose that fear and trust that what comes through you in a group has as much truth value as what your hands write. Again, however, it is completely up to the individual as to whether or not they want to face the fearful dragon of self doubt and ego worry and slay it with the sword of love, or whether they prefer to go about living in comfortable tunnels and not going on adventures to challenge their fears.

Virginia: You know me too well, Klarixiska. (Laughter)

Klarixiska: My words are not intended for you alone. They are a generalized truth. My time has now been exceeded, I have been told. But we are joking with each other. There is no problem. One moment, please.

Larenzo(Bill): Good evening, my friends, I am Larenzo.

Group: Good evening, Larenzo.

Larenzo: We are having a marvelous time! By "we" I am referring to we personal teachers. You see, you really have older brothers and older sisters, what ever your family constellation may be. Yes, we are those. We truly regard you with the same degree of fondness and pride and pleasure that you experience when you look upon your grandchildren, your children, or other people’s children or grandchildren. We see no cause to scold you, to point out your inadequacies, to shame you, nothing of that sort at all. What we look at is your earnest desire to grow spiritually, intellectually, socially, and ethically. We, also, observe your progress with great pleasure.

I cannot explain to you how different mortal life is on normally ordered worlds. Although there is a lot that is the same, nevertheless the reign of negativity on this planet, the rebellion, the anti-social attitudes,.. all of these are the result of the Caligastia betrayal and the Adamic default. Adam is not to blame for the anti-social attitudes. He and Eve are responsible for the impatience that they modeled in their short circuited decision. But most of the problems of this world have their origin in the rebellion. Much of what you struggle with is this legacy that permeates all cultures, so that the clear thinking of the peacemakers, who speak of the possibility of another kind of world not based on anger, vengeance, distrust and rebellion is considered an illusion. In fact, their words are in conformity with the universe at large.

Knowing the source of these troubles has some value because it can lift the veil of shame and guilt from you. You realize that it really isn’t your fault, these negative patterns that you have within you, which you are being asked by all teachers to exhume, uncover, so that you can really see them for what they are. Then you can transcend them. The problem still is that they are within you, even though their origin lies outside of you. Be done with the shame. Be done with the guilt. Be generous with yourselves. Look upon yourselves like we do, as children who are eager to live, learn, and grow. That is what we see.

Kenneth, to you, my friend, my fondest greetings!

Ken: And mine to you, as well.

Larenzo: You know that you hear me, not always fully consciously. I encourage you to continue your journal, and also to consider bringing some of that as a sample when you are ready to share. Well, I hope my words have encouraged you.

Ken: They have. They do, and they will.

Larenzo: Again, we are so pleased to be here. I will now give way to Alkon.

Alkon(Bill): This is Alkon, Bill’s teacher. Your grouping reminds me of another picture. You are like a small orchestra. Each of you has your instrument that you play with great skill. Each of your notes are part of the fabric of the music. If your note was missing, the sound would be diminished. Sometimes you are a solo part, sometimes a trio, sometimes a quartet, quintet, septet, etc. At times we hear the full orchestra. At the same time as you are playing your part you are under the direction of the Great Conductor, God Himself as He speaks to each of you through your own minds and your own Indwelling Thought Controller/Adjuster. Because you are under one Conductor, your music is harmonious and in correct rhythm.

What does this picture say? First, that you are all different in your abilities and talents which are expressions of your unique personalities.. At the same time, your goals are the same, to play the music and to play it with joy, with pleasure, with seriousness and with lightheartedness, as well. Now that the sound of its beauty is being heard, the universe is aware that Urantia has awakened, along with the other rebellion planets, and the music is beginning to rise into the spheres beyond the borders of your planet. Michael’s birthplace shall be the crown jewel of Nebadon.

As you might have guessed, I am a Celestial Musician. Therefor, I chose this comparison because it is my greatest love. But it is not a fallacious comparison. It is true. Your music is the music of your soul. It is the harmony of your morontia convergence, for you are operating on a morontia level, not merely the mortal level. Well, my friends, good music requires practice. (Laughter) Practice is what you all are attempting to do. Make it fruitful practice. Don’t exhaust yourselves by playing your music for eight hours one day and then forgetting the sounds for the next six. Spread it out. Take it day by day and then when you come together we can hear a rehearsal, even as we have tonight. Thank you. I have enjoyed being with you. Good evening.

Altern(Bill): I am Altern. It’s getting difficult to find words to follow the eloquence of my brothers and sisters, so I won’t attempt to be more eloquent.

Group: No competition.

Altern: Yes, that is correct. There is no competition.

I am pleased that art is present among you in your talents for then it makes it possible for those of us who are Celestial Artisans to be your companions. It is not accidental that we teachers have paired up with you according to these differentiations of talent as we are able to be enhancers of your native abilities in this manner. You might wonder why we don’t pair up with people that don’t have those talents so we could teach them things that they haven’t learned. However, all learning is based on original endowment at the base, so that it is necessary to have more than just a passing interest in a subject for learning to be effective.

Do not construe my words to say that a lack of interest indicates a lack of ability, for that is not necessarily the case. Many abilities lie dormant awaiting the spark which will set fire to their tinder. Fear of failure, fear of hard work and fear of the opinion of others has prevented many people from discovery of talents that lay buried beneath their consciousness. So we teachers are paired up according to your manifest abilities. But there are others, including the guardian Seraphim, who arrange circumstances in such a way that someone carrying an instrument that emits sparks can come in contact with unsuspecting nests of dry tinder in the souls and minds of other mortals and therefor there are occasions, serendipitous in appearance, that lead to the ignition of a flame of passion in a new area of talent and interest.

Crucial, though, is the individual. For nothing happens to you or us without your consent; that is, nothing creative happens to you without your consent. To be creative is innate in personality. It is your heritage as sons and daughters of God. So, look around for that spark bearer that may come into your life and touch you where you least expect, to create a fire of interest where you had no inkling of possibility. I now give the microphone to the last speaker.

Unidentified speaker(Bill): Hello, my friends. I am the last speaker, and I remain unidentified.(laughter and comment: Isn’t that cruel!) But you have guessed correctly. I am LaReen/Ineria’s personal teacher. I am one of two teachers that she has. I am female, the other teacher is my partner. We are not intending to cause you grief, my dear, by playing a fast and loose game of hide and seek. We want you to keep working and listening.

The more important thing than getting hung up on our names, is the fact that we are your teachers. We have our specialities which differ between the two of us. You have had a lot of adverse difficulties in your short life and you merit all the help that you can desire. Your physical limitations are not punishment. They are a challenge, yes, but they are not indicative of a lack of love. They are like the physical limitations of your brother Paul of Tarsus in that they can teach you that what you cannot do on your own, with God’s help your strength will be sufficient to accomplish.

You all have very high regard for us, your teachers. We appreciate that, not because it feeds our egos, but because it makes you good learners. What we want you to understand is that you are also teachers and other people have very high regard for you, even as you have for us. Lay down your defenses. Let Spirit in, in the sense that you can stop wasting energy on worry, on fear, on self criticism. Enjoy your achievements and give yourself credit for your accomplishments. Pat yourself of the back, just as you would a small child who is progressing physically or mentally. Be your own best friend instead of your own worst enemy. We give you permission. We tell you, that is the way God wants it! There is no doubt about that. It is not God’s will that you cower in fear, guilt, shyness, etc. None of you is guilty of excessive ego. That is not your problem.


Well, once again, thank you for allowing me to offer my little words of encouragement. Now, Daniel wishes to bring this meeting to a conclusion. One moment, please.

Daniel(Bill): Please take each others’ hands and let us pray.

As we hold each others hands with comfort and pleasure, we thank You, First Source and Center, that You hold Your hand in each of ours, that it is Your nature to give of Yourself: to create, to sustain, and to bring Your reality into existence in many levels of universe expression. We thank You that You deemed it appropriate and pleasurable to share Your personality with us, so that we truly are Your sons and daughters and therefor, brothers and sisters. We thank You for life eternal and the pleasure and prospects of our taking part in the never ending expansion of universe reality. Help us to remove all barriers to growth and to welcome Your great love with wide open arms and to embrace each other with those same arms. Even so, we would follow in the way of Christ Michael, our universe Father/Brother/Creator, and His consort, Nebadonia, to Whom be honor and praise. Amen.

Group: Amen!