2015-01-10-Practice Your Listening Skills

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Topic: Practice Your Listening Skills

Group: 11:11 Progress Group


Teacher: Thought Adjuster

TR: Anyas



Thought Adjuster: “Dear child, to be able to engage consciously in the give-and-take involved in a personal relationship is amazing. Intentional communication, conscious listening from both sides, is what allows one to get to know the inner depth of one’s partner in communication. Engaging in communication is an intentional act followed by the action of listening and responding. Just as it is important in human communications to allow adequate time for the interlocutor to fully express what he/she has to say, without interrupting, so it is in any relationship, including the one with the Divine.

“How much are you missing out when your mind quickly jumps to the next topic without allowing the first topic to be completely fleshed out. As you are practicing daily, you are starting to notice that your Inner Voice is getting more and more space for self-expression and that you greatly benefit from this input. This is what allows Me, your Divine Presence, to truly step into your life and to become your Thought Controller as you let go of your inner agenda to lead the conversation.

“What a joy it is for Me when my beloved student can finally hear my voice and become conscious of my leadings and the leadings of Spirit. Christ Michael and Mother Nebadonia are included in this beautiful morning exchange and their Presence will become more and more real and tangible into your life.

“You will start to understand that we are not the Silent Partners that you thought we were. We do have our own Voice that you will become more and more able to hear loud and clear as you quiet down your mind so that you can perceive our whispers in the Stillness. An agitated mind first needs to be quieted as it is not receptive, being overloaded by its own busy energies. This is why you need to first make time to calm it down, to relax it.


“Keep at it, dear one. You are on the right track and I sense that you do perceive your own progress. I feel your ever-growing gratitude and it is honey to my heart. Imagine what can develop from cultivating your conversational skills! My love is with you, ALWAYS – truly, as we are destined to be eternal partners and become One.”